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Later that day Arthur and Gwen are eating a meal in the throne room when Gaius approaches them awkwardly.

"Gaius, is there a problem?" questioned Arthur.

"No. Its just, Mya has made it quite clear that she has magic and can't always control it. If you are planning on keeping her powers a secret, then I worry that someone will find out" admitted Gaius.

"At the moment, the only other people who know about her, are you and Merlin, and I know you won't tell anyone. I've never even seen her use magic, which means she can control it well enough around people when she has to" replied Arthur.

"That is because she is still very weak. I worry then when she gets stronger she won't be able to control it well enough, especially if she is trying to keep it contained"

"I understand that. Which is why I've decided that I'm only going to stop her using magic when around people who don't know the truth. When she is alone she can use magic then if she so wishes, as long as it is minimal"

"What are you going to tell people about how you found her?"

"I'm going to say that me and Merlin found her alone in the woods while we were hunting. She was injured so we brought her here, where I discovered that she was a relation of mine and I invited her to stay here. That will explain her injuries"

"But what if-"

"Gaius, I have thought through all the options and come up with the one that will work best. If a problem occurs, we will deal with it. Now, I won't delay you a moment longer, I'm sure you have work to be getting on with"


Gaius bowed his head and exited the room, leaving Gwen and Arthur alone.

"Perhaps you should listen to him. What you are doing could be considered dangerous" warned Gwen.

"I know. But what I'm doing is also a good thing. You said it yourself, lots of people with magic attack Camelot. If we have someone here with magic, who's on our side, it could be very useful in times of trouble" admitted Arthur.

"So, you aren't taking her in because you care about her, but because you think she will be beneficial to the kingdom"

"No. I had already decided to take her in, with or without the magic. I then tried convincing myself that it was a bad idea, but I realised that having a good sorcerer in Camelot, could be beneficial for everyone"

"Fair enough. I just hope you know what you are doing"

"So, do I".

That evening Arthur was pacing around his room with no shirt on, while Merlin filled up his bath for him with buckets of water.

"Do you think I'm being foolish?" asked Arthur.

"No. I think you are doing the right thing" answered Merlin.

"Well, you're the only one" sighed Arthur.

"That's not true. I'm sure Mya is very grateful for the risk you are taking for her"

"You think so?"


"She didn't seem very grateful earlier"

"I think she was just in shock, she has been through a lot afterall, but she'll come around"

"You've spent more time with her than I have. Tell me, do you think she is going to be a danger to Camelot?"

"I really couldn't say"

"Come on Merlin, when do you not have an opinion on something?"

"Fine... Well it's true that she has magic and I don't believe that she will use it to hurt someone intentionally"


"But, she is a child, and she claims she can't control her magic, which could be dangerous for Camelot".

"Yes, Gaius said something like that. Why do you think she can't control it?" quizzed Arthur.

"She experienced trauma when she was younger, and it has affected the way she uses magic" revealed Merlin.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she told me when she was a child a group of villagers tried to burn her alive. Her mother managed to save her just in time, but since then she hasn't been able to control her magic. I think she is even afraid of it"

"I see... Do you think my father was wrong? During the Great Purge, I know many innocent people lost their lives. Even people that didn't have magic were executed by accident. Talking to someone who was a known sorcerer was enough to get you killed. I know I don't want to be like him, but I can't just allow people like Morgana to corrupt and destroy the kingdom with their powers. There must be a way to allow those who mean no harm to practise magic, without allowing evil sorcerers to hurt people with theirs"

"I believe that magic depends on the person. Not everyone with magic means you harm Arthur, some want to help you"

"I guess it's just a shame that I only meet the ones who want to kill me"

"Maybe Mya will change your views on magic"

"Maybe... Is the water ready yet?"


"Well, hurry up, I'm getting tired of waiting"

"Yes sire".

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now