~Ozpin FLUFF?~

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I sat on the bench waiting for Qrow, Ruby and Blake to return so we could get to Argus and take this stupid lamp to Atlas, I swung my feet as Oscar looked over at me, I looked at him and smiled. "Ozpin wants to know if you're okay" Oscar spoke as I nodded, "that's a lie..." Yang spoke placing a hand on her hip, I looked at the young woman I've known since birthday and chuckled. "I'm just thinking" I spoke, "Is that why you look so sad?" Nora spoke poking my nose, "it's called resting bitch face and I've been told that my thinking face looks the same as my sad face" I told her as Oscar's eyes flashed green, "it's true, miss. L/N's two faces have always looked the same" Ozpin spoke as I stared at him and sighed. "However, there is obviously something bothering you" Oz spoke as I chuckled a little, "I know you miss. L/n, we've been friends for years, I can tell when something is bothering you" he added as I cleared my throat and got up from my seat. "Guys, I'm fine. See" I gave them all a fake smile, soon Ruby was standing there giggling. "Well?" Yang spoke as I watched the two of them, Ruby held out a bag, "what a complete waste of ti-..." Weiss started "What'd you get me?!" Yang had cut Weiss off. Oscar's eyes turned green and then he blinked. "You'll have to wait and see" Ruby spoke as I snorted, "aunt Y/n, are you okay? You look extremely sad" Ruby spoke putting the bag in her pack, I let out a groan, "I'm fine Rosebud" I lied as I pet her head.

"What do you guys think..." Nora started as they all looked at me, "she could be telling the truth...she's very good at hiding her emotions" Yang spoke as I smirked, "then again, she could be lying and smiling through whatever is bothering her..." Ren spoke as I crossed my arms, "she's been like this since we met Oscar and we found out that Oz was still-...ooooh..." Ruby spoke as she figured it out, "YOU'RE IN LOVE WI-..." she started but I covered her mouth, "no! That's weird...I know what you were going to say, and it's weird!" I told her as she licked my hand. "Ugh! Did you just lick my hand?!" I asked as Ruby giggled, "I learned it from you" she spoke as Qrow walked up, "everything ready to go? Bike all loaded up?" he spoke as Yang nodded, "just waiting on Blake" Yang spoke, "as always." Weiss spoke as Qrow's eyes landed on me, "why do you look so upset? Not excited for Argus?" he asked as I groaned, "I'm so tired of people asking me if I'm okay..." I spoke as I sat back down, I was beside Oscar. Ruby had already figured out that I loved Ozpin, I was going to tell him before the Vytal Festival but we got too caught up in work and I never got around to it. Now he's this adorable little boy and it's weird for me now. The only one who actually knew was Qrow and that's because he was the only one who actually paid attention to the way I acted around Oz. "Who else has asked?" Qrow spoke as I sighed, "the Yang, Ruby, Oscar, Oz...practically everyone here" I told him as he looked at me, I saw him glance over to Oscar and I nodded. "Oh, okay. I understand now" he spoke as Ruby looked at the two of us, "yeah, and Ruby figured it out through deduction," I told him as he chuckled.

"She's too smart. You can't tell anyone about what you learned...Y/n doesn't really want people to know..." he told his niece, "I kind of figured" she spoke as I chuckled. Soon, we were on the train, I sat in a room across from Oscar, I held a book in my hands but stared out the window. "Does it have something to do with me?" Oscar spoke as I looked at him, "kind of...it's weird and complicated..." I told him as he grew worried, "no! That's not what I mean...again it's complicated", "more complicated than living with two souls?" he cocked his head to the side as I chuckled, "fair point...you take the cake on that..." I spoke as he chuckled. "It has something to do with you but it also has nothing to do with you..." I explained, "okay...so it involves me but doesn't involve me..." he began to think.

