Chapter (30): Thunder & Lightning

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At college, Avery, April and Steve were taking Gray's class and he entered the class, fully energized.

"Good morning class. Today we are going to learn about photo shop, we will be introduced to the tools. The tools are like the technique of the usage, and of course there are many tools to learn of course that depends on the software you are using"

Avery was taking down notes as he was beginning to explain each and every tool, but she stopped for a moment when she felt her phone buzz in her bag, she saw a text message from her mom.

~When you get back I need to tell you something important~

She closed her phone and paid attention to professor Gray but her mind kept wondering what was so urgent that her mom wants to talk about. Soon the lecture ended and the three of them were walking to the parking lot.

"You really spending the night at your aunt's?" Steve asked April.

"Yeah, she needs me now. Sorry babe but I'll make it up to you" She kissed him.

"Okay, I don't want to be selfish. She is your aunt; she needs you more than me"

"Aw" She kissed him again longer this time and Avery cleared her throat.

"I'm here!" she said.

"Sorry, Ave" She chuckled softly. "I'm leaving, see you later guys"

She hugged them and went to her car, driving away, so did Avery and Steve.


Danni went to Josh's house to get back her brother, he opened the door for her and when she entered she saw Ben talking with Julie and he seemed happy with her.

"I see Julie is here"

"Uh... Yeah, she came over today to see me but Ben took her away from me with his usual charm"

She chuckled. "Welcome to the club"

"Anyway, he is waiting for you"

She came into the room and when Ben saw her, he jumped off the couch leaping on her and she caught him in her embrace.

"Hey, monkey" She laughed, and saw Julie. "Hey, Julie"

"Hey" She smiled even more when Josh sat beside her on the couch.

Danni put Ben on the ground and he was smiling at her.

"So tell me, did you have good time here?"

"Yes! And Julie made cakes for me"

"Oh!" She turned to Julie. "Thanks Julie"

"No need to thank me, I'm just happy to see Ben overjoyed" she said sweetly as she glanced at Ben.

"Okay, champ, ready to go?" He looked down with a small pout. "What's wrong?"

"... I'm confused"

She frowned. "Confused? Confused why?"

"... I wanna go home with you but I wanna stay with uncle Josh and Julie too"

She bent down on her knees, looking at her uncle "What do you want now?"

"Can I stay with uncle Josh for a few days?"

"Sure you can, bud, but that's if it's okay with him"

She looked at Josh and he gave her an approving nod. "I don't mind, I'm too lazy to go to work today and Julie is staying here for a few days"

"Yeah, I can keep my eyes on him. I'm a nurse, remember?"

Danni chuckled and looked back at Ben. "You got it, you can stay here and when you get bored I'll come and get you"

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