Yandere SCP-106 x Fem!reader

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Welp here we go again

Includes: sexual actions

Background info

You've been here for 4 weeks today was supposed to be your last day so they decided to hand you over to Lawrence(106).

You woke up followed the guards to the cafeteria. You ate and went to a containment cell like always.

Once you made it to Lawrence's you read his profile before you were thrown in. Lawrence look at the d-class thrown in for some reason he didn't want to kill or more importantly the ROT didn't. He stared at the girl curiously.

He wanted to know why you made him feel this way. Why he wanted to hold you close and love you. Wait! That's it he's fallen in love with you hasn't he?! You already make him feel different emotions already he doesn't feel lonely anymore he feels happy? He likes this feeling he needs it and he won't let you leave him. You're HIS and HIS only.

"Ugh rude" you said as you got up.

You looked around only to be meet by darkness. There was light that brightened up the room but the corners were dark.

'sa voix est belle'(her voice is beautiful)

(Its supposed to be French sorry if it's wrong I used Google translate (,,Ծ‸Ծ,,) ]

You suddenly felt some hug your waist. You tensed up immediately. You knew if he touched you it would burn but it isn't doing anything much to you and scientist's surprise.

"Surprised l'amour" (love)

"Shouldn't I be dead"

"Hehe nope you're blood has the same properties as SCP-714~ so you're MINE now whether you like it or not."

Before you or the scientist could say anything he pulled you into his pocket dimension.

You groggily got up and started to look for an exit. When you made it to a throne room. On the throne sat Lawrence.


So you did.

Then he started walking towards you.

He pulled you up then he picked you up bridle style.

He sat back down and put you on his lap but had you facing him.

He KISSED you and used his tongue to ask permission.

Which you denied.

He growled then smirked as he squeezed your butt causing you took gasp as he explored your wet cavern. Licking your teeth. He pulled away and looked at you.

"You're MINE and if you ever try to get away you will be punished understood!"

You nodded.

"Grr say it!"


"Yes who?!"

Although you knew what he wanted you to say you were still embarrassed and said.

"Yes Master" you squeaked blushing slightly

His hands made there way to your neck.

"wrong answer dearie~ I'll give you a second chance what's my name~"

"Yes d-daddy" your blush increased

"Good girl~"

He kissed you again and told you that it's time for bed...

It got heated...


Well there goes my creative

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