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The next morning Merlin bursts into the kings chambers with a worried look on his face.

"Merlin, really, this is becoming a habit of yours" scolded Gwen, as she pulled her bed covers around herself.

"Guinevere is right. You need to start knocking first to give us some warning, then you can enter." added Arthur.

"Sorry, but its an emergency, it's Mya" revealed Merlin.

"What's happened to her?" questioned Arthur.

"It's easier to show you. Come quickly" insisted Merlin.

Arthur and Gwen both jump out of bed and begin to follow Merlin through the castle without bothering to change out of their nightclothes.

"Is she hurt?" asked Gwen as they ran.

"Not exactly" replied Merlin.

"Then what?" quizzed Arthur.

"I can't explain what's happening. Me and Gaius have tried to stop it ourselves but we've failed. So maybe you'll be able stop her" 

"Stop her from what?"

"Killing herself".

Gaius is kneeling on the floor beside Mya when the others enter his chambers and make their way towards him. Mya was sitting on the floor with her arms around her knees, crying, and she was covered in water. It was as if there was an invisible cloud above her head, constantly dropping freezing water onto her.

"What is happening?" asked Arthur.

"We are not sure. She seems to be controlling the water, as soon as it drips off her body it goes back to the top of her head, and runs down her again. We've tried moving her around the room but we can't get it to stop. Wherever we place her the floor remains dry and she remains soaked. I don't know how to stop her" revealed Gaius.

"Is she aware that she is the one controlling the water?" questioned Arthur.

"Sometimes, she seems to be drifting in and out of awareness. But every time she tries to stop it, it just gets stronger" answered Merlin.

"If she stays like this much longer she is going to die. She can hardly breathe through the constant flow of water. And the cold is going to give her hyperthermia if we can't find a way to stop her" admitted Gaius.

"I put a blanket around her, but that didn't do much as the water soaked through it easily" added Merlin.

"Well, have you tried talking to her, to try and clam her down?" quizzed Arthur.

"I was trying that before you came in. But maybe you'll have better luck" sighed Gaius.

"Mya" Arthur said softly as he crouched down to the floor to reach Mya's eyeline.

"Mya, it's me, Arthur" he continued.

"Arthur" whispered Mya.

"That's right. Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" asked Arthur.


"What's wrong with today"

"My mother died today, I'm all alone, who is going to look after me?".

"She seems to be remembering the time when her mother died, she thinks that she's really there, going through the pain of losing her mother all over again when she was a child" revealed Merlin.

"Mya, do you know where you are?" Arthur questioned.

"The Isle of the Blessed. Mother's gone" mumbled Mya.

"Why are you there?"

"Mother has the cup of life. She's a high priestess of the old religion. She's going to take a life to save another"

"Whose life is she saving?"

"Yours. You are dying"

"Well I'm not now. Look, I'm perfectly healthy. Mya listen to me, what you are seeing happened years ago. You're safe, you're in Camelot. No one is going to hurt you, I'm going to make sure of it"

"No. I can't be. Mother says I can't go to Camelot, Uther will kill me"

"Mya, Uther is gone, he isn't going to hurt you"

"I'm all alone. The sorcerer who killed my mother is sitting in the rain, he created a storm".

"Gaius, maybe I shouldn't be here. If she is remembering her mother's death, and she thinks that I killed her, I might make her worse, or she could tell Arthur that I'm a sorcerer" whispered Merlin into Gaius's ear.

"I know Merlin. But it's a risk we have to take. You are only one with powers to match hers. We need you to help stop the rain" replied Gaius.

"I think Arthur is doing a better job of calming her down that I did" admitted Merlin.

"Mya, you need to stop the rain. You are in control, I know you can do it" encouraged Arthur.

"No, I can't, it's not me" cried Mya.

Suddenly rain and wind outside begins to beat loudly against the window, causing the whole room begins to shake..

"Gaius, she's changing the weather outside as well" gasped Merlin.

"We need to her stop her quickly before it gets too strong" replied Gaius.

"Mya, you are not a child any more. You are stronger now than you have ever been before, you can stop this water" said Arthur reassuringly.

"I can't. I'm all alone"

"You are not alone, I am here. You are never going to be alone again. I promise"

"Promise. My brother promised that we would see each other again. Mother promised me that she would kill Uther and help me become powerful like her. They both lied. Promises are never kept"

"I will not break my promise to you. I swear to you now that you will always have a home in Camelot, and I will always be by your side. Everything is going to be brilliant, just you wait and see"

"Don't let me go"

"I won't".

Mya closed her eyes and clenched her fists tightly as she screamed. 

"I can't do it. I'm not strong enough" she panted.

Mya looked over at Merlin knowing that he had magic, and might be able to help her control her own. Getting the message, Merlin stepped towards Mya and Arthur and crouched down on the floor beside them both, before using his mind to speak to Mya.

"I'm here. If you are sure you are in control, I will lend you my strength" said Merlin inside Mya's head.

"No not yet. If you give me your strength right now, everything could get much worse" admitted Mya.

"I know. But it's a risk we are going to have to take, to keep you alive. Ready?"

"O.K, do it".

Merlin closed his eyes as he allowed some of his power to flow into Mya. She screams again and a strong wind surges through the room, knocking Gaius and Gwen off their feet. Eventually Mya stops screaming and the storm outside stops at the same time as the water dripping over her body. When Merlin retracts his power from Mya she collapses and falls unconscious on the floor. 

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now