~Oscar's pov~

'Maybe it's something to do with the way I fight?' I mentally asked, "I seriously doubt it" Ozpin spoke as I jumped, "please stop doing that! Whenever you're silent for so long I forget...and then when you speak it scares me" I spoke as Y/n chuckled, "arguing with yourself is really fun huh?" she asked as Oz chuckled. "He'll go quiet for a while and then just start talking at random times and it startles me," I told her as she snorted. She looked out the window again, 'Ruby said that she started acting this way whenever I came into the group...maybe she doesn't like me!' I began to look at her, "Oscar, trust me when I say that Y/n is the most well-adjusted person I've ever met..." Oz told me, "Y/n...do you not like me?" I asked as she looked at me, "okay, look. I think you're the second most adorable person I've ever met in my life. The first being Ruby. When I meet someone who is adorable, I want to protect them with my life...trust me. I adore you Oscar" she told me as I smiled, "told you" Ozpin spoke, "well if you think you know what it is then please enlighten me," I told Oz "well...Miss. Rose started saying she was in love with someone..." Oz spoke as I began to think. 'Holy crap!' my eyes grew wide as I looked at her staring out the window. She let out a sigh, "I know what you're thinking and then answer is yes...I was going to tell him at the Vytal Festival but we both got caught up with work. Now he's sharing the body of an adorable little boy. Now you know why I told Ruby it was weird" she told me. "Wait, what's happening?" Oz asked, "so, he doesn't know?" I asked her as she shook her head.

"And now he can never know..." she told me, "but he deserves to know" I spoke as she looked at me, "Oz can never know...okay?" she spoke as she gave me a pleading look, I sighed. "All right.." I nodded, "thank you" she looked back out the window. "Know what? I'm still here you know! I heard that entire conversation!" Oz spoke as I chuckled, "are you confused?" I asked him, "very" he replied as I laughed, "good" I simply said as he groaned.

~your pov~

I continued to stare out the window. I saw Oscar get up from the corner of my eye, he then stood in front of me. He had pinned me to the bed. "I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS! YOU ARE A CHILD!" I spoke as I shoved him off of me. I climbed onto the top bed and sat up there, "true...but Oscar refused to tell me anything." Ozpin spoke, "that is not the way to ask someone! You are in an adorable young boy's body! He's like fifteen! I am not!" I shouted at him as he chuckled. "I am not going to jail because you had him pin me to the bed!" I told him as I started reading again. "Y/n can you please tell me this big secret that apparently everyone but me knows?" he asked as I thought for a moment, "I could...but I won't," I told him not taking my eyes off the page I saw on, he sighed. "Hey, what's with the shouting?" Qrow spoke as I looked at him, "Ozpin just pinned me to the bed" I told him as he looked at me, "I thought you'd like that" Qrow spoke as I threw my book at him, "QROW!" I shouted, "what? If Oscar figured it out then it's only a matter of time before Oz does" he spoke. "NOT THE FUCKING POINT!" I shouted at him as he raised up his hands and walked away. "What did Qrow mean by 'I thought you'd like that' Y/n?" Oz asked as I looked at him, "nothing!" I spoke as I covered myself up with the blanket. 'Gods please just kill me' I groaned.

~Oz's pov~

I sat down and thought for a moment. "You know, for a headmaster...you're really stupid" Oscar spoke as I sighed, "I'm not supposed to tell you. But since I'm not in control of my body, she can't really stop me..." he started "go on.." I spoke, knowing she was taking a nap. "She's in love with you...I guess she was going to tell you before the Vytal Festival but you both got caught up with work, and now you're in my body so she finds it weird" he told me "I knew that though...I was going to tell her that I felt the same...I'm not stupid, I watched how she was around her friends and then how she was around me..." I spoke as she fell out of her bed, "Hey! I'm gonna go to the bathroom and die now!" she awkwardly chuckled as she walked out of the room. "She's a very odd person" he spoke as I chuckled, "you get used to it...you can have control again" I spoke as I retreated in his mind again, 'I understand how she feels. It is very weird for her...I mean, she loved me and now I'm in this young boy's body...Ugh! I just want to hold her' I thought as I sighed.

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