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A bounty hunter approaches the Camelot gate on a black horse which is pulling a prison-like cart behind it, but before he can get any further, he is stopped by two palace guards.

"Halt, who goes there?" asked the first guard.

The horse and cart stop, as the bounty hunter stares down at the two guards.

"I request an audience with king Arthur. I have something he might like to buy from me" revealed the bounty hunter.

The bounty hunter then points to the cart behind him. The two guards look into the cart before nodding at each other and allowing the cart through into the baily of the castle. The bounty hunter dismounts his horse and walks over to check the cart, while one of the guards heads inside the castle.

A few minutes later the door leading into the castle opens and King Arthur, Merlin, and Queen Gwen exit after the guard. The bounty hunter turns and bows before the king and queen, as they approach him.

"Welcome to Camelot. How may I help you?" asked Arthur.

"My lord, my name is Edgar and I have travelled far to bring you a very special gift" revealed Edgar the bounty hunter.

Arthur and the rest of the group descend down the stone steps to get closer to the bounty hunter and his cage.

"What is this gift, you speak of?" questioned Arthur curiously.

Edgar turns to his cart and pulls off the dark cloth that was draped over it, revealing a small figure curled up inside.

"It took me several months to find this particular creature, and it involved me searching through many kingdoms, but I did it. And now I expect to be given an appropriate fee in return for handing it over to you" said Edgar.

"What is this?" quizzed Arthur, frowning as he stared inside the cage.

"It's a sorcerer of course, and a powerful one at that. She tried so hard to evade me, but no one can flee from me, once I decide that I want them. I know that Camelot bans all uses of magic, I even helped your father capture a few magicians, many years ago, which is why I brought this here, to you" revealed Edgar proudly.

Edgar then grabbed hold of a chain that was hanging from the outside of the cart and pulled it with great strength. The figure inside is thrown forward and she collides with the hard iron bars of the cage, causing her to wake up.

"Not so powerful now though are we" laughs Edgar.

The bounty hunter takes the keys from his belt and unlocks the cage, before pulling the figure out and onto the floor. The figure tries to cover her naked body with a small tattered blanket and her matted, long blonde hair, but Edgar snatches the blanket from her and throws it back into the cage.

"Please, is that really necessary?" asked Gwen.

"The queen is right, I do not appreciate being forced to witness abuse. Besides, what proof do we have that this girl is really a sorcerer? How do I know that you haven't just kidnapped this poor, ordinary girl from her family, in order to make a profit?" questioned Arthur.

"Your father wouldn't have needed proof. But if you require evidence I can provide it" replied Edgar.

Edgar turns back to the girl and shakes the chains in his hands violently.

"You heard the king. Do some magic. Why don't you light the torches on that wall over there?" he suggested.

The figure raised her head slightly, staring at the torches on the wall that Edgar was pointing at, before dropping her head.

"I can't" she whispered quietly.

"You can and you will. You know what will happen if you don't" threatened Edgar angrily.

"I can't do it" repeated the girl as she shook her head.

"Err, the reason she seems unable to perform magic is because she is too weak. But I promise you, she is a sorcerer" said Edgar nervously.

"Without proof, I cannot tell whether or not she has magic, and I will not put the girl to death without proof" replied Arthur firmly.

Edgar removes a whip and hits the girl across her back three times, before placing it back into his pocket.

"Tell the king that you are a sorcerer. Say it!" he demanded.

The girl refuses to say a word, so Edgar kicks the girl in the stomach. He then brings out a crystal necklace from his pocket and crouches down next to her.

"Say that you are a sorcerer, or I will break it, right here, right now, and all of your suffering, will have been for nothing" he whispered.

"I'm a sorcerer" mumbled the girl.

"Louder!" yelled Edgar with a grin on his face.

"I am a sorcerer, I have magic" she whimpered.

"There, I told you she was a witch, and now she has confessed. As she was especially hard to catch, I will expect a higher bounty than I would usually ask for. And if you want to control her you will need this jewel as well, which will cost you extra" revealed Edgar as he reveals the crystal necklace to Arthur.

"You said I could have it back, if I did as you said" the girl said quietly, as she looked at the crystal.

Edgar turned back to face her, grabbed her by her hair and lifted her off the floor, revealing her bruised, naked body to everyone.

"Oh, I did, did I. Well that's a shame, because unless the king wants to pay for it, I am going to keep it for myself" smiled Edgar.

He then dropped the girl who immediately begins to cry in pain as her body hits the floor.

"That's enough. Guards, give this man the money he requires and then escort him out of Camelot, immediately" ordered Arthur.

"You are too kind my lord" replied Edgar.

"This is the last time your presence will be accepted in Camelot. I do not wish to see you here again. This girl was not committing a crime if she was outside of Camelot. You brought someone you believed to be a sorcerer into my kingdom, making you just as guilty as her. Now take your money and get out"

Edgar accepts the money given to him from the nearest guard and bows to Arthur. He leaves the crystal necklace on the ground, and then turns and mounts his horse. Once Edgar is out of sight Arthur dismisses his guards and approaches the girl.

"What is your name?" Arthur asked quietly.

The girl begins to shiver, so Arthur removes his cloak and places it around her shoulders causing her to flinch at its touch.

"Its ok, I'm not going to hurt you. Do you have a name?" Arthur asked again

"Mya" mumbled the girl.

"Mya. Do you think you can stand?".

Mya begins to push up her body to try and reach a crouching position, but as soon as she puts weight on her feet she falls forward and hits her head on the ground, losing consciousness. Arthur immediately bends down and quickly picks her up.

"Merlin, I think she is gravely ill, we need to get her to Gaius quickly" shouted Arthur as he turned to face Merlin and Gwen who were stood behind him.

Arthur runs up the steps as quickly as he can while Merlin holds the door open for him. once Arthur is inside, Gwen follows him and Merlin enters last allowing the door to swing closed behind him as the group head to Gaius's room.

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now