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Math sped by, and during class I texted Calum that I couldn't have lunch with him. Calum texted back that we needed to talk ASAP, so I told him to meet me after school and we could hang out. As long as he didn't find out about my date with Luke I would be fine.

I left class, and met Luke in the hallway.

"You ready, the Starbucks is right down the street, we can walk there." He said.

"Okay." I said, my stomach was full of knots, I was so god damn nervous. Why now? I can usually keep cool and collected, but there was something about him that just made me so jittery.

"So Mikey, tell me about yourself." He said as we walked. Wow, that's a horrible conversation starter, you never put someone on the spot the first time you meet them.

"I don't know, there's not much to tell. I'm not special or crazy or cool sorry." I shrugged, and his bright blue eyes met mine, they burned like an intense blue inferno full of mystery, pulling me in bit by bit.

"For some reason, I doubt that." He said licking his lips. God he really was hot, I felt my jeans tighten up, Michael don't even go there, not now. I quickly shook the feeling off as we entered the coffee shop.

"Could I get a pumpkin spice latte?" I asked the barista behind the counter.

"I'll get iced coffee, light and sweet." Luke ordered his drinks, and once we received them we made are way to a table on the side. I sipped my latte slowly, pulling my sleeves over my hands and making sweater paws to stay warm from the somewhat chilly breeze. The leaves from the trees were just starting to change color and fall to the ground, all the golden highlights and hues made the day look so gorgeous.

"I just love fall," I blurted out without thinking, "all the colors and everything, they're really nice, don't you think?" I asked taking another sip of my latte.

"Yeah it's really nice, fall is one of my favorite seasons." He said, drinking his coffee, "I liked that Green Day tee you wore yesterday. You into other bands?" He asked.

"Yeah tons, Blink-182, Coldplay, All Time Low, Nirvana... I've actually always wanted to start my own band, I've had all these inspirational ones that I love to listen to and I guess I want to see what it's like. What it's like to be on stage, in front of all those people and flashing lights ya know?" I said, my eyes sparked up passionately.

"I love all those bands too, if you're really into starting a band I would join. I can play guitar and sing, I mean I'm not the best." He smiled brightly.

"Really!? You would! Wow I was expecting it to be a lot harder to get members, I mean a bunch of the people here are such douchebags." I said throwing away my latte after I finished.

"I know what you mean." He said, as he finishing his coffee and throwing it away.

"Then why do you hang out with them?" I blurted out, quickly covering my mouth after I realized what I just said, "sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Mikey don't worry about it," Luke laughed, "I know I hang out with a bunch of douchebags, but some of them are actually nice and friendly." He shrugged.

"Sorry I shouldn't have been quick to judge like that, I hate when people judge me and now I'm being a fucking hypocrite I'm sorry." I scratched my head, I felt like a jerk talking about his friends like that.

"Mikey, I swear it's fine. Everyone is like that, it's human nature. Come on let's get back to school. You don't want to be late for physics class." He said getting up, he grabbed my hand and led me towards the school. I blushed from his contact, and looked down at the ground quietly. His hand clung to mine, and it was so strong. As much as I loved the feeling of it, I felt awkward holding his hand, and I slipped my hand away. I didn't want any of the douchebags bullying him because of me. He looked over at me and frowned.

"You don't want to hold my hand?" He pouted. My heart practically broke, he sounded so sad.

"No it's not that, I do, it's just I don't want people to make fun of you and hurt you if they see me with you. You know how some jerks are." I mumbled softly, I looked up at him when his hand was in mine once again, his grip stronger around my hand.

"Like I give a fuck. I can protect myself Mikey, I don't care if they try to hurt me." He smiled, and he walked me to physics class. I blushed as we walked, clingy close to his arm as if that would make me invisible, because for some reason I didn't want to be seen.

"T-Thanks for that. It was a nice date." I smiled at the ground, playing with my fingers.

"I'm glad you liked it, Mikey." He winked, "I'll see you later," he waved, and turned to leave.

"Luke wait," I grabbed his shoulder, and with a rush of courage I kissed his cheek, "see you later." I said blushing profusely, I felt his face get close to mine, so close that I could feel his short stubble on the side of my face and hear his raspy breaths coming short and quick against my skin.

"I'll be running past your house at 5 today, meet me outside if you want to catch a glimpse of me, you never know maybe I'll be shirtless this time." His lips hit my cheek softly, and I felt my jeans tighten once again as his hand touched my waist lightly. He sent me another wink and was gone just as the bell rang.

"Oh we have a lot to talk about." I turned and smiled, scratching my head when I saw Calum, a furious expression on his face.

"Listen Calum, I was going to tell you at some point I promise." I said as we entered my room. Calum basically invited himself over because of what he saw, and he told me we needed to have a "serious chat" about it. He was only mad because I didn't tell him about it.

"Dude, so how long has this been going on? Because based on what I saw, it seems like a pretty long time." Calum asked, his hands on his hips.

"Actually the more accurate time is this has only been going on for the day. I swear it sort of just tumble weeded when he asked me on a coffee date during my free period." I explained. Calum shook his head, sitting down on my bed, he winced a little for some reason, rubbing his bum, and that's when I realized.

"CALUM! Nice job man, how good was it getting fucked by Mr. Irwin?" I grinned, sending him a look that made him shrink instantly. There's the Calum I know.

"Shut up!" Calum said, his cheeks completely red. "Honestly it hurt a bit, but it felt so good. Ashton, I mean Mr. Irwin said he's been wanting to bang me for awhile and I guess he got his chance today. He told me he really likes me, it's sort of rough though considering that he's my teacher and I'm basically living the Ezria life from Pretty Little Liars." He laid down on my bed, thinking about it all.

"See I knew he liked you, gosh Cal I didn't know you had it in you. I'm so happy, you guys finally fucked so basically it's meant to be." I jumped on the bed next to him, playing with his cheeks, I stopped when I noticed the tears coming from his eyes, "are you okay, Cal?" I asked.

"I just wished that I didn't have to keep all of this a secret. I can't even love him, it's illegal, what am I going to do, Mikey? Maybe I'm just a student he's been wanting to fuck but I really care about him. I want to be with him, I want to be his only guy you know?" Calum cried and I hugged him tight, rubbing his back slowly to calm him down.

"Don't worry Cal, it'll be alright. I bet Mr. Irwin feels the same way about you, in fact I think he really cares about you." I said wiping away his tears. He smiled back at me.

"I hope so." He sniffled. I looked over at the clock, and cursed when I saw it read 5:10. Fuck.

I got up off my bed and sprinted out the door, going outside and looking down the street. I saw Luke, already a ways down the street.

And that damn son of a bitch was shirtless.

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