~Qrow FLUFF~

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I ran through the woods, losing the Ursa that was chasing me. I was so tired, I then heard laughter and chattering I looked up and saw a tall man with a red cape playing with two girls, one was clearly older than the other. "I'm gonna get you two!" he spoke in a gruff voice as the girls shrieked and laughed as he picked them both up, "ah! I got you two! Now I'm going to eat you!" he spoke as he acted like he was eating them which caused them to laugh. "Stop it! Uncle Qrow!" the girl with short black and red hair shrieked. "Ruby, Yang...time for lunch" another males voice spoke. I heard growling behind me, I turned and saw the Ursa again, 'shit!' I ran out of the woods, I fell back as the  Ursa stood on its two back legs. I screamed out and closed my eyes, prepared for death. I opened my eyes when nothing happened and the man from before was standing there in front of me, he held a sword in his hand, he then turned to look at me. His blood-red eyes seemed to soften when he saw me, he put his weapon back on his hip, it seemed to rest above his ass.

"Are you okay?" he asked as I blinked a few times, I then passed out because I was so tired and hungry. I woke up a few hours later to a little girl with short black hair that had some red in it staring at me, I groaned as I sat up and placed my hand on my forehead, I looked at the girl and smiled, "Hello, who are you?" I asked as she looked at me and then ran off. The man from before came back, the little girl was dragging him by his hand, "slow down squirt!" he spoke as he looked up from the girl and our eyes met, "you're awake..." he spoke as I looked at him, "thank you" I said as he cocked his head to the side, "for...saving me" I added as he chuckled. "It was nothing," he said as the girl starting making noises, "up! Up! Uncle Qwoe..." she spoke in a cute voice as he looked at the girl and picked her up. She then began to make faces at him which he returned by making faces at her and she let out a squeal of happiness and laughed. "I'm Qrow Branwen...this little flower is Ruby Rose..." he told me as a man with blonde hair walked in with a girl who also had blonde hair. "That loser is my brother Taiyang Xiao Long...and the sunflower there is Yang Xiao Long" Qrow added as Taiyang smiled at me and Yang climbed onto the bed I was sitting in, "do you like games?" Yang asked, "uhm...yeah?" I spoke in a questioning way, "we're gonna get along!" she spoke as I looked at Qrow, "she's like that..." he told me as Taiyang grabbed his daughter and then set her on the floor.

"My name is Y/n Belladonna..." I spoke hoping that they didn't remove the bow I wore over my ears. "Here you go..." Ruby spoke as she handed me the red ribbon. I was in shock, "it fell off whenever I picked up off the ground" Qrow explained as I placed my hands on my ears. "You're a kitty!" Ruby exclaimed as I looked at her, "she's not...scared of my kind?" I asked looking at the two men, "we have no reason to fear you..." Taiyang told me as I blinked a few times, "Blake!" I shouted as I went to get out of the bed but I nearly fell to the ground. Qrow caught me, "my sister! I-I've got to find her!" I shouted as Qrow held me in his arms so I didn't fall to the ground (so in this, Blake and your parents died while on the road hence why you were running) "Y/n, calm down..." Qrow spoke, "no! No, you don't understand...she's about Ruby's age, there are Grimm in that forest. She can't protect herself" I was so close to crying, "Ruby?" spoke a small voice as my little sister appeared in the doorway, her ears folded down as she saw me. "Y/N!" she shouted as I cried out and we hugged each other.

"Tai found her...she was trying to pick some apples..." Qrow explained as I picked Blake up, "thank you...so much" I looked at Tai, "yeah, of course..." he smiled at me as I held Blake in my arms. "Listen, do you two have a place to stay?" Tai asked again as I shook my head, "we were traveling to meet the headmaster of Beacon because my father was good friends with him. But we were attacked by Grimm...my parents..." I trailed off, "I know...I saw the aftermath" Qrow spoke as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry" he gave me a sad look as I sighed and sat back down on the bed, "all that matters is Blake is safe..." I sighed, "well if you can pull your own weight around here, you can stay here" Taiyang spoke as I looked at him, "gods know that the girls could use a female presence here to help them through certain things. Blake and Ruby have already become good friends" he added as I looked at my little sister who was chasing Ruby around Taiyang. "Th-Thank you" I smiled at them, "I'm going anywhere right now...so I can stay an-..." Qrow was cut off by someone knocking on the door. Taiyang left the room and then came back with a man who had silver hair.

