Contest story

515 12 71

Welp have fun guessing. These are really obvious though so it won't be hard.

Y/n was walking through the forest he was having a jolly time when he noticed something odd.

He noticed this big heavily guarded building that said pcs or something like that he shrugged and went through the random portal that came out of nowhere.

He walked through it to find theses weird animatronics.

when he went outside he saw these weird people that looked like countrys.

He walked around to notice a school it didn't look like a normal school so he walked away.

Then he noticed this big hat like building it was heavily guarded so he ran to the next portal he saw.

He jumped in to see he was in a battle field they're was a red and blue team. Before they could kill him a new portal open up under him.

He noticed he was underground he walked and noticed a talking flower. Then all of a sudden he was pulled into a portal.

Now he was in city where heroes and villains were attacking each other. Again he was pushed into a portal that took him to a place kinda like the one before.

There was a bat that looked like a man fighting people he also noticed a spider like man swinging from building to building.

He tripped and noticed he was in a new world. It looked really blocky.

Then he entered a new portal to notice he was in a lake place he saw a man with a machete attacking a man with a claw.

He walked farther to see a boy with magical powers walking around with gem like people. He shrugged he's seen weirder.

He also noticed a female walking around with a dog named celestia.

He walked around more to notice he was near a youtuber convention. He saw a man with a pick mustache on and another man with green hair and a slit throat.

He saw a man for a camera for a face and another man with green hair that had a little pea with a leaf and a face.

Then he saw a jester and a guy with a red jacket. He then noticed two animators one looked white and the other had brown hair.

He then saw a female stalking a boy with black hair he shrugged and continued walking.

He finally made it home thinking about his adventures.

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