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That evening Arthur and Gwen were eating dinner in their room, with Merlin standing at the side to refill their glasses when needed. But despite the glorious meal in front of him, Arthur seemed unable to eat, as all the food tasted like cardboard in his mouth.

"What's troubling you?" asked Gwen.

"What do you think?" sighed Arthur as he rested his head on his hands.

"The girl?" replied Gwen.

"Yes... What if not everyone who has magic is evil? All my life my father taught me that magic is evil, and those who possess it can't be trusted. But what if he was wrong? I can't believe that that little girl is evil, that idea doesn't sit well with me"

"Me neither. But look at the facts Arthur. Almost everyone with magic who comes to Camelot is dangerous and wants to kill you and destroy the kingdom"

"Almost everyone"

"Exactly. They do it because their kind has been persecuted and murdered by Uther for years, and they want revenge for those they have lost. Most of the people with magic who attack Camelot do it because they have lost someone close to them. And to be honest, can you blame them?"

"No, I can't... As far as I know, Mya hasn't lost anyone because of me or my father, but I can't be sure"

"No, you can't. But whatever you choose to do, I will be behind your decision every step of the way"

"Thank you".

Merlin was sat on his bed in his own room while Gaius sat next to him.

"She said that I killed her mother" revealed Merlin.

"But she wouldn't tell you her mother's name?" questioned Gaius.

Merlin shook his head, "No, she just told me I wouldn't want to know".

"I guess that she doesn't want to be judged by her mother's wrongdoings. If you knew her mother and did kill her for whatever reason, you would look at her and only be able to see her mother. She obviously accepts that her mother was evil, and if she thanked you for saving her life yesterday, then she must have got over her mother's death and so she doesn't bare you any ill-will"

"I've been trying to think of who her mother could be, but I can't think of anyone. She doesn't look like anyone I knew- Wait, you don't think she is using some kind of glamour to alter her appearance so that we don't recognise her, do you?

"It is possible. She could have used glamour before being caught, and some forms of glamour do last a long time"

"But you said she is too weak to perform any strong magic"

"That is true, but not all types of glamour use magic. There are potions that can alter your how you look, and she could have a stock of them, which she takes regularly without the need to keep using magic.

"And do you think she is using glamour?"

"Impossible to say".

"Is there a spell we can use that would remove her glamour, if she is wearing any?" asked Merlin.

"All glamour wears off over time. But I do know a way that you can dispel glamour. It should be in the magic book I gave you" answered Gaius.

Merlin jumped off the bed and bent down onto his hands and knees, before removing s a piece of the floorboard and taking out a large book that had been hidden in there. He then stands up and begins flicking through the book frantically.  In the end he gives up and places the book on the bed before raising his hand and allowing his eyes glow gold as he performs magic. The pages of the book turn quickly and eventually stop on the page about glamour. Merlin then picks up the book and sits back down placing the book on his lap, and when he finds what he's looking for, he points to the correct spell.

"Here, the spell to remove all traces of glamour. Let's go" announced Merlin as he jumped to his feel once more

"Now?" questioned Gaius.

"Why not?" asked Merlin.

"No reason. But Merlin, just don't be too disappointed if she isn't using glamour. And even if she is, remember you still might not recognise her"

"I know".

Merlin entered the main room carrying the book, closely followed by Gaius. The pair then walk over to Mya who is asleep on her bed. Merlin places the book on the nearby table, before raising his hand over Mya, his eyes glowing a fabulous gold colour as he mutters the enchantment. When Merlin has finished chanting, Mya's dark blonde hair turns a darker, almost black colour, and a black birthmark in the shape of a C, appears on her cheek just below her left eye.

"She was using glamour" announced Merlin triumphantly.

"Not very much though" pointed out Gaius.

"Why would she take such drastic measures just to change her hair colour and cover up a birthmark?" questioned Merlin.

"Her birthmark makes her more memorable, and when you are trying to hide from someone, you don't want anything that people can use to identify you easily"

"And her hair?"

"I don't know Merlin, maybe she just didn't like the colour"

"No, it's got to be more than that. She wouldn't change it without a good reason. It's got to be some indication of her past, maybe it's the same colour as her mother's?"

"Maybe. But unless you ask her and she chooses to give you the correct answer, we will never know".

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now