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Arthur picks up Mya and carries her over to the bed and begins trying to dry her with the blanket that is on there.

"Will she be all right?" asked Arthur nervously.

"I think so, if we dry her quickly and warm her, hopefully we can get her to wake up and stop her body going into shock" answered Gaius.

Everyone in the room begins to dry Mya and warm her up and eventually her eyes flicker and she wakes up.

"What happened?" whispered Mya.

"You don't remember?" questioned Gwen.

"I remember it was raining inside, everything else is a blur" admitted Mya.

"Well you managed to cause a storm outside, and somehow managed to create a flow of water to drip onto your body and we couldn't stop it" revealed Gaius.

Mya placed her head in hands and began to cry.

"I'm useless. A pathetic excuse for a sorcerer. I can't control my magic because it controls me. And I'm guessing you don't want me around anymore, no one ever does, once they've seen how bad I am at using magic" she sobbed.

"I'm not going to throw you out. I made a promise to you earlier, that I was going to look after you, and I plan on keeping that promise" replied Arthur.

"Really? You don't want me to leave?" questioned Mya.

"Absolutely not. You're staying here whether you like it or not"

"Ok. Is that an order?"

"Most definitely".

Later that day Merlin entered the room and sat down on the bed opposite Mya.

"Bad day?" he asked.

"Oh, not too bad. I only showed my future guardian and everyone I care about, how terrible I am at magic, and why it is a bad idea to have anything to do with me. So not too bad no" Mya replied sarcastically.

"It could've been worse" replied Merlin.

"Yes. I could have killed everyone in the room. You shouldn't have let Arthur get that close to me, I could've hurt him"

"But you didn't. You should give yourself some credit for that"

"I suppose so"

"Do you know what set you off earlier?"

"Yes... It is the anniversary of my mothers death today. I was thinking about it all last night and I guess this morning it just overwhelmed me, I don't remember"

"I'm sorry".

"You never did tell me, what your mother's name was" admitted Merlin.

"Are you sure that you want to know?" asked Mya.

"You said that I killed her"

"And you did"

"Then I need to know who she was".

Mya sighed and took a deep breath, "Nimueh. My mother's name was Nimueh".

Merlin face dropped as he recoiled in horror.

"Now you see why I didn't want to tell you" continued Mya.

"She tried to kill me, Arthur, Gaius and my mother, not to mention all of Camelot" replied Merlin.

"I know"

"I didn't have a choice, I had to stop her"

"I'm aware of that. Like I told you before, I am not angry at you anymore for what you did"

"You were there that day weren't you, on the Isle of the Blessed?"

"Yes, I was"

"I'm sorry you had to watch me do that".

"I can't keep this a secret from Arthur. You are aware that I'm going to have to tell him the truth, aren't you?" asked Merlin.

Mya sighed and nodded her head, "Yes, I know what you must do... You are a loyal friend Merlin, I hope that one day I will find someone who will be as loyal to me as you are to Arthur".

End of book 1

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now