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Arthur couldn't sleep that night so he found himself sitting by Mya's bedside, to see if she made it through the night. He held the crystal that the bounty hunter had given him in his hands, as he examined it closely.

"Gaius. What is this? Is it some kind of sorcerers pendent? Is it magic?" he asked.

Gaius took the crystal necklace and began to examine it.

"I don't know sire. It is a crystal of some sort, but as far as I can tell, it isn't magical, it appears to just be a normal necklace" admitted Gaius.

"Then why was she willing to admit to being a sorcerer to avoid the bounty hunter from breaking it?" questioned Arthur.

"I don't know. It must be important to her in some way"

"I'll ask her when she wakes up. You will send for me if there is any change in her condition, won't you?"

"Of course, Arthur"

"Good... Well I'll be in my room if you need me. Goodnight Gaius. And tell that useless servant of mine that seeing as he had other things he obviously wanted to do this evening, he must clean my armour tomorrow"

"I will pass the message on when I next see him".

Arthur nodded his head and exited the room passing Gwen on the way. Gaius sat down as Gwen joined him and began  to apply more ointment to some of Mya's wounds.

"How is she Gaius?" asked Gwen.

"Broken, is the best way I can describe it. Her body is covered in so many wounds that it's hard for me to find somewhere to start. There is barely an inch of her body that hasn't been damaged in some way. She definitely has a few broken bones and some wounds that are very deep, which is why they have become infected. Her main problem is her weight, she is very thin, all her bones her far too prominent, and that is one thing that takes time to recover, and can't be healed with any medicine" replied Gaius.

Gwen nodded her head before taking the wet cloth from the table and beginning to gently press it on the wounds on Mya's arm, trying to soothe and clean the cuts.

"Do you think she is going to survive?" Gwen questioned.

"At the moment, it's hard to say. She's been through so much, and I'm not sure that she has the will to go on anymore" revealed Gaius.

"How do you mean?" quizzed Gwen.

"Well, would you want to go on living in pain for a long time, while feeling unsure about what would happen to you, once you were well again? I'm sure she would rather slip away over the next few days peacefully, than be executed, painfully in front of a crowd of strangers, sometime in the future"

"Arthur isn't sure what he is going to do yet".

"Maybe if he promised her that she would be safe and that he wasn't going to have her killed, then she might fight to stay alive" suggested Gaius.

"You really think that would work? That she would hear him, or even trust what he said?" asked Gwen.

"I'd say there was a chance she would hear him" replied Gaius.

"If she gets worse then send Merlin to find us, and we will try it"

"I will, although I'm not sure she can get any worse without being dead"

"We just have to think positively, and tell ourselves that she isn't going to die. She is too young, she has so much life left to live".

Gaius placed his arm around Gwen's shoulders in a fatherly way, and squeezed her tight.

"You're right, she is too young to have suffered in this way. During the Great Purge, I saw Uther kill many children younger than her. He often drowned children he suspected of sorcery" revealed Gaius.

"How can you support a man who committed such horrible acts?"

"Uther wasn't always so cruel but towards the end, he was driven by fear. He lost his wife to magic, the one person he cared about most in the world. When Igraine died, a part of Uther died too"

"That doesn't give him the excuse to slaughter the innocent"

"Maybe not. But he was a king, he believed what he was doing would strengthen his kingdom, and protect his people"

"Well, Arthur is not Uther, he won't kill Mya. I know he won't, even if he doesn't know it himself"

"I hope you are right Gwen".

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now