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That night Gaius was asleep in his bed in the far side of the room while Mya sat upright in her bed. Her eyes were glowing gold as she muttered an incantation under her breath, while holding her hands on her chest. After several minutes of chanting she drops her hands and stops using magic, allowing her eyes to return to normal. She then throws her blanket off of her body and moves her feet around, so that they are hanging over the edge of the bed. Mya then pushes herself up with her arms, as she attempts to stand. Unfortunately she fails and falls to the floor landing with a loud thud. Hearing this noise, Merlin enters from his bedroom, and watches Mya as she tries to push herself up and back onto the bed, but with no success.

"Here, let me help. I don't want you to hurt yourself further" Merlin said as he made his way over to her.

"I'm fine" snapped Mya, as she tried to beat Merlin's hands away from her body.

"No, you're not" replied Merlin as he bent down and placed his arms around Mya so that he could pull her up and onto the bed.

"What's wrong with me. How did I let myself become this?" sobbed Mya, as she wiped away the tears that were beginning to fall from her eyes, with her hands.

Merlin picked up the blanket from the floor and placed it over Mya before resting his hand supportively on her shoulder.

"Why are you helping me? I'm not important" admitted Mya.

"Everyone is important, and don't let anyone tell you that you aren't" replied Merlin.

"Thank you".

"Were you using magic earlier, before I came into the room?" questioned Merlin curiously.

"You could hear me? I was just trying to heal my broken ribs. I know that you tried your best, but Gaius was right, healing magic isn't really your forte" replied Mya.

"Sorry about that. Did it work, your spell?"

"Hard to say. It doesn't hurt quite as much anymore, which is good I suppose"

"Listen to me, you will get stronger. It's just going to take time. You're not going to get better overnight"

"If you say so"

"I do. Now promise me that you aren't going to try walking again, until me or Gaius tells you it's O.K. to do so"


"Good, now try and get some rest"

"I will try. But it's so hard. For years, I didn't know if I was coming or going. It's been ages since I've even slept in a real bed... Arthur wants me to be this perfect princess, and keep my magic a secret from everyone at court, while I act like a good little lady, but I'm not sure that I can"

"I understand why the future might seen daunting. But like Arthur says, you're safe here, so that's all that matters. And if Arthur thinks you can be transformed into the perfect lady, then I believe him"

"You have such faith in him. He's lucky to have you"

"He's lucky to have both of us".

"I guess... Tell me something though Merlin, you've been here for years protecting Arthur with your magic, despite the risk, so tell me, is he worth it?" asked Mya.

"Yes, he is. Arthur may seem tough on the outside, but deep down he is a good person who cares for his people" answered Merlin.

"Tell me why you do it though? Why risk everything for him?"

"Because I believe in him, and I believe in the world that he is going to create. Arthur will unite the land of Albion, and one day magic will be allowed in Camelot once again"

"That sounds like wishful thinking if you ask me"

"When you get to know Arthur better, you too will have faith in him, and the future that he will bring about"

"We'll see".

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now