Chapter (28): Teach Me

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"Ben! Ben, wake up, your uncle is here to pick you up" she said to Ben, shaking him softly as he blinked repeatedly.

After last night, they went home and drifted off to sleep the moment they laid their heads on the pillow, and Ben slept that night from the exhaustion and will stay with Josh for a couple of days.

"Okay, okay. I'm up" He sat properly on the bed rubbing his eyes and she chuckled at his cuteness.

"Wash your face while I make you breakfast"

"Mm-hmm" He nodded.

She went to the door yelling over her shoulder. "And don't sleep!"

Danni prepared for him a healthy breakfast and he came to the kitchen still sleepy. He quietly sat on the chair waiting for her to finish.

"Here you go, champ"

"I want to sleep" he said as he took his first bite from the sandwich.

"I know, I'm sorry" She ruffled his hair. "But uncle Josh is in the other room waiting for you, eat your food then go with him, okay?"

He yawned and nodded, eating his breakfast and sipping his juice.

After finishing his breakfast, he changed his clothes and uncle Josh took him, after a long hug between Ben and Danni. Danni decided to go to the Carlisle's since Josh's garage won't be opened today.

She went to the kitchen and she was surprised that it was empty. Usually Abigail or Robert arrive at that time or even before it.

"That's weird"

She said to herself and heard someone's voice coming from the living room. She headed towards the voice and saw Avery talking on the phone as she was pacing the room.

"Okay... I'll see you tonight... thanks professor Gray"

She hung up and Danni came out from her hiding place, accidently scaring Avery.

"Jesus!" she said, putting a hand over her chest. "You scared me"

She chuckled. "Sorry"

"How long have you been here?"

"Not long"

"I didn't hear you coming"

"I'm smooth" she said confidently and Avery chuckled rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, right"

Danni broke her gaze from Avery and looked over the room which was also empty. "Why the house is so empty? Where is everybody? And where is your mom? And why are you here?... no offence"

"Abigail and Robert won't come today because my mom isn't in the house, just me... My mom is at work, she went early this morning, it was urgent and I'm not going to college today because I'm meeting professor Gray tonight... does that answer your follow up questions?"

She rubbed her chin. "Then what am I doing here?"

She shrugged. "You didn't need to come but I'm glad you are here though. She house is so quiet and seems haunted"

"Soooo, I won't change my clothes?"

"Noooo, why?" She mimicked her.

"I don't like chef's uniforms. Not really my style"

She laughed lightly. "No need to wear anything..." As soon as the words escaped her lips, Danni shot her eyebrows upwards and at the realization Avery stopped laughing and her face reddened. "I-I meant no need to wear the uniform" She looked away, averting her look and Danni couldn't wipe off that smug smile of hers. "Umm, you could be my friend today and not my chef, how does that sound?"

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