Chapter (44): Sway With Me

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"Ben, come on. Wake up, buddy. I'm taking you to school today"

"Okay" He sat on the bed with his eyes half opened. "What do you want?"

She chuckled. "Just wake up. I'll go make you breakfast"

Two minutes later, Ben emerged from the room, awake and energized. He sat on the table as Danni served him the breakfast. He was eating in silence until he noticed the smile on Danni's face when she was responding to text messages.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked.

"Huh?... Oh! It's nothing"

"You are smiling at nothing" He giggled.

"Hey, hey, hey... just finish your breakfast"

"Is it Avery?" he asked with a wide smile.

"Is it that obvious?"

He shrugged. "You seem happy whenever you see her"

"Yeah, you are right" She mumbled and sighed. "Ready to go?"

He nodded and jumped out of the chair, taking his backpack with him as he headed to the door.

They went downstairs and saw Avery in her car, wearing her shades on. She beamed when she saw them approaching her car.

"Hey, cuties" she said.

"Hi" said Ben.

"Hey... W-What are you doing here?" asked Danni with a confused look. "I mean... It's not like I don't want to see you or anything, of course that's not what I meant when I asked why you are here"

Avery smiled, taking his shades off at seeing Danni talk nervously. Ben rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Danni, relax" he said wisely. "She is your girlfriend"

Avery laughed at them especially when Danni blushed and then Avery winked at Ben.

"Right, sorry" said Danni, shaking her head in confusion. "Okay" She took a deep breath. "We should take you to school"

"I could take you" said Avery. "I've got nothing to do really"

"Can we go with her?" asked Ben excited. "Please" He pleaded his sister with his eyes.

"Uhh... Fine but you'll sit in the back"


"Yay!" said Avery opening the door for Ben as for Danni she jumped beside her, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"I saw that" said Ben giggling at them both.

"Hey! You said she is my girlfriend, so I can kiss her whenever I want"

She stuck her tongue at him and he laughed. When she turned to Avery, Avery was raising her eyebrow at her.

"What?" said Danni.

"Later" She smirked.

"Ohhhh. I get what you mean"

"Buckle up, kids" said Avery.


"Bye" said Ben as he stepped out of the car to meet his friends.

Avery drove off and Danni was silent for a minute before she spoke.

"So, why did you come?"

"I wanted to see you" She glanced at her before looking back at the road. "Does it bother you?"

"No! It was just a nice surprise. I was texting you and then BOOM! You are there, that's why I'm asking. Of course I love seeing you and I'm not sure if I'll see you tonight. I'll be back in the kitchen the whole time"

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