Scp-106 x half wolf reader part 2

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Requested by Wolfina672

Y/n was currently sitting on Lawrence's lap he was play with her hair. She had been trying to convince him to let her go back to the fondation but he still hasn't let her go.

He would occasionally mess with her tail which would get her embarrassed and flustered.

"Pourquoi voulez-vous y retourner si mal?"

(Why do you want to go back there so badly)

"Parce que je veux voir mes amis et j'ai du travail à faire!"

(Because I want to see my friends and I have work to do!)

He mumbled something under his breath and he started playing with your tail. You moaned and trying to get away.

"Très bien, mais vous devez revenir tous les jours!"

(Fine but you have to come back every day!)

You nodded and he showed you how to leave.

Your were questioned on what happened and they were forced to let you come back every day fearing that he might cause a breach worse then he has in the past.

When you came back he brought you back and kissed you. You were surprised and slowly kissed back. He smiled at you happily.

He hugged you and cuddled.

*time skip to next week*

Lawrence was feeling particularly needy that day and he was angry that you were still gone. He walked around in his dark abyss when he heard a voice call his name.

'Finally' he thought

He came out and brought you into his pocket dimension. He kissed you and you kissed back. You pulled away from him which made him mad.

He grabbed your tail when you turned around. You were shocked and blushing intensely.

He started rubbing it and you started to get into heat. He kissed your neck as you moaned.

"Lawrence~aAhh~ w-hat are you doi-ing?!"

He didn't say anything and continued what he was doing. He then chuckled darkly leaving you on the ground with your mouth open. You were blushing madly as saliva was pouring from your mouth.

'Did he really just do that'

You were shocked that he grabbed your tail out of nowhere and started rubbing it. He knew you were sensitive there and yet he did it anyway.

You got up and whipped the saliva dripping from your chin. He came over and hugged you from behind.

"What was that for!?"

He shrugged and took you over to his throne and snuggled you. He fell asleep shortly after.

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