Chapter (26): What Do You Think Robert?

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Danni woke up the next day with Chloe in her embrace, breathing softly, looking so beautiful, so peaceful, a hushed body with a beating heart and aesthetic features. Chloe stirred a little, getting closer to Danni and wrapping a leg around hers. Danni heard the door knock twice and figured it was her uncle. She slowly, gently and quietly escaped from Chloe's grip without waking her up and went to get the door.

"Morning" said Josh.

"Morning" She rubbed her eyes and let him enter.

"You just woke up?"

"Yeah" She yawned. "How was your date?"

He grinned. "Perfect. We had a cup of coffee then I took her to a pastry shop, had some cakes and we shared a kiss"

"I hope that's all the details I need to know" She joked and he chuckled.

"It was just our first date; we are taking things slow. Where is Ben?"

"Still asleep"

"You going to work today?"

"Just Avery's"

"Okay, I'll babysit Ben till Yo-" He stopped in his sentence when he saw Chloe emerging out of the room, running a hand through her hair, Danni noticed her uncle's silence and turned around to see Chloe.

Chloe's eyes widened when she opened her eyes completely, seeing them staring at her. "Oh! Sorry, I was just... I'm gonna head back!" She left embarrassed and when Danni turned to her uncle, he had this smirk on his face that says 'Busted'

"Isn't that your shirt?" he asked.

"... It's not what you think. She spent her night here but nothing happened. It was my idea" she said.

"I hope that's all the details I need to know" he replied what she said earlier. "Anyway as I was saying while you are out, I will babysit him"


"And I'll take him to the park or something"

"Good idea. He needs something fun and the doctor said it's best if he practices a sport or take a walk"

"Works for me" He smiled.

"Why don't you wake him up while I go check on Chloe?" He nodded approvingly.


Danni entered her room and saw Chloe biting her nails from the embarrassment and her face was already red.

"Danni, I'm so sorry, I had no idea your uncle was gonna be here"

Danni chuckled and wrapped her arms around her, pulling her closer. "Relax" She kissed her lips. "It's okay, nothing happened and you weren't naked or anything"

"Yeah, I know but I'm wearing your shirt and I'm in my underwear, Danni" she said with red cheeks.

"Which looks good on you by the way" She kissed her again, grabbing the back of her head and this time Chloe drew more into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Danni's neck, kissing and biting her softly on the lips. "This is how I say good morning"

"I like that" she said softly leaning her forehead against hers.

"Hey Danni!" Josh's voice called out.

"One sec" She pecked her lips. "Don't go anywhere" She gave her another kiss then went outside.

"Morning, champ" she said as she ruffled her brother's hair.


"Wanna make you breakfast?"

"Yes, please"

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