~Ozpin FLUFF~

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~Oz's pov~

I was walking through the woods, just enjoying how nice today was, it was warm but not too hot. I smiled to myself as I saw a doe and her child run past me, I then heard something that peeked my ear. It was music, I followed the sound until I found the source, there was a woman living in a hut in the woods listening to music, I watched as she gracefully danced around, she spun around and her eyes landed on me, she screamed out as she ran inside leaving her scroll outside on the little table that was there. I approached the hut, picked up the scroll and knocked on the door, "miss...you left your scroll out here" I spoke, "who are you?" she asked from inside the home, "my name is Ozpin, I'm the headmaster of Beacon" I told her as I heard the door unlock and then she opened the door. I got a better look now that I was closer to her, her eyes sparkled in the sun, her hair flowed with the wind, and she wore a dress that reminded me of my first love. 'That looks a lot like Salem's old dress...' I was in shock about how much the dress looked like hers.

~Your pov~

"W-What are you doing out here?" I asked him blushing because he was staring at me, he looked at me through his silver hair and dark glasses, "I was taking a walk...when I heard your music" he told me as he held out his scroll, I grabbed it and turned off the music, "would you like a cup of tea?" I asked him, he gave me a warming smile, "of course..." he spoke as I moved aside to let him into my hut, he looked around, "it's not very big I know...uh... the bathroom is through that door" I told him as I pointed to the door. My bedroom was also the front room and I could walk a few feet to get to the kitchen. "I think it's nice..." he spoke as he placed a can in front of him, I stared at the cane and then walked over to the kitchen area to make our tea, we sat down at the round, wooden kitchen table. "It's perfect for a young woman like yourself" he added as I giggled, his cane then shrank down to wear it was just the handle and he placed it on the table. I stared at the cane in amazement as he began to remove his jacket, only because I think he was starting to get hot since it was already warm out.

I grabbed the can handle and looked at it. He looked over at me, "h-how did..." I looked at it as he chuckled, "it can shrink down to a travel size..." he spoke, "that little piece that looks like a lever, push down on it" he told me as I did as he instructed and the cane part came out like a bullet, startling me a little, "that's so cool" I whispered as I examined the detail on the handle, "then, to get it to shrink again, you pull up on the lever" he spoke as I pulled up on the lever and is shrank again, "wow" I continued to examine the cane as the kettle started whistling, I got up from my seat and poured us some tea, I handed him the mug, "careful...it's hot" I told him as he smiled at me, "you know my name, but I have yet to learn yours" he spoke as I looked at him, "Y/n..." I told him as I sipped on the hot tea, I was used to my tea being hot.

He sighed heavily, I looked at him, "what?" I cocked my head to the side, "I'm just trying to figure out how you've been able to stay out here without any Grimm attacking" he told me as I smiled, "magic" I told him as he chuckled, "magic has been gone for a few million years" he told me as I placed my hand on the table and thought about a rose. We watched as a rose formed out of ice in my palm, then it faded away. "I've got it for some reason, I've been living here for a long time..." I told him as he stared at me, "you're an awful lot like my first love" he told me as I blushed, "how so?" I cocked my head, "she wore a dress like that many years ago..." he began, he then told me practically his entire life story. He told me about his real name being Ozma, about the woman he loved who was named Salem, how evil she was, his quest, and how he could basically never die. "Heh..." he chuckled as I looked at him, "I don't know why...but I haven't talked about my past to anyone...but you're different...for some reason, it's easy to talk to you," he told me as I smiled.

"I have that effect on people...or at least, I would if I knew anyone, you're actually the first person I've met since living here," I told him as his eyes grew wide, "why's that?" he asked me as I sighed, "I keep a cloaking spell around my house, they can't enter through it, or see my house" I explained as he looked around, "but I'm here" he spoke as I snorted, "yeah, which is why whenever I saw you I screamed...I've never seen a man before so..." I told him as he blushed a little, I cleared my throat and looked out the window, "it's nighttime..." I whispered as I got out of my seat, "the Grimm will be looking for this place" I added as I set our mugs in the sink, "why?" he asked as I held up a crown, "because of this...I don't know what it is but the Grimm are attracted to it..." I told him as his eyes grew wide and approached me, "how in the world did you get the Crown of Choice?" he asked as he looked at it, "I found it...there were these people building something one year and at the center was this pretty crown..." I explained to him as he chuckled.

"You saw the construction of Beacon...my school, that was supposed to be locked away in it..." he told me as I looked at it and then at him, "here, it was never mine anyway," I told him as I handed it to him, he looked at me, but pushed my hand back to me. "You've got magic, it'll be safer here," he told me as I smiled, "you said the Grimm are searching for this place? Is it all right if I stay? Just for tonight?" he asked as I looked at him and nodded. After a few more hours of talking, I walked into the bathroom to change into my nightgown. I walked out, looked over at the bed and saw he was already asleep, "I will sleep somewhere else then..." I whispered as he rolled over and grabbed my hand, he pulled me onto the bed beside me. "I'm not gonna let a beautiful woman as you sleep somewhere else, this is your home..." he mumbled as he held me close, my face grew hot again, there was this strange feeling forming, I felt sick but I knew I wasn't, I looked up at his face and my heart fluttered a little. 'What the heck?' I blinked a few times before falling asleep. I woke up the next morning, Ozpin was still holding me close to him as he slept. Once again, that feeling came back. 'What is this feeling?' I mentally asked myself as I climbed out of bed, I heard him groan, I looked at him and saw he wasn't wearing a shirt, my heart skipped a beat as I stared at him, he had scars all over his chest.

His eyes fluttered open and they met mine. "Are you okay?" he asked sitting up, "I don't know..." I told him as he gave me a confused look, "it feels like I'm sick when I know I'm not, and my heart flutters whenever you look at me, and I feel warm and weird whenever I look at you...plus it feels like there are a million butterflies dancing in my stomach" I told him as he blushed, "right...I forget that I'm the first person you've ever met..." he whispered to himself as he sat up more so he was now sitting. I watched as he ran his fingers through his silver hair. "How do I explain this..." I could see the wheels turning in his head, he took a deep breath, "what you're feeling is something called love" he told me as I cocked my head to the side "like from the stories I read?" I asked him as he chuckled, "I guess..." he had an amused look on his face. We were silent for a moment, "let me try something..." he spoke as I looked at him, he leaned closer to me and I pulled away in fear, "it's okay" he spoke in a calming voice as he cupped my face. His eyes studied my face as he leaned closer, our noses brushing against each other. I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off by closing his eyes and placing his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and did the same, our lips moved in sync as he held me close to him, we pulled away and he placed his forehead against mine. My eