Chapter (8): Old Friends

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"Oh my god! Danni!" He smiled as his eyes went wide.

He went towards her and hugged her and she was laughing at his reaction while patting his back. Avery and April were standing not having a clue on what was going on. They pulled away and they were beaming at each other.

"Look at you!" he said as he was checking her hair. "You cut your hair. I didn't recognize you at first. It looks good on you!"

She chuckled. "You look good too with the new glasses" She pointed at his glasses.

April cleared her throat grabbing their attentions and Avery was still holding the unfinished cake.

"Uh, could someone explain what's going on here?" asked April smiling at them awkwardly.

"This is Danni, my best friend since high school"

"Oh! Wow!" said Avery as chuckled nervously. "I had no clue"

"This is a nice surprise" he said as he looked at Danni.

"I didn't know you were the guy" she said. "If I had known it's you, I would've made a better cake"

"You still into kitchen stuff?"

"What can I say? I love food"

"Said the girl who rarely eats!" He nudged her ribs laughing softly with her and both April and Avery was watching the friendly encounter.

"Okay, let's eat the cake, shall we?" Avery smiled awkwardly.


They were in the dining room, eating the cake. Steve and Danni were the ones who were talking with each other while Avery and April ate in silence looking at them and faking their smiles.

"Damn Danni! You are still good. That cake is delicious"

"I still can't get over the fact that my boyfriend knows your new cook" Whispered April.

"Me neither"

"He is spending time with her more than me" Whispered April.

"I can see that" She whispered back.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Steve.

"Uh...Umm" April stuttered.

"We were wondering how long you guys have been friends" said Avery, pointing at them both.

"That was a long time ago but we became best friends in high school" said Danni.

"Oh, I see" said April.

"Actually April, Danni was the one who encouraged me to talk to you when I was shy... I told her that I was having a crush on a girl and she told me to tell you about my feelings"

"Really?" Her eyes sparked and they nodded.

"And if you remember I wanted to introduce her to you but she left the city at the time and now... she's back" He smiled at Danni. "Hey by the way what are you doing here?"

"I work here"


"She is my new cook" All eyes turned to Avery. "What? It's true"

"Why do you work? Why aren't you in college?"

"I dropped out of it. I don't need college" She lied.

"Do you need money?" He offered and she smiled at him.

"No, it's not about the money" She lied again. "I wanna achieve my dreams on my own with no education"

"Okay, but if you need anything, you can count on me" He squeezed her shoulder flashing her his smile.

"Thanks, Stevey"

"Stevey... I mean Steve, we should go now" said April.

He glanced at his watch. "Yeah" He looked at Danni. "It was nice seeing you my friend" He hugged her then stood up to hold April's hand.

"It was nice knowing you Danni, I hope we can get to know each other later" said April sweetly and truthfully. They said goodbye to Avery then left.

Danni started picking up the plates and headed to the kitchen to wash them but she heard footsteps behind her and waited for Avery's outburst.

"Just because you know Steve that doesn't mean things will change here" She tapped her foot on the floor and her arms were crossed and Danni shrugged being cool as always.

"I never thought it would" She smirked. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some dishes to wash"

She turned on the water and took the first dish. Avery turned her back and was about to leave but felt water on her bare arm, she turned to Danni with an arched eyebrow.

"Don't test my patience, I'm warning you" She pointed her accusation finger.

"Yeah, okay, ginger"

"I'm not... Ugh!" She left before she could jump on her and kill her or something.

Robert entered the kitchen laughing as he saw the whole thing, Danni turned to him with a question mark on her face.

"What are you laughing about?"

"You and Avery. It's like watching Tom & Jerry. You know, you are the first one who could talk to her like that"

"There is a first time for everything, right?" She smirked.

"Indeed but aren't you afraid of what she might do?"

"No, I'm not afraid of her. Her parents hired me and not her and they are satisfied with my work"

"Good point" He said proudly.

"I finished here, you leaving?"

"Yeah, I'll pack my stuff. You can go"

"Okay, see you tomorrow"

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