Day 2

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My mouth opened wide, I was surprised that this was the boy that helped me. The one that carried me to the nurse's office after the incident with Percy. He was too far away for me to yell him back over, so I just went back inside, slumping on my bed. I started thinking about the whole thing over again. This Luke guy was nice enough to look out for me and bring me to the nurses office, he had the kind heart to do something like that. And a secondary factor was he was hot as hell, especially when he was all sweaty and his voice was low and had that rough edge, god damn I shouldn't even be thinking about him like that, I just met him, god I'm such a pervert. But to be honest, I don't really feel bad. It was getting late, and I went to bed with Luke on my mind.

The next day I walked into school, many of the kids were sending me weird glances and glares for some reason. Maybe they were surprised that I stood my own against Percy, or maybe they just thought I was a freak because I basically admitted my sexuality yesterday. I don't really give a fuck either way, and it wasn't until I bumped into Calum that I learned the reason behind the glances.

"Hey Cal, what's up? What's with all the bitch glares?" I asked him, Calum looked around at a few people before turning back around to respond to me.

"Well you see, after yesterday's fight, Percy basically told the entire school about what you said when he beat you up, and now a bunch of people are kinda freaked out, not because you're gay but because you said that. Personally I thought it was great, you put Percy on the spot and I've never seen him so flustered." Calum snickered, I rolled my eyes, wow these kids here really couldn't take a damn joke.

"Whatever, the haters can shove it up my ass for all I care." I flipped off a girl who was sending me a weird look and she quickly scuttled away with her friends. Calum just laughed.

"So you ready for music with your future husband?" I winked at Calum, who seemed to shrink at the mention of Mr. Irwin, his cheeks turning a bright pink.

"Don't say it so loud." He hit my arm playfully, I ruffled his hair, laughing.

"God Calum you're such a wuss. I'm glad I made friends with someone like you." I smiled.

"Thanks, you're one of my first real friends too." Calum smiled awkwardly, everything about him was awkward, Calum was great. The bell rang and we both made our way towards the music room. As we turned a corner, I noticed a group of jocks walking around like they were hot shit, they're hands in their pants, probably touching their junk, and they walked with that so called "swag" look. God I despised them, Calum did too, I could tell when he rolled his eyes as we approached them.

"Those are the sporty people, most of them don't even play sports, they're just athletic and work out and stuff. All of them are douchebags, I mean not as douchey as Percy, some are nice, but some are like Percy." Calum explained to me. We walked through the crowd of popular boys, and I felt a someone lightly hit my bum. I turned ready to glare at whoever did it, but I noticed Luke looking at me, he was biting his lip, and his soft blue eyes looked up and down my body. I smiled, turning back around, my heart sped up and I felt as giddy as a little girl who just had her first crush. In fact I basically was a love struck little girl, well love struck was pushing it, I just thought Luke was cute I guess, no cute was an understatement, more like hot or godly.

"Mikey, what are you smiling about?" Calum asked, pushing my shoulder to get my attention. I shook off the feeling, before focusing on Calum. There was no way I was going to reveal anything stupid to him, like my thoughts on how hot Luke was.

"Nothing, I was just thinking how cute you and Mr. Irwin are going to look together when you start dating." I nudged his shoulder, and he hit my wrist.

"Shut the fuck up!" Calum said, maybe a little too loud because we had just stepped into music class, and Mr. Irwin shot him a condescending glare.

"Mr. Hood, you'll be seeing me after class, for detention this time." He said, the hazel in his eyes was sharp but hinted something else. Calum looked down, and nodded, a bit embarrassed that he got a detention, but secretly Mikey could tell that he would enjoy this more than he should.

"Tell me how hard he fucks you after class." I smiled cheekily at Calum, who just pushed me a bit, his face was the reddest I've seen.

After class, I left Calum, wishing him luck with Mr. Irwin. As I made my way to my locker to get my math stuff, I found a familiar figure leaning against my locker. Luke Hemmings, that sly son of a bitch, was leaning against my locker, his hair in a perfect quiff, and his lip ring made him look like one of those hot bad boys.

"Hey," he smiled, fuck you and your sexy deep voice, Hemmings, "what class do you have right now?"

"Math." I decided to play semi hard to get, god what the hell am I thinking this kid probably isn't even gay, probably just making a joke out of me. Then why did I want to believe so bad that he wasn't? Why did I want to try and get him to be mine?

"Anything after that?" Luke's fingers tapped impatiently against the locker next to mine, as he waited for me to get my things. I closed my locker.

"No I have two free periods, and then last period I have physics." I said, we started to walk, he walked with me towards my math class.

"Do you want to go out for coffee after your math class?" He asked, we stood in front of my math class. I could see his blue eyes pleading for the answer.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Luke Hemmings?" I asked, biting my lip a bit, god why was I trying to be seductive, I'm disgusting as fuck and I don't even know what he's thinking right now, but honestly I would love to go out for a drink of coffee with this hot piece of ass, oh god Michael stop yourself.

"It's only a date if you want it to be." He smirked, winking. God fuck me already.

"Okay, I'll meet you after class." I said shyly, and turned into my math class.

"See ya." He smiled brightly, and inside my stomach I felt thousands of butterflies fluttering around with excitement.

I was going on a fucking date with Luke Hemmings!

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