Chapter (7): Uncle Josh

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Danni was at the automobile workshop aka the garage, working on some car engine. She spotted her uncle and went up to him smiling.

"Hey, uncle Josh"

Josh Scott was 39 years old, with black hair like her and green eyes with a subtle beard, he works with her at the workshop. Josh is her uncle from her mother's side but she considers him as her father.

"Hey, Danni" He hugged her. "How are you doing?" he asked gently and she knew what he was talking about.

"To be honest with you... I don't know. I'm doing everything I can" She looked down and he squeezed her shoulder.

"I know, kiddo, I know"

"I got a new job" She smiled.

"Really? What is it?"

"I'm a cook. I work for this family, The Carlisles"

"Yeah, yeah, I know them. They are quite famous in Orange County"

"I hope the money will be enough though. I will work here in the morning and there in the evening"

"Don't worry about the money, don't forget that I'm helping you" He put his arm around her shoulder. "So you are cook, huh. At least it's something you love to do, right?"

She nodded. "I do love it but their daughter is causing me trouble"

"And why is that?"

"... She is spoiled, a few days ago, her car broke down, I fixed it and then she panicked when she saw the small tiny crash on her car and I'm sure she will have no mercy upon me" She rubbed her forehead.

"You are kidding, right?" he arched an eyebrow. "We are the Scotts and the Scotts can handle any lady" He winked and she chuckled.

"Maybe you are right, I won't let her make me lose my job... I need this job and the money"


Avery went shopping with April to help her in picking up the perfect dress to welcome home Steve, they still didn't find anything suitable.

"I'm tired, can we talk a break?" said April.

"No, we have to proceed our journey"

"But I'm tired, my feet are killing me" She whined.

"Ugh, alright" They went to a cafeteria in the mall and sat in the round booth and ordered milkshake.

"When is he coming back?"

She glanced at the watch. "He said he will be back at 5:00" She smiled at the thought of him.

"Look at that smile" She sipped her milkshake from the straw. "I have an idea; why don't you tell him to come to my house tonight? This way all three of us will be together then you can take him and... do whatever you wanna do with him but outside the house!"

She laughed. "Okay"

"We need to get you something special"

"It's okay if we don't find anything. Steve doesn't really care about what I wear; he loves me anyway"

"I'm gonna vomit from all the love"

She chuckled softly. "Soon you'll find someone special for you"


"Cross my heart"


"Uncle Josh, I finished and I'm leaving. Is there anything for me here to do?"

"No, thanks Danni" She turned around to leave. "Hey, Danni!" He called her and she turned around. "You aren't coming tonight?"

"No, I don't think I'll be able to but... tell him I'll see him later"

"Okay" He smiled lightly then she left.

She arrived at the Carlisle's mansion and hopped out of her dark blue scooter motorcycle (Vespa) and took off her helmet then she headed to the back door entering the kitchen.

"Hey, guys"

"Oh, hey Danni" said Robert.

"Where is Abigail?"

"She couldn't come today; she is a bit tired"

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry, it's just a little cold... I'm glad you are here though. I was feeling kind of lonely here"

She smiled. "Well, here I'm and it's time for work"

"Oh! By the way Avery's friend is coming today and she asked me to do something special for him like a 'Welcome Home Cake' or something like that"

"Piece of cake" He laughed lightly. "No pun intended" She raised her palms.

"Where were you this morning, if you don't mind me asking"

"I have another job aside from this. I'm a mechanic"

"Oh my! Girls who can fix cars, that's marvelous"

"It is but to be honest with you the job has its flaws"

"Of course it is"


The doorbell rang, Avery went to open the door and hugged April and Steve. Steve was 20 years old as them, he had light brown eyes, light brown hair and he wore glasses and he was a nerd. April and Steve have been together since high school, they declared their love for each other a year ago.

"Welcome home Steve" said Avery. "Come on in" She opened the door for them and she smiled at the sight of them holding hands.

"I missed you so much guys, what did I miss?"

"Nothing much, really" replied April.

"How was New York?" asked Avery.

"It was amazing! But I'm sure it will be super with you guys being there" He turned his eyes on April and she squealed.

"Hello! I'm here" said Avery.

"Sorry" he said. "I just missed April" He turned again to April.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to check on something real quick" she said but they weren't paying any attention.

She went to the kitchen and once she spotted Danni putting the last touch on the cake, she groaned and went to her.

"Is it finished?" she asked looking at the cake.

"Just a few things and will be done" she said as she was focusing on her job.

"Well hurry!!" She hissed and this time Danni turned to her clearly annoyed.

"Could you please let me focus?"

"I'm sorry, if I remember clearly you work for me, so you do as I say"

"And if I remember clearly you requested this cake to be perfect so let me end my perfection"

She was about to finish the cake but quickly Avery took the cake and went running as fast as she could.

"Wait!" said Danni.

Danni ran after her but it was too late to catch her as she went to the living room but Danni broke the rule and went after her "I'm not done yet!" she said she came to the view of April, Avery and Steve.



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