A Different Person.

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            “What are you doing here?” I say looking down at him.

            “I…Umm, I need to talk…talk to someone.” Brent says still looking down.

            “Okay? So you choose to creepily wait outside my house waiting for me to come home?”

            “Well no but I couldn’t talk to you at school.”

            “Fair enough. Wait? How do you know where I live? Like I said, creepy move.”

            “Umm,” he paused looking at the sky. “Can we go inside? I have a feeling it’s going to rain.”

            “Right.” I say looking at him in disbelieve.

            As we walked into my house I hoped that nobody was home so that they wouldn’t think he was you know anything more.

            “Nice home Sanders.” He said admiring my humble home.

            “It’s just like any other house. Nothing new.” I say honestly.

            “True, but this can house 10 people.”

            “Probably, no.”

            “Yes. Anyways where are your folks?”

            “Most likely at work, like always.” I say walking to the refrigerator, or in other words my second home.

            “Oh. Any brothers or sisters?”

            “Yeah but they don’t live here. They live at their school.” I say walking to the counter where Brent was leaning against.

            “Oh. Interesting life Sanders. So basically you’re the house baby?” He replies mocking me in a baby voice.

            “No, im just the only one currently living here?”

            “But how if everyone lives at their college?”

            “Oh no,” I say chuckling, “you see I have a twin sister that is a badass and for that they sent her to a boarding school. And same thing with my brother, but he’s reasons is different.”

            “Are you serious Sanders? You have a twin? That’s awesome!”

            “Yeah it is, sometimes.” I say thinking about it.

            “I guess.”

            “Anyways,” I say as I make my way to the living room, “What did you want to talk to me about?” I finish as he followed me to the living room.

            “Never mind that! Clearly you have an interesting life nobody knows about! It’s almost like you are Hannah Montana! Are you a secret Russian singer too?” he says plopping his body next to me.

            “Hahaha! Oh I wish I was a singer! But not Russian. Maybe like country you know? Going more for the Hannah Montana vibe.” I say laughing at my own words. And surprisingly he did too. “No but honestly my life isn’t secret Janis and Alaya know about my twin and well everything about my family. We three have been friends since like kindergarten.” I say smiling at the thought.

            “Interesting. Oh wait let me grab a pen and paper so I can add it to my “Hopes Autobiography: Written by yours truly, Brent Rivera” Hahaha.” He says propping himself as if he was serious.

            We both laughed at his last statement and then there was silence. It was more like he was staring at me and I didn’t want look. All I could do was smile at the ground. It felt like I wasn’t talking to the annoying bad boy Brent everyone knew, it was almost like he was a completely different person. Maybe he was the one with the Hannah Montana life.

            “So umm,” I say breaking the silence, “what about you? How’s your life? How many siblings?”

            “Well not gonna lie, nothing I say will beat having a twin. But umm, you know 2 older brothers, a younger sister, and well me.”

            “That’s promising!” I say jumping on the couch.

            “What are you doing?” he asks laughing at me.

            “Oh you know just casually jumping on my couch with my knees.” I say laughing as I stopped jumping to continue laughing. But to be honest I just want to break, break whatever this silence was.

            “Can I ask you a question?” I ask interrupting him from whatever he was going to say.


            “Why do you act like a bad boy when, clearly you are a warm hearted kid?” I ask looking at him straight into his milk chocolate eyes.

            The room stayed quite for a while and all you could here where the raindrops lightly tapping on the roof. Looks like he was right, it did rain. I kept looking into his gaze after I asked the question, but once I saw some type of emotion in his eyes he looked down quick enough for me not to notice what emotion it was.

            “I, umm, I guess, umm…” he tried to finish his sentence but it seemed that no words could come out.

            “I’m sorry Brent.” I apologize trying to find his gaze.

            “It’s fine hope. Uhh, I think it’s getting let. I better go home before my mother starts a search party in my honor.” He says standing up and walking towards the door, but his eyes still down.

            “Uh hehe,” I try to giggle out a laugh, “yeah, well, umm, see you tomorrow?” I question.

            “Will do.” He says finally looking up and forming a tiny smile.

            I smile back as he walked out my door and shut it behind him. That was weird, awkward, and nothing I will ever believe.

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