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My eyes slowly opened, and I found myself staring up into strong fluorescent lights, I was lying on a soft bed. I winced slowly as I moved, finally remembering the incident with Percy. With all of the strength I had, I got up, swinging my feet around over the bedside. A short old lady looked over at me from a desk, the label nurse standing in front of her.

"Oh, well I see you're finally up. That's good, it's been almost an hour. These god damn vigilante children thinking they can just throw their fists into whatever is on front of them. At least nothing too bad, you just got the wind knocked out of ya." She smiled, she wriggles her hand around a glass container, and pulled up a red and white spiraled peppermint. "Here you go sweetie." I accepted the peppermint thanking her.

"Uhm if you don't mind me asking, how did I even end up here?" (Haha end up here get it lol I'm not even funny)

"Some boy dropped you off here, explained the whole situation to me. Don't worry, not all the kids here are like that, only the select few that think they're above the social strata." The nurse muttered.

"Who was he?" The nurse looked at me, her face puzzled by my question, "the boy who brought me in, what was his name?"

"Lucas. Lucas Hemmings. He's a junior, very nice young boy, he seemed a bit concerned about you, telling me the situation very quickly so you could have time to rest and heal. Very kind one he is, but no one really knows much about the young lad." The nurse rambled on. I stood up, stretching, my stomach ached with pain still, but all in all I was ready to go.

"Well thank you for letting me rest, goodbye." I waved to the nurse, exiting the office.

"Goodbye sweetie, don't go picking around for more fights or you might have to see me again." She laughed, and I smiled closing the door and leaving.

Luke Hemmings huh, well I didn't know who that was, but I should probably thank him. He did save me from that mess. The final bell rang as I made my way to my locker. Getting the rest of my supplies and shoving it into my backpack. I turned to leave when I was soon face to face with Calum.

"Oh hey Calum, what's up?"

"I heard about what happened, I'm sorry Percy had to pick on you like he did. I would have done something, but I was his previous target before you came to the school, and I was too scared to get in his way. I'm sorry I-"

"Calum, don't even worry about it. I'm fine." I smiled pushing one finger to his mouth to stop him from talking, "Do you need a ride home? I can drive you if you want." I jingled my car keys in my hand. Calum nodded eagerly. I smiled, and we made our way to the parking lot.

"Thanks for doing this, it's so nice of you. I'm not really good at making friends but-"

"Calum, you've really got to stop with this. There's no problem, and I'm glad I could make a friend on the first day. It's reassuring." I smiled happily, my words were genuine, the feeling of making a new friend was great, "so how were things with Mr. Irwin?" I nudged his shoulder as I started to drive while Calum pointed out directions. Once I brought up the subject he blushed deeply and didn't answer for awhile.

"I don't know, we've talked a few times, but I don't know if he's really interested in me. I stay after every music class just to talk with him, and he seems to enjoy it, but I don't know if he's like into me." He played with his thumbs as he talked, he was such a nervous wreck.

"Have you guys fucked yet?" I asked, getting straight to the point. Calum squirmed a bit and shook his head, his blush getting a deeper red.

"No... but I would like to." He mumbled the last part very quietly and I just laughed. We finally arrived at his house, and he got out of the car.

"See ya Cal." I smiled, giving him a fist bump.

"Bye Mikey, thanks for the ride." He passed me a slip of paper with his phone number on it, "text me if you want." He smiled shyly, I nodded and waved as I made my way home.

Once I got home I parked my car in the driveway and put my backpack inside. Since it was the first day we didn't get any homework, just a bunch of sheets that the parents had to sign so my mom and dad would have fun with that. I went back outside, going over to the garage and grabbed my skateboard. I had been skateboarding ever since I was ten, and it had always been a hobby of mine. It gave me something to focus on that was academic, and sort of served as a stress reliever.

I rolled around the street doing a few tricks here and there, side flips and turns, olleys, and some kick flips. When I decided to go back inside I rolled up the street, when suddenly a large force bumped in front of me, causing me to fall of my skateboard and onto the ground. I rubbed my butt, cursing softly at the impact.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you." A hand reached down and I took it, helping me up back on my feet.

"It's okay, I'm used to falling on my ass a lot." I laughed, and I stopped when I recognized the bright blue eyes that were gazing into mine. The same broad shoulder, and long lanky build. It was the guy I saw in the hall earlier. He was listening to music, I recognized the song American Idiot by Green Day blasting through his headphones. He was sweating through his dark gray muscle shirt that made the lines of his pecs stand out, and allowed his biceps to pop, the veins running like green streams, and his sweat staining near the hem of the shirt. God he was even hotter up close. He wore tight spandex that contoured his legs extremely well, and fit his bum perfectly. I quickly looked down at my skateboard, hoping he hadn't noticed me staring.

"You're that new kid, you got in the fight. Michael right?" His voice was low and flowing, that sexy kind of voice. His blue eyes seemed to soften as he examined me, eyes as blue as an ocean I could get lost in, and almost did.

"Yeah that's me, but please just call me, Mikey." I smiled, scratching my head, and biting my tongue with my teeth lightly.

"Okay, Mikey..." He said, sounding out each syllable as if he was playing around with the name, "thank goodness you're okay, I thought Percy had dealt a number on you."

"Yeah well I'm fine now, so are you just out on a run? Do you play sports?" I asked, not even bothering to ask his name.

"Nope, just like to keep in shape." He said with a wink, he plugged his earphones back in, "well I'll see you around Mikey." He smiled, getting ready to start running again.

"Wait, what's your name?" I asked him, he had started running, and was a few feet away now. He turned back, a small grin across his face.

"I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings."

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