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Later that evening Merlin and Mya were alone in the room, as Merlin and Gaius were taking it in turns to watch over Mya. Merlin poured water from a small cup into Mya's mouth and once it was empty he placed it back on the table.

"Thank you Emrys" whispered Mya quietly, speaking for the first time since she collapsed outside.

"Emrys, why do you call me that? How do you know who I am?" questioned Merlin nervously.

"I believed that Emrys was your name" replied Mya.

"My name is Merlin. Emrys is my druid name, but you can't use it here in Camelot. Promise me that you won't mention that name to anyone else"

"O.K, I promise... Thank you, Merlin".

Mya's eyelids began to flutter as she began to fall back into unconsciousness.

"Wait, don't go" begged Merlin.

Gaius entered the room and approached the pair, frowning at Merlin's distress.

"Merlin? What's wrong?" he asked.

"She spoke to me. She called me Emrys" revealed Merlin.

"Emrys? Well then, I think that confirms our fears. The only reason she would know that name would be if she had magic, and has had contact with the druids" sighed Gaius.

"What do we tell Arthur?"

"Nothing. We can't tell Arthur. If he knew the truth she would be in danger. And so would your secret"

"But Gaius, if she has magic then she could be a danger to Arthur. I have to tell him the truth"

"At the moment, she is too weak to be a danger to anyone"

Merlin stood up and allowed Gaius to sit down in the chair he had just been occupying.

"You get some sleep, I will watch over her now" said Gaius.

Merlin nodded his head, "O.K, I will be back later to take over".

Merlin then began to head towards the door, making Gaius frown.

"Are you not going to sleep? We could be up all night trying to keep her alive" admitted Gaius.

"I will sleep later. I've got to do something first" replied Merlin.

"Do I want to know what this something is?

"Probably not"

"Well, be careful then, with whatever you are going to be doing".

Merlin smiled at Gaius and then exited the room.

Merlin stood opposite the great dragon Kilgharrah, who he had just summoned to the forest outside Camelot.

"Do you know why I'm here?" asked Merlin.

"To ask of my help in some matter concerning Arthur's safety I suppose, as that is what you always ask of me" sighed Kilgharrah.

"Don't be like that. I set you free remember and allowed you to live, in return you help me protect Arthur and give me the knowledge I seek" replied Merlin.

"Well then, what is the knowledge you seek from me this time?"

"There is a young girl in Camelot, she knows my real name; Emrys. And I need to know if she is a danger to Arthur"

"Yes, I suppose you do"

"Well, is she? The last time I asked you for your help concerning a young child with magic in Camelot you told me to let them die"

"My advice was correct then as it is now, but last time you chose to go against my warning and help Mordred escape, even though I told you he would one day unite with Morgana and kill Arthur"

"Well, so far Mordred hasn't tried to kill Arthur, so I was right to save him from Uther. But that doesn't matter at the moment, I need to know about this girl who's just arrived in Camelot".

"The girl who goes by the name Mya, is said to be the opposite of Mordred. While Morgana cannot succeed in her plans without the boy, you cannot complete your destiny without the girl" revealed Kilgharrah.

"So, she isn't a threat to Arthur?" questioned Merlin.

"No. It is said that there will come a time, where you cannot save Arthur, but she can. You must befriend her so that when the time comes, she can sacrifice herself to save Arthur's life" answered Kilgharrah.

"Wait. What do you mean sacrifice?"

"I mean that without the help of that girl, Arthur and you will both die. She will fulfil her role in the prophecy. Just as it is your destiny to protect Arthur, it is her destiny to protect the both of you. Without her you will fail, and Albion will fall"

"But you said she is going to die saving me and Arthur"

"That is what has been foretold"

"Well that can't be true, because she is dying right now"

"Well then you had better find a way to save her. You must keep her alive until she can die at the proper moment"

"I can't do that. It would be like raising an animal for slaughter. How can I befriend a girl, knowing that one day she is going to die saving my life? What kind of person does that make me?"

"I can't answer that for you Merlin. But you must save this girl, no matter what the cost is".

Kilgharrah then began to stretch out his wings, preparing to take off. Before Merlin can stop him he flaps his wings and soars into the air.

"Wait. Where in my destiny does it say that I have to allow someone to sacrifice themselves for me?" shouted Merlin as Kilgharrah disappeared off into the distance.

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now