Chemistry with the Idiot.

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            “Ahhg! Owe my shoulder!” I say rubbing my shoulder and kneeing to pick up my stuff.

            “Oh, I’m terribly sorry.” The person said.

            Wait a minute. That voice sounds familiar. As the person kneed down to help me I quickly glanced at the persons face. Brent Rivera.

            “It’s fine. I got it.” I reply a bit too dryly.

            “No, no, no, let me…wait you have chemistry?” he asked

            “uh, yeah. I have it next.”

            “Awesome! I have it next too!”

            Wait what.?!

            “Uhhh…” how the hell do I answer to that?

            “Sorry. Probably sound like a complete creeper talking to you and yeah. My name is Brent Rivera. And you?

            “Umm… we’re gonna be late to chem.” If you haven’t noticed I’m a bit confused.

            “Right. Lets go.”

            Please tell me there is two Brent Riveras because this is some weird shit. How the fries is he a snarky jerk and the next a nice nerd like me? How does he not remember me from 2nd period? It was only about 5 hours ago. I hate this first day. Hopefully this teacher does alphabetical order.

            “Welcome children to chemistry.” The teacher pronounced robotically. Children? What are we in? The 19th century?

            “Weirdo! Am I right?” Brent whispered to me.

            Who gave him permission to keep talking to me? Wtf?

            “Since this is high school and well chemistry. I will allow you guys to choose your own lab partners. If you guys do well as partners I will allow you guys to stay partners. Now go on, partner up.” He gestured us to move.

            “Looks like we are stuck as partners.” He said smiling with joy.

            EXCUSE ME???? Who in the face of earth said I wanted to be your partner? You are a jerk! And at first I wanted to meet you and all but the fact that you are a jerk just became such a turn off!

            “Guess so Brent Rivera.” What the hell did I just do to myself?? Hope I am done with your big mouth!

            “So, what’s your name lab partner?”

            I was about to speak when the teacher interrupted me.

            “Now that you Children are settled let me call attendance.” He screamed.

            Looks like he is just about to find out.

            “Looks like I’m just about to find out.” I’m done with this guy.

            “……..Brent Rivera?” Mr. Mallian asked.

            “Here” Brent replied.

            “Okay. Hope Sanders?”

            Fuck. Shit. Okay, he was gonna know eventually. Just say you’re here.

            “Hope Sanders?”

            “Um. Here.” I almost whispered.

            “Hope Sanders.” Why did he say it like that?

            There was a moment of awkward silence.

            “Well. Sanders. I am thrilled to be your lab partner.” There was something different of the tone of voice he used. It sounded like snarky. JERK.

            “Why do you call everyone by their last names?

            “Actually…wait. How do you know I call people by their last names?”

            “I…I…Don’t. im just wondering because you called me by my last name.”

            “Oh. Well yes I do. First names are so over used.”

            I want to kill myself.

            “Good excuse. But I like my first name, so if you don’t mind, lets call me hope.” High-five to me!

            “Yes, yes. Hope is so…what do you call it. Oh yes! Inspiring!”

            Mocking. Good one. Stupid idiot.

            “Thank you.”

            Before he could say anything stupid Mr. Millian began to talk again. Thank you.

            “Okay Children,” seriously I am going to explode one day if he keeps saying children. “Chemistry is not going to be easy. But with the help of me and each other, everyone should pass this class.” Oh sweet carbon, this man was creepy.

            “You heard him San-, I mean Hope, you heard him. We are in this together, lab partner.”

            No use in replying, honestly.

            “I like to teach, so I will not waste today on stupid explanations. Lets get started on the lesson.”

            Yes! It’ll keep Brent quiet.

            “On your first lab we will practice with the tools and look at them so you guys could distinguish them and know what each tool does in chemistry. For the lab reports I would like one for each 2 people. This way its less work for both of you guys but you still learn.”

            Shit. Seriously?

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