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Merlin sits by Mya's bed side while Gaius is sat his desk, hopelessly staring at different books.

"Gaius, her breathing is getting weaker" Merlin said worriedly.

Gaius climbed out of his chair and made his way over to Mya bedside. He then bent down and rested his palm on Mya's forehead before checking the pulse on her wrist.

"You're right. She is getting weaker" admitted Gaius.

"There must be something we can do" replied Merlin.

"There is no cure to stop someone from starving to death".

Merlin lowered his voice, "There must be something I can do, using magic".

"Merlin. You know that you can't risk using your magic in Camelot. Especially for someone who isn't important, and who is in such a poor condition" replied Gaius sternly.

"Every life is worth saving. And if I can't use magic to help people, then what is the point of it?" questioned Merlin.

"It would be a great risk. And to be honest, I don't even know what spell you could use to help her".

Suddenly one of the books on Gaius's bookshelf flew out and landed on the table in the centre of the room. Merlin and Gaius immediately turn around and rush over to it.

"What happened? What did you do?" demanded Gaius.

"Nothing. It wasn't me" promised Merlin.

The two of them turned around slowly to face Mya who was still unconscious on the bed.

"It was Mya" Merlin said quietly.

The book on the desk suddenly begins flipping through its pages before it eventually stops on page 397.

"Healing broken bones and other ailments. This is it. I can heal her wounds and fix her broken bones" announced Merlin.

"But Merlin, Arthur and Gwen have both seen her, they know that she is badly bruised and broken. If you heal her they might think she used magic to heal herself, and that is something we don't want to happen. And her injuries aren't her only problem, she is dying of starvation, and that kind of thing takes a long time to heal" reminded Gaius.

"I know, but don't you see, if I heal her injuries, she won't be in so much pain, and she will have time to get better and eat some food".

"Merlin, we know from experience that you aren't very good at using healing magic. You're no physician, yet. Why would you risk so much, just for one girl you don't even know?" Asked Gaius curiously.

"Because she is important, I know she doesn't seem like much at the moment, but one day she will be" revealed Merlin.

"Would this hunch have anything to do with you going out last night?"


"Well, if you think it's a good idea then I trust your judgment Merlin. After all I'm just an old man"

"Gaius, you are more than that and you know it, I wouldn't be here without you and your guidance. But healing her is something I must do. Don't worry though, I'll be careful, I'll only heal her broken bones and stop the infections in her wounds, I won't heal all her cuts and bruises, because you're right, Arthur has seen them, and I don't want him to get suspicious".

Merlin read the page in the book several times, before picking it up and taking it with him as he made his way over to Mya. He then placed the book on the floor, and gently laid his hand on Mya's forehead. Merlin then closed his eyes and muttered the incantation in the book several times.

"I guess we will have to wait a while to see if it worked. But if things do get worse, I am going to heal all her injuries, no matter what the consequences are" admitted Merlin.

When Merlin wakes up the following morning he finds Mya awake, and staring up at the ceiling as a tear drips down her face.

"Mya. You're awake" gasped Merlin.

"Yes" muttered Mya.

"How do you feel?" Merlin asked.

"Weak. I'm also really hungry, do you have anything I could eat?".

Merlin jumped to his feet and headed towards the table.

"Of course, I will make you some soup. I think it would be best for you to stick to liquids for a while, until you are strong enough to eat solids again" admitted Merlin.

"O.K." mumbled Mya.

Merlin moves over to Gaius's desk and begins to shake the physician awake.

"Mya's awake" he announced.

"Yes, I can see that" replied Gaius.

"She's asked for something to eat, I was going to make her some soup" revealed Merlin.

"I will do that. Arthur will want to know that she is awake, you had better go and tell him. Don't forget that you are his servant, not mine"

"How could I forget? But can't it wait, I'd rather stay here for a while?"

"No. You go to Arthur, and I will do my job and take care of my patient".

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now