Florges x obvious male reader

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I tried my best also I'm not to comfortable with lemons so I tried

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I tried my best also I'm not to comfortable with lemons so I tried. Also sorry it's so short.
You were currently with your pokemon florges. You had noticed a strange behavior coming from her. She would expose more skin every once in awhile causing you to worry that she might get a cold.

You also noticed that she really liked hugging, you but thought nothing of it.

In reality florges had a huge crush on you and whenever she'd expose skin by stuffing your face in her boobs thanks to your height deference. Everytime she tried seducing you it would always end in failure.

When she tried flirting he thought that she was cheering him up at this point she was getting mad.

It was getting to the time of year where she would get in heat meaning she needs to do something and fast.

Although he was a complete idiot when it comes to love he was a genius when it came to pokemon. That's what she loved about him and his cute and childish side although it can get annoying.

The heat had gotten worse and she was starting to lose control. The lust caught up to her and now there was no turning back.

You were in your house when all of a sudden florges started kissing you causing you to be in shock due to the pleasure.

You felt your self get a boner as she stripped both of your clothes off. She was shocked that you were so huge for someone so small.

She immediately started giving you blow job and started sucking hard on your member. You moaned loudly and looked at her. You were in pure bliss. After you released she licked up your delicious juices.

She then used her boobs to give you a boob job.

You moaned in pleasure still in shock of what your pokemon was doing. You relized pretty fast that she didn't care whether you wanted this or not she was going to do this to you anyway.

After many releases she started riding you. This was better than anything you've ever felt. You realized what was really happening during those times that she was doing weird things and you mentally face plamed at your stupidity.

She mashed your lips together and due to your moaning she was easily able to slip her tongue in your mouth. She was happy that she finally got what she's been wanting for so long.

She wrapped her body around you making it impossible for you to escape. After the long kiss you fell asleep due to exhaustion and extreme pleasure. You unconsciously sucked on her...and she continued to fuck you all night long.

The next day you woke up sore with no memory at all of what happened last night. You suddenly felt pleasure and looked down to see the still lust filled florges sucking you dry.

You moaned for florges to give you a break which she unwillingly did. You could barely stand as you limped your way to the bathroom you grabbed florges with you.

You turned on the shower and rested your head on her shoulder. You washed all the cum off both of you. You got out of the shower feeling better and changed into clothes much to florges's protest.

You made some breakfast and you both ate. Then florges lust got the best in her and you had to suffer(?) Another long night.

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