He looked at me and gasped. "Y/n...I haven't seen you since you were in diapers...what are you doing here?" he asked as I looked at him, "uh..." I stared at him, "Oz, let's talk outside for a moment..." Taiyang spoke as I yawned, "all right kids! Whoever can find the best hiding spot earns a cookie from me!" Qrow spoke as all three girls ran out of the room giggling. "Time to play hide-and-seek" he spoke as he helped me lay back down. "When you're feeling better to move, I'll teach you how to fight" he whispered as I fell asleep.

~A month later~

I was now living with Tai and the girls, they didn't see me as their mother though, they saw me as their older sister which I was fine with. Tai had taken the girls into the city for a movie, I was at home cleaning, the door was wide open as I swept the dust out. I looked out into the distance as I saw someone walking towards the house. Whoever it was had their hands in their pockets, and had a red. I gasped as I saw who it was. 'Qrow...' I smiled as I continued to sweep, "heya there kitty cat" he spoke as he went to walk inside but I blocked him, "I just finished sweeping...if you walk in, your shoes have to come off at the door...everyone else does it. You're no exception" I told him as he chuckled, "I was going to" he spoke as he walked inside and removed his shoes. I smiled and shook my head as I walked inside. "You seem to be doing well" he spoke as I sighed and walked into the kitchen, over the past month of Blake and I staying here, I had fallen for Qrow. "You think you're not too drunk to help with the dishes?" I asked him as he gave me a fake hurt look, "I'm not too drunk..." he spoke as he walked up to the other side of the sink. "All right, I wash, you rinse, dry and place the dishes in the strainer," I told him as he groaned, "why do you get the easy job?" he asked as I rolled my eyes, we then switched spots.

We had a good rhythm going until he reaches into the sink "SHIT!" he exclaimed as he pulled his hand out of the sink and looked at it. He had a large gash from one side of his palm to the other side. "Holy shit!" I spoke as I ushered him to the table, "you drip blood on the floor I cleaned, I'll kill you" I spoke as he chuckled, he sat down at the table, I searched the cabinets for the first aid Tai keeps in the kitchen in case of stuff like this. I sat down in front of Qrow, I opened the first aid, I grabbed a disinfectant wipe and looked at him. "Fuck. That" he spoke as I furrowed my eyebrows, "don't be a fucking pussy Qrow" I spoke as he looked at me, he sighed and placed his ringed hand in my hand as I began to gently wipe the gash which caused him to wince. I looked up and saw he was about to take a swig from his hipflask. "What's in that?" I asked him as he looked at me, "whiskey...why?" he asked. I grabbed it out of his hand, "Hey!" he shouted as I poured a little bit of whiskey onto the cut. "SON OF BITCH!" he yelled out as I rolled my eyes, "wuss" I mumbled as I grabbed a large bandaid, I then grabbed some gauze and began to wrap his hand. All the while he stared at me with a softness in his eyes.

Once it was wrapped I kissed the palm of his hand which caused him to freeze, I had realized what I had done and then looked at him. I chuckled, "the habit of patching up the kids I guess" I spoke as he stared at me, he placed his hurt hand on my cheek and then kissed me passionately. I was in shock at first but returned the kiss, our lips moved in sync and he tasted like the alcohol he drank earlier. We parted, breathing heavily as we placed our foreheads against each other. "I had to do that...I'm sorry" he whispered as I looked at him, "a cat and a bird...what will people think?" I joked as he chuckled and looked at me, "I always knew that I'd be caught by cat one day..." he spoke as I giggled, I heard the door open and Tai walked in. "Hey gu-...hey kids, let's go play outside for a bit" Tai spoke as he walked back outside with the girls. I chuckled and Qrow kissed me again.

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