Chapter (13): House Party

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Avery went down the stairs, getting ready to have her breakfast and then she found her parents were sitting and talking with low voice and in a serious tone. She headed to them, taking a deep breath.

"What's going on?" she asked as her brows furrowed.

"Morning, honey" said Meredith.

"Morning" she said.

"We are glad you are up, your mother and I are going to a business trip coincidently the same day and we were thinking about you being in charge of the house and that means no parties while we are gone"

"Who said anything about partying?" she said as she took a seat. "Don't worry, I won't have parties. I'm not in the mood for one anyway" She crossed her arms.

"Good" said Fred then he sighed heavily. "And there is something else" He looked at his wife then his daughter. "We are... filing for divorce"

"What?!" She stood up abruptly. "Why? Is it because you are too busy to love each other?" she said angrily.

"Honey, calm down" said Meredith calmly.

"No!... I won't calm down! God! What is wrong with you two?! You keep fighting all day long! And I don't know why! What's the matter with you?!"

"I'm seeing someone and so is your mother!" he said sternly and she stopped talking, looking at her father as he began to calm down. "I'm sorry to break this to you, Ave but we stopped falling in love with each other a long time ago"

Her eyes glistened with tears and she furiously took her bag, got in her car then drove off.


At college, Avery arrived and so did April and she noticed Avery was still in her car, clutching the steering wheels and her cheeks were wet. She tapped on her glass window and Avery blinked then wiped her tears quickly and stepped out of the car.

"Ave, what's wrong?"

"They are getting a divorce" she said as she looked down and April hugged her rubbing her back. "I'm so tired of this" She let out a shaky breath.

"I'm so sorry, Avery" She pulled away looking at her.

"I had a fight with them this morning"

"Ave, it's okay if you had a fight with them... you were mad at them"

She sighed. "I know... Could you distract me with something?"

"Okay" She rubbed her chin thinking "How is your chief?"

"Ugh" She groaned then chuckled. "I made the pipe burst in her face"

"You did what?!" Her jaw dropped.

"She pissed me off so I had my revenge"

"Girl, what's up with you?!"

"She pushed me to do it" She shrugged.

"You aren't really gonna quit, are you?" She smiled.

"She might be your friend but to me she is my enemy"

"Don't forget she is Steve's best friend"

"I'm not forgetting that and the pipe was just the beginning... although I think she liked it" she said confused remembering how they both reacted by laughing.

"All that because of a scratch on your car!"

"Not just that, she teased me in so many ways and she even calls me ginger" She scoffed.

"You know you are kind of ... ginger"

"God! Even you" She covered her face and April chuckled." Can we get to class now?"

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