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Merlin sprints into Arthur's room and finds that him and Gwen are still in bed.

"Don't you know how to knock Merlin?" snapped Arthur as he threw one of his pillows are Merlin.

Merlin picks up the pillow off the ground and places it back on the bed.

"It's the girl Mya, she's awake" revealed Merlin.

"She is? Well then, I will head there immediately" announced Arthur.

"Maybe you should get dressed first" suggested Gwen.

"Right, of course, that first. Merlin help me get dressed quickly, and then we can head back to her" instructed Arthur.

Merlin nodded his head and ran to the wardrobe to pick out the king's clothes as Arthur got himself out of bed.

Gaius was pouring an orange coloured soup into Mya's mouth when Merlin returns with Gwen and Arthur.

"Gaius. How is she?" questioned Arthur.

Gaius placed the empty bowl onto the nearest table as the king approached him.

"Her condition has improved since yesterday. But it is going to take a long time for her to get back to full strength" answered Gaius.

"Of course. But can I speak to her alone, now that she is awake?" Arthur asked.

"Well, I suppose if it isn't for too long, it should be fine. I will go and fetch some more clean water, while you are with her. But be careful that you don't flood her with questions as we don't want to tire her out"

"Don't worry, I'll be careful, I promise".

Gaius stood up relinquishing his chair, which Arthur immediately sat down on.

"Hello, Merlin tells me that your name is Mya. My name is Arthur; I am king of Camelot. You are safe here, I'm not going to hurt you" promised Arthur.

Arthur then removed the crystal necklace from his pocket and presented it to Mya.

"Why is this crystal so important to you?" he continued.

"It's mine" Mya answered quietly.

"Yes, I know that. But why does it mean so much to you?" Arthur questioned.

"It was my mother's. She's dead now. That necklace was hers, and it is all I have left to remember her by"

"I'm sorry. I know it's not easy to lose a parent"

"Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault"

"How did she die?"

"She was killed by a sorcerer. Destroyed right in front my eyes. There was nothing left of her, nothing but that necklace, because I'd stolen it earlier that day because I liked it, and I was wearing it at the time"

"Is it magic?"

"No. That's why I was so afraid that the bounty hunter would break it. It is very delicate".

Arthur rolled the necklace around in his palm before sighing and handing the necklace over to Mya.

"Take it. It belongs to you" he said.

Mya hesitantly took the necklace from Arthur and held it tightly against her chest.

"Thank you. You are not at all like I thought you were going to be" admitted Mya.

"What did you think I was like?" quizzed Arthur.

"Cruel. Like your father, well that's what I've been told anyway"

"By who?"


"That's not an answer"

"Yes, it is"

"Fine. Don't tell me... Are there any family members that we can contact for you? Do you have a father, or any siblings?"


"No one?"

"I don't remember my father, as my mother left him when I was just a baby. I had a brother, but I haven't seen him in years. He left me".

"If you don't have any family, then where do you live, I mean, where do you call home?" asked Arthur.

"I don't have a home, not any more. I've been travelling alone ever since my mother died when I was younger" revealed Mya.

"Well you can stay here if you want to" offered Arthur.

"What? Forever?"

"Why not? Look, I'm going to try and find you some clothes and I will have them brought to you, to make you feel more comfortable"

"Why are you doing all this? You don't owe me anything"

"That man captured you, and beat you, on my behalf. He did all that because he planned to bring you to me, so even though I didn't know about you until yesterday, your suffering is still my fault"

"I've already told you, that I don't blame you for my suffering"

"Nevertheless, it is now my duty to look after you, and help you recover"

"If you say so, that's fine by me, I won't stop you".

Mya yawned, without even bothering to hide it with her hand.

"You're tired. I will let you rest. Just remember that you are safe here, and no harm will come to you, I swear" reassured Arthur.

Mya nodded before sliding back down into a laying position, and closing her eyes as Arthur watched over her.

Mya's Journey part 1 (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now