Chapter (1): Avery Carlisle

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The morning came, the sun rose and entered her room through her glassy wide window and kissed her skin. Sounds of birds chirping were heard, fresh air entered her nostrils making her take a deep breath then exhale slowly. She turned on her back, sat properly on the bed, removing her eye cover, yawning and stretching like a cat showing her flat tummy. She moved her silky auburn hair between her fingers, hopping out of the bed and heading to the shower letting the water take its pleasure by running its drops on her fair skin. She turned off the water, stepped out of the tub and wrapped the towel around her body letting it hold her. She dried her hair quickly using the hair dryer, then went to get dressed. She put on white jeans and light blue crop top, applying her lip gloss on her lips, her eyeliner in front of her mirror showing her sky blue eyes, taking her bag then went downstairs.

Her father was reading the newspaper with a serious look on his face, wearing his suit and tie and a perfect goatee. He glanced at his watch, closing his newspaper as the maid served his breakfast. Along came his wife, wearing her maroon formal dress and her hair was set into a flawless bun. She sat beside her husband, but both were like cold like status and a killer silence fell between them, as they ate silently.

"Morning" said Avery as she hopped to them giving them both a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning, honey" said Meredith as she took a sip from her coffee.

"Morning, Ave" said Fred smiling at his daughter.

"Come, have breakfast... Abigail!" She called her maid.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Another plate for Avery"

"Yes, ma'am"

A short while later, they were having breakfast all together but Avery knows that her family problems won't resolve soon by being silent. Her parents were giving each other the cold shoulder lately.

"I'm gonna go now. See you later"

She waved at them and headed outside, getting into her red convertible BMW wearing her dark shades and turning on some music as she drove off to her college.

She was singing along with Lady Gaga - Just Dance on the radio, and dancing by moving her hair back and forth as the wind caressed it. Suddenly the car broke down and smoke came out of the hood. She groaned and stepped out of the car, checking the problem but for a spoiled kid who wore dresses and manicured her fingers she didn't know anything about cars.

"Damn!!" she said coughing as the smoke came up to her lungs. Avery dialed the mechanic who came later to tow her car.

"When do I get it back?" asked Avery slightly annoyed.



"I said tomorr-"

"I heard you the first time" she replied angrily. "Fine! Just take it but don't scratch it. It costs more than your life"

"Whatever" He brushed her off and towed her car.

Her friend, April, came to drive her to college. April had blonde hair and baby blue eyes and she had a tattoo on her right wrist. She was Avery's best friend since their elementary school, she went to the same college and Avery never felt lonely whenever she was with her. They arrived and April parked her car, they both stepped out of it with April grinning at her.

"April! Stop looking at me like that!" she groaned. "It's not even funny. My car got towed and you kept laughing the whole time"

"Sorry, can't help it" She chuckled. "It's okay to have a bad day every once in a while. It makes you feel grateful. Even though I have to say it was just one unlucky incident that took place today"

She rolled her eyes. "You are going to be my chauffer today"

"I don't mind" She smirked and Avery laughed but she stopped when she saw her ex-boyfriend coming up to her. "Uh-Oh" said April.

"No please god I'm not in the mood for this now!"

"I don't understand; didn't you end things with him?"

"I did but he keeps insisting that he is innocent and we should get back together"

"Liar!" She scoffed.

"Hey, Ave. April" he said to both of them. "Can I talk to you?" he asked Avery.

"I don't know... Can you?" April suppressed her laugh by covering her mouth.

"Ave, please" He begged her.

"Look, Ryan I told you it's over, so stop bothering me. Okay?"

She was about to turn around but he grabbed her from the arm and she shook him off. "Don't touch me!"

"All I wanna do is talk to you... to explain to you"

"And I told you we are done. I don't wanna hear about it anymore!" She started to get angry.

"Listen pal, when she says it's over then it's over!" said April angrily and he took a step back. "You cheated on her and she has nothing to say to you, so go to hell before I take you myself to it instead!"

He looked at Avery then to April and left afterwards.

"Thanks" she said.

"No problem. He is such an asshole and I never liked him in the first place. Anyway we have a class to catch at the last minute"

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