Chapter (17): Benjamin Scott

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"What the hell?"

She asked herself over and over again and decided it was time to see what all this is about. She stepped out of her BMW and followed them quietly to the reception desk and hid in the corner.

"Hi... we are here to see Benjamin Scott" said Danni waiting to see him.

"Sure, room 402"

"Thank you" she said and her uncle patted her shoulder.

On their way, Danni was feeling nervous and she turned to her uncle looking down at the floor.

"Do you think he will be mad to see me?"

"No, on the contrary Danni he will be so content so see you"

"But I haven't been there for him for a long time"

He put his hands on her shoulders. "He knows that you were trying your best and he knows that you love him so much"

"Okay" She took a deep breath and they walked to the elevator.

Avery followed them using the stairs until she reached the fourth floor. She was panting from climbing all the stairs, resting her hands on her knees and looking over the hallway till she regained her breath and searched for 402. She spotted Danni outside the room and she guessed that the man was already inside the room. She waited until Danni got inside. She tiptoed till she reached the door and saw what she never expected to see. A seven years old boy with black straight hair on the bed being monitored for his unknown condition and once he saw Danni, he opened his arms for her with a hug smile across his face.


"Danni!" said Ben opening his arms for her and she sat on the bed giving him a tight hug ruffling his short hair. "Danni, you are chocking me" She pulled away quickly looking at him.

"Sorry... I just missed you"

"I missed you too" he said innocently smiling at her and she couldn't help but smile at her little brother. "What took you so long?"

She sighed and took his hand in hers. "I've been working so that you can finally go home with me and uncle Josh" She pointed her thumb at her uncle who was leaning against the wall. "Ben... Do you remember when we said that we will come back to you with good news about your condition"

"Yeah" He nodded.

"Well... we found a way for you to do that but we need more time to make sure that everything will be perfect, okay?" She smiled at him but she wasn't saying the truth.

"Can't the doctors make me good? I'm scared" he asked innocently and Danni didn't know how to answer, so her uncle stepped in the conversation.

"Look, Ben... the doctors here are good and you will be okay. You will be able to play with Danni for hours and make her exhausted from the new energy you are gonna have" he said jokingly and Ben laughed. "And you'll be able to eat whatever you want plus..." He cupped his mouth whispering. "You could steal Danni's cake like you used to" He winked at him.

"Hey! I heard that!" said Danni.

"Okay" said Ben.

"Alright, champ" said Danni as she stood up getting ready to leave "I have to go now but I promise you that I won't be long this time"

He pouted and looked down avoiding her eyes. "I'm gonna miss you, Danni"

"I know, buddy" She hugged him again. "I promise I'll be back before you know it" She blinked back her tears and kissed his forehead then left him with uncle Josh.

Avery witnessed all that and when she saw Danni coming her way, she rushed to the corner waiting for her to come out and when she did she overheard her conversation with the man.

"I don't know what to do" she said. "That's a lot of money"

"I already talked to the doctor the surgery needs 80,000"

"What are we gonna do?" she asked.

"You keep working and I'll try to find a better job and tomorrow I'll see if I could get a loan or something"

"Okay" She quickly wiped her silent tears with the back of her hand. "He seems happy though" She smiled through her tears.

"That's because he saw you today" He grinned. "He found his hope because of you"

"I wish if I could find mine too"

"You will... soon"


Danni left the hospital but Avery didn't, she saw the encounter between Danni and the little boy but didn't hear a thing and when she saw the sadness in Danni's eyes she felt sorry for her and for some reason her heart was telling her to do the right thing. She went to the reception desk smiling at the receptionist.

"Hi" She started.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, you can. Could you tell me about the patient in room 402?"

"Are you a relative?"

"No bu-"

"Sorry, I'm not authorized to give you any information if you aren't a relative of the patient"

"But I'm friend of the family"

"Sorry, only family members"

She faked a smile at her then went to take a walk in the hospital's hallway. She wanted to know the condition of the patient so bad and an idea popped in her mind, she returned back to the front desk.

"There is a patient in 202 who needs help and there were no doctors to help him... please hurry!" she said and the nurse panicked and hurried to the room.

Avery sat on the computer, looking for information about room 402 and she found it.

"Bingo!" she said in victory.

Ben Scott, seven years old boy with heart condition, he has a weak heart since he was born 'Coronary heart disease' the open heart surgery costs 80,000.

"Wow! That's really a lot... I need to do something" She collected the information then left the computer before the nurse came back.

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