Lakehouse Pt i

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The weekend came quickly, and I was so excited to be sharing a cabin with Luke, we don't really see each other that much in school, so hanging out in our free time would definitely bring us closer.

I started packing my bags, making sure I had everything. Toothbrush, extra clothes, bathing suit, sunscreen, bugspray, and some condoms, hey you never know. I said bye to my mom, and started out to my car when I saw Luke standing at the door.

"Sorry Mikey, but I'll be driving." He jingled his car keys on his finger. I rolled my eyes, and got in the passenger seat of his car.

"How long does it take to get there?" I asked about a half and hour into the trip. Luke stopped at a red light, sending me a glance with his sly blue eyes.

"Someone's impatient... or maybe eager." He moved his hand to my upper thigh and stroked it gently. He bit his lip and looked at me, I blushed so hard, turning away from his gaze and looking out the window.

"The lights green, Luke." I said, trying to stop myself from getting too aroused and flustered. He was so intimidating and cocky, but it was so hot god damn. Luke moved his hand away, and focused back on the road.

"Thirty more minutes, keep your dick in your pants." He smirked, turning onto the highway.

"Shut up." I mumbled, blushing even harder.

Soon we finally made it to the lake house. It was incredible, the house itself was huge and had a balcony that overlooked the lake. A few more cabins were scattered around the plot of land, and the lake seemed to glitter in the rays of sun.

"Wow Luke, it's really beautiful here." I said, looking around in wonder.

"Yeah, and you know what's better? We get the big house!" He smiled, jumping up and down.

"You're such a kid." I rolled my eyes. His expression changed in a heartbeat, from happy to serious.

"You'll be the child when I have you screaming my name in bed." He muttered, licking his lips.

"W-What?" I scoffed, he was so headstrong, but honestly that sounded kind of nice...

"Come here I need to show you something." He went back to his smiley expression. He took my hand, and I followed him down a path in the woods.

"When does everyone else get here?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"In about two hours."

"Why so much later?"

"I wanted to have some alone time with you." He glanced back at me, and I swore I saw a faint blush on his cheeks with that smile he had on his face.

"Here we are." Luke let go of my hand, and smiled at the huge waterfall we stood in front of. The water thundered down, falling into the pool of clear blue water below. It was amazing, and so captivating.

"Wow, this is stunning." I smiled, I turned around to see Luke had already changed into a bathing suit. He nodded, before jumping into the pool, water splashing everywhere.

"C'mon Mikey! Jump in!" He smiled excitedly. I shrugged.

"I don't know, I don't really want to change into my bathing suit right now. I'll just watch." I said awkwardly, truthfully I just didn't want Luke to see me half naked. I wasn't that concerned about my body, I just had some quirks and I didn't really want Luke to see me when he basically looks like a god. He was fit, and just so perfect, compared to the lump of skin I was.

"C'mon Mikey, please!" He pouted, ugh the puppy dog face really gets me sometimes.

"Fine, just don't look at me." I went behind a few bushes, and changed into my bathing suit. I came out from the bushes, keeping my arms in front of my stomach. Luke smiled brighter than I've ever seen him smile, and he got out of the water, shaking his head around, getting me a little wet.

"Luke what the fuck, it's cold." I shivered, he just laughed, and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go Mikey, you look so cute in your bathing suit." He kissed my cheek, and I looked down blushing a bit. We both made our way to the waters edge, and I touched the water with my feet, the chill sent a tingling sensation throughout my body.

"It's so cold." I shivered. He led me in slowly.

"It's okay babe, just go slow okay." He said softly, his voice was so soothing, it made me forget the waters touch. I looked at how steadily he held my hands, and how carefully he led me through the water. My heart beat quickly, and I felt like the first time I kissed Luke. It was so sudden, this feeling, it felt so warm and loving. Loving. Was I in love with Luke? No I can't be, we met at least a month ago, that would be ridiculous. "Mikey, you okay?" Luke asked, his hands on my shoulders. His voice brought me back to reality, I looked at him, his blue eyes full of concern and a bit of curiousness.

"I'm good. Just spaced out for a bit." I have him a reassuring smile, and squeezed his hands in mine. He smiled back.

"Great! Hey Mikey, I'll race you to the other side of the river!" He splashed water in my face, and started swimming away.

"Oh don't even think you're going to win!" I swam after him, both of us laughing and smiling.

Maybe I didn't love him now, but I knew that I could definitely learn to love him.

But I think that'll be our little secret for now

(Okay so I kinda didn't plan this chapter, it kinda of just came out as I wrote, what did you guys think!? You got to see different sides of Mikey and Luke in this chapter. Question: Do you like cute Luke better or seductive Luke better?)

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