Chapter (35): Healed Bruises

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Danni rode her vespa around the city after leaving Chloe's house. She needed to think about her decision of telling Avery the truth and needed to think about poor Chloe who was left broken hearted in her own house. She arrived late that night and couldn't sleep well that the next morning she woke up tired with a headache and made herself a cup of coffee, drinking it alone and decided to follow her uncle's advice but after she texted Chloe that she was sorry.

As for Avery she was still hurt by Gray's action but what hurt her more was her outburst on Danni yesterday. Danni was nothing but caring for her and she closed the door on her face when she tried to talk to her and she didn't bother to even listen to what she wanted to say but that was because she was angry at herself for not believing her in the first place.

On the table, her mom was sipping her coffee and reading some papers and Avery came joining her.

"Morning honey" said Meredith.

"Morning, mom"

"You aren't going to college today?" She pointed at her comfy clothes, light pink sweater and gray sweatpants.

"No, I'm staying home. I feel a little tired"

"Okay" She took one last sip. "Oh! Did you tell Danni about the wedding? She needs to be there and tell her that she will earn a lot if she agreed to the offer"

"Uhhh... Not yet but I'll tell her, don't worry"

"You better" she said and went giving Avery a kiss on her cheek before leaving.

Avery sighed and went back to her room. She opened her laptop and a message popped in the screen, she clicked on it and played the video. She recognized the people in the video and she covered her mouth and her eye became watery then a text message appeared below the video.

~You know what will happen if you don't do as I say. Just one click and your life is over. Think this over, Avery. Love, Raymond Gray~


Danni arrived at Avery's house and she entered the house which was empty till now and she hoped that Avery won't be at college. She went upstairs and noticed Avery's door was ajar. When she peeked through the opened door, she saw Avery looking at herself in the mirror and raising her right sleeve and the hem of her shirt, revealing the purple bruises and red mark on her wrist in the reflection of the mirror. Danni's eyes went wide and from the panic, she opened the door startling Avery who immediately hid her bruises.

"Danni!" she said startled.

"What the hell are those?" she asked panicking and took a step closer.

"What is what?"

She looked away from her but Danni ignored her and took another step closer, which forced Avery's back to face the wall and she started to breath heavily when Danni was close to her and their eyes met. Danni raised the hem of her shirt softly, examining the bruise and Avery's eyes were glassy as she looked away from her.

"Danni, get out!"

"No" She shook her head at her. "Who did this to you?" asked Danni as she brushed the bruise with her fingers. "Don't tell me you did it to yourself because I won't believe it" She scoffed and looked at her again. "Tell me who did this to you!" Her voice showed anger this time but more of a concern. "Tell me" she said softly this time, making Avery's heart beat fast because Danni held her face in her palms and their eyes locked.

Avery opened her mouth to reply but she couldn't. A tear rolled down her cheek and she began to sob. Without her knowing she threw herself on Danni, hiding her face in her chest, crying and sobbing hard and Danni circled her arms around her tightly and rubbed her back soothingly. Avery pulled away a little and her face was wet from crying.

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