Number 20.

17 1 0

Right before lunch, all the clubs were setting up for Club Rush and everything looked fun. Future here I come.

            The bell rang and all you saw was people running around and forming lines in booths to sign up. Surprisingly a good amount of people had already signed up for our club. We had 10 people already, plus us five, we were going well. I saw my friends coming towards me and signing up for my club.

            “Oh my gawsh! Thank you so much guys! I promise you won’t regret it!” I say hugging them.

            “Yeah, you better promise that. I swear if I don’t get pizza, I will leave this club.” Janis said looking at the booth.

            “Deal!” I said. I was mostly jumping of joy because for once something I came up with was actually working.

            At the end of the Club Rush, I was down to 19 Students signed up for my club! That was great! Plus I’m pretty sure the Principle won’t care if there is only one person missing.

            Guess what. He did.

            “Sorry hope. Rules are rules. 20 Minimum and 40 Maximum.” The principle said as he stood from his chair.

            “But it is only missing one! It won’t make a difference.” I plead.

            “There is one way you could get that last number you need,” he said ignoring what I had said previously. “There was one person who didn’t sign up for any club. Brent Rivera. Will you take him? Or leave the club?”

            He has got to be fucking kidding me?? Can Brent just…UGH!! I don’t want nothing to do with that guy. And apparently the more I try to push him away the more he gets closer! For sweet pie! I want the club so bad! I need it! But I don’t want Brent in it! He’s just gonna mess everything up!

            “Okay. I’ll take number 20.” WHAT HAVE I JUST DONE?

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