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Gaius is attending to Mya's wounds the following morning while she sleeps, so that he doesn't cause her any more pain.

"Morning Gaius. How is she?" questioned Arthur as he entered the room and approached the pair.

"Good morning sire. She is still alive. She's stronger than we thought" admitted Gaius.

"Right, that's good. Has her hair always been that colour?" frowned Arthur.

Gaius bit his lip awkwardly, "Yes".

"Strange. I thought it was lighter than that- Wait, what's that on her cheek?" Arthur asked.

"It is a birthmark I believe"

"Why have I never seen it before?"

"Perhaps it was covered by her hair. Is it important?"

"Maybe, maybe not".

Arthur suddenly began shaking Mya's shoulder lightly, trying to wake her up. 

"What's wrong?" questioned Mya as her eye's snapped open.

"Who was your father?" demanded Arthur.

Mya avoided eye contact with Arthur and stared at the floor.

"I told you, I don't remember him" she lied.

"You're lying. What was his name?" shouted Arthur.

"Sire, why is this so important?" asked Gaius.

"I knew someone with a birthmark like that. Why did you try to hide it from me?" Arthur quizzed Mya angrily.

"Who?" questioned Gaius, as Mya stayed quiet.

"My cousin. My father's younger brother married a queen of a different land, so that he would get to be a king. He died a few years ago when his kingdom was invaded. He had a child, a daughter, she disappeared when she was 3 years old, and was never found. I only met the princess once, when she was a few months old. She had a birthmark on her cheek identical to that one. That can't just be a coincidence"

"What happened to his wife, the queen?"

"No one is sure. The rumour was that she died in childbirth".

"That's not true. That woman didn't die in childbirth" Mya said quietly.

"Then how did she die?" asked Arthur.

"My mother killed her" revealed Mya.


"To force the king to raise me".

"What do you mean" questioned Gaius.

"My mother wanted a child of noble blood, but she didn't want to raise another child, because she knew that it was hard work. So, she gave me to the king, to be raised in the palace until I was old enough and wouldn't need as much looking after, then she would come and take me back to live with her. The king was my father, but I can't really remember him. My mother killed the queen, so that the king wouldn't be able to have another legitimate heir from his first marriage, forcing him to keep me and pretend that the queen had been my mother" explained Mya.

"Your mother was a sorcerer wasn't she?" sighed Arthur.

"Yes" answered Mya.

"You realise what this means don't you? You and I are related. This changes everything. Why didn't you tell me as soon as you met me?"

"You wouldn't have believed me, you would have thought I was lying in order to stay here. Besides, I wanted you to like me, for me, not just because we were related, and you felt obliged to do so. I wanted you to choose me because you wanted to, not because you had to. But I guess it's too late, now that you know the truth"

"This doesn't change my offer. I promised you that I would allow you to stay here as long as you wanted to, and I'm not about to go against my word. In fact, I've decided that I'm going to take you under my wing, you shall be my ward and will be treated with the respect you deserve. After all you have suffered it is the least I can do. You shall be Lady Mya Pendragon"


"You don't want that?"

"It's not the offer, that's the problem. I cannot take the surname Pendragon, even if it was my father's last name. My mother would never forgive me if I accepted the Pendragon part of me. She hated your father more than anyone else, and I couldn't do that to her, even though she is no longer here"

"That's fine, you don't have to become a Pendragon".

"You really mean it don't you? You want me to live here, with you?" asked Mya.

"I do" replied Arthur.

"That means no more living on the run. I haven't had a proper home for a long time, and it's been even longer since I lived in a palace"

"Don't worry about that, you can relearn how to live in a palace and act like a royal"

"And are you sure that you really want this? I don't want history to repeat itself"

"How do you mean?"

"Well your father's ward ended up turning evil and killing him"

"Do you plan to kill me?"

"No, but-"

"No buts. The situation is completely different. I know about your powers, my father didn't know about Morgana's, and I plan to learn from his mistakes"

"Well, if you're sure"

"I am".

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now