Yandere scp-682 x reader part 2

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How do you like this so far?

The scientist sighed and told a guard to come get you.

You growled due to the fact that they woke you up. You knew that it hasn't been a full day and it's not like it's easy to sleep on the brick of a bed.

"Scp-682 requested to see you now hurry up before he breaches containment and innocent people die."

You wondered why he wanted to see you didn't he hate all humans?

You got to the cell and again you were given a microphone.

You went into the room and saw him looking at you contently.

You rubbed your eyes tiredly and to support the fact that your tired you yawned.

"You wanted to see me?" You asked him exhaustedly with a hint of confusion.

He nodded and went over to you. This caused you to back up but this time he wasn't having it. He growled and used his tail to bring you closer to him.

He used his snout to nuzzled you but luckily for you he knew to be careful so he doesn't hurt you.

He sniffed in the sweet smell that you had around you. Only now he relized you were his mate which is why you had the sweet smell and why he wanted to be next to you every moment of the day.

You whimper thinking he was going to hurt you.

"I love you mate"

Your eyes widened first off did he say MATE?! Second off he said he loves you.

"M-mate?!" You said blushing slightly.

He hummed while nuzzling you more.

"Yes you are my mate"

The scientist was stunned a human was his mate how ironic.

"And your staying in here with me whether you like it or not"

You looked at him surprised and slightly angry but sighed knowing that they're was no point in arguing with beast he was your mate after all.

"Ugh fine but I still have to leave every once in a while to use the restroom."


"You two do know we can just terminated y/n right? And I didn't give permission for her to live with you"

Both you and scp-682 rolled your eyes.

"If you lay a hand on my mate I will tear you to shreds and I don't need permission for her to live with me unless you want a constant breach from me. It's my duty to keep my mate safe"

The scientist groaned but knew he was right this was better than constant breaches though he'll have to go to the 05 council about this.

You on the other had worried that you'd never be able to see jack again maybe you could convince scp-682 to let you?

You didn't really know what you did know is that your tired. You climbed on him and layed on his back snuggling into him.(idk if he has fur or not)

You fell asleep pretty fast due to how tired you where.

He smiled insanely seeing you were his and only his. Heck you didn't even try to fight back and now you were smiling and sleeping on his back.

He decided it was time for him to go to sleep as well.

He loved his mate and his mate loved him.
This didn't go exactly as I planned because I didn't want it to be one of those yanderes that fell in love at first sight but I figured because I made it where your his mate now I have to do something like this so yeah.

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