He knows now.

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            A whole week passed and I managed to survive being Brent’s partner. Oddly enough he never noticed me in geometry. But in Chemistry he always bugged me. Mostly for the answers. Anyways today was Club Rush. I was ready to accept as many people that I can. Mostly 20 or more.

            “Excited for Club Rush guys?” I say as I go to our usual hang out in the morning before class.

            “Oh that’s right that’s today huh?” Janis said sarcastically.

            “Yes Jan that is today. And I can count on you signing up for my club?” I say promoting, again.

            “Mmmmm… I don’t know Hopieloo. Will there be room? You know with only five people already in the club. I don’t know if I will make it.” Janis said more sarcastically.

            “Okay Janis. Laugh all you want, but when my club gets full and you don’t make it, don’t say you weren’t warned.”

            “Yeeeeaaaah okay Hopieloo, like that would actually happen. Hahaha! You know the music and the leadership clubs always win the most people”

            “Okay Jan, one, I appreciate the nickname “Hopieloo” wherever that came from, but I’ll stick with Hope. And two, don’t be a buzzkill. Not today.

            “Hahaha! Fine. Im just saying, Hopieloo will catch on someday. Plus everyone has a nickname. For example Alaya’s is Alaya Playa, and Donna’s is Donut…”

            “Don’t ever call me Donut.” Donna said interrupting Janis.

            “Sorry. But anyways, the point is, Hope isn’t cutting it anymore.”

            “Yeah? Well you’re gonna have to deal with it.”

            “Nope. Hopieloo!”

            “Jan, as much as I love you. I am going to need you to get over putting nicknames on everyone, please, for the safety of your own life.” Alaya said laughing as she hugged Janis.

            “Thank you Alaya. So don’t forget guys. Club Rush is at lunch! See ya there!” I say as me and Donna walk towards first period.

            “We’ll be there Hope!” Alaya assured.

            “IT’S HOPIELOO!” Janis screamed.

            As first period ended, which I didn’t not anticipate, I walked straight to second, my worst nightmare.

            “Welcome class! Today we will be earning about…” Mrs. Maggie continued.

            Mrs. Maggie looked a little too young to be a teacher, and most importantly married. She was very pretty though, so I guess maybe that’s why. I don’t know. Usually in that class I spent half of the time learning and the other making sure Brent doesn’t notice I’m there. It’s not that I am scared of him, it’s just that the fact that Cassidie probably likes Brent but acts like she doesn’t, and then looks like she would kill anyone if they get in the way, that’s quite scary. You may be asking, “but when she calls role, does he not know you’re name?” well actually no. You see Mrs. Maggie always reads the role in the first three minutes of class, and Brent always come right after she says my name, Luck? I think yes. And so he never hears my name, and when he is walking to his seat I always put my head down so he won’t see my face. Pretty smart right? Well actually it was for a while. But then on that the day of Club Rush, the unthinkable happened.

            “Okay class, now on to some practice questions. Who would like to go up and answer the question?” Mrs. Maggie asked.

            Usually people volunteer, but I guess today nobody was in the mood.

            “Okay then. That means I’ll have to use the cards to call on someone in random.”

            Fuck! Oh no, no, no, no! NOT ME! PLEASE NOT TODAY!!

            “Hope…Hope Sanders. Please come up.” She said looking at me.

            OHHHH NO!!! FUCK! SHIT! DONE!

            I saw from the corner of my eye Brent’s head turn so fast I felt like his neck had cracked. I didn’t know what to do! I hadn’t thought of a plan for when she called me! Actually no, it didn’t even cross my mind!


            “Uhh…Okay” I say a bit shaky.

            As I rushed back to my seat I look up to see that Brent was staring at me as if he’d seen a ghost. Oh no. Now Cassidie is really going to hate me.

            “Hope. Hope.” Brent whispered as I got to my seat.

            I hesitantly looked and he mouthed to me “what the Fuck?” well what was I supposed to say back? Oh I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I had yet ANOTHER period with you? No. I wasn’t going to.

            After class I rushed out so he would catch up to me. But he did.

            “Hey Hope! Why didn’t you say anything? Like the fact that you have been in my 2nd period this whole time?” Brent asked like I had committed a sin

            “Sorry?” I reply sarcastically.

            “Thank you. So now? What do you have 4th?

            “And this is my cue to leave. Bye.”

            “No. wait. Hope. Why do you hate me so much? Or at least dislike me?” he asked pulling me back.

            “Wh-well…” I didn’t know what to say! Plus behind Brent, Cassidie was walking by and she was staring at us, like she wanted to kill me. I guess Brent noticed I was staring at her because he turned to look.

            “You know what Brent,” I sighed, “I do dislike you, but I have no reason to tell you why. You are just my lab partner. Okay? Now I have to go, I don’t want to be late to my next class.” I say as dryly as I could, and like a boss, I walked away. Hope 1, Brent 0!

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