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When Merlin entered the room later that day he found Mya alone in the room, lying in bed holding the crystal in her right hand. A single tear drops from her cheek and onto the crystal as Merlin watches on.

"Are you O.K?" asked Merlin.

"I'm fine" murmured Mya.

"Are you sure? Because you don't look it" admitted Merlin.

Mya quickly wiped the tear from her cheek with her left hand.

"What can I do to help?" questioned Merlin.

"Nothing. It's just something I have to deal with myself... Thank you by the way, for using magic last night, I wasn't sure if you were going to risk it or not" replied Mya.

"It was you then. You knocked the book off the shelf and chose the page on healing, so that I would help you. You used magic"

"You can't prove it was me"

"No, I suppose I can't".

"Arthur told me that a sorcerer killed your mother when you were a child, who was it? Do I know them?" Merlin asked curiously.

"Yes. You know them very well" answered Mya.

"Morgana?" quizzed Merlin.

"No. It wasn't her. And you can't let her know that I am here. She's been trying to recruit me for ages. So I've been doing my best to avoid her, but you don't usually turn down an offer from someone like her and get to live"

"If Morgana didn't kill your mother, then who did?"

"The thing you have to understand Merlin, is that my mother was not what you would call a good person. She used her magic for evil purposes. The person who killed her was a good person. He did it to save others. That doesn't mean I have forgiven them, but now that I am older, I realise that it had to be done, even if I didn't want it to"

"So, the person who killed your mother was a good sorcerer?".

Mya nodded her head slowly.

"Who?" questioned Merlin as Arthur entered the room and made his way over to them.

"Ah, there you are Merlin. My horses need cleaning out, see to it will you. Where is Gaius?" Arthur asked.

"Gaius is seeing to his other patients" Merlin answered.

"That's good, because I wanted to have another talk with Mya. Off you go Merlin, those stables won't clean themselves" smiled Arthur as Merlin passed him on his way out.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Arthur as he took a seat beside Mya's bed.

Mya nodded her head.

"Good... Mya, I know that I have offered you sanctuary in Camelot, and what you say won't affect that. But I need to know the truth, are you a sorcerer?" continued Arthur.

Mya paused before taking a deep breath and answering.

"Yes. I'm not going to lie about who I am. I was born with my powers; I didn't choose to be this way... Sometimes I hate it, I wish I was just like everybody else, but I'm not. I'm a sorcerer... Are you going to kill me?" she asked quietly.

"No. I told you before, that you are safe here" replied Arthur.

"But magic is banned in Camelot. The use of enchantments is punishable by death" reminded Mya.

"It is my job to protect this land. So far you haven't shown any sign of being a danger to the kingdom, which means I am still doing my job if I let you live. If you were dangerous it would be different matter"

"How do you know I'm not dangerous? I could be a threat to Camelot, you don't know"

"Do you want to die?"


"Well, that's all that matters then. If you don't do anything to destroy my kingdom, then you will always be safe here, won't you".

"What if I do something bad by accident? My magic is sometimes unpredictable; I can't always control it" revealed Mya.

"You are in control now though, aren't you?" asked Arthur.

"Right now, I'm not myself, I'm not at full strength. But sometimes my magic erupts out of me and I can't stop it. I don't want to hurt anyone in Camelot by accident" admitted Mya.

"You won't"

"How do you know?"

"I have faith in you, and maybe you should have some faith in yourself"

Mya smiled and faked a yawn, which encouraged Arthur to leave, but unknown to Mya, Merlin had been hiding in the corridor outside the room listening to the whole conversation.

"Merlin, shouldn't you be cleaning Arthur's stables?" questioned Mya as Merlin re-entered the room.

"That can wait. What do you mean you can't always control your magic?" he asked.

"You were listening outside the door, that's rude" scolded Mya.

"That doesn't matter now, just answer the question"

"I've never had control over my magic"


"It's a long story"

"I'm listening"

"When I was a very young child, my mother, brother and I were in a village, a few minutes before a group of witches were about to be burned at the stake. I was in a nearby street on my own, doing some magic to impress my brother, and someone saw me. They took me, and a group of the villagers began tying me to the stake as well. When the fire was lit, I was terrified, my magic exploded out of me. The fire began to grow rapidly and expanded outwards, setting the fence in front of the villagers on fire. My mother saw what was happening and used her magic to save me. But I've never been the same since then"

"I'm sorry"

"My mind isn't strong enough to control the power that I was given"

"I was using magic to cut a down a tree once when I was younger, and it ended up falling and nearly flattening one of the old men in the village"


"Yes, he never liked me after that"


"What happened to your brother?" Merlin quizzed.

"He was chosen" revealed Mya.


"By the druids. They often chose children with certain gifts to adopt as their own. They didn't want me of course, so I stayed with mother, until she was killed"

"You never did tell me who killed her"

"You won't like the answer"

"Please, I really want to know... So, who was it that killed your mother?"

"You did Merlin, you killed my mother many years ago".

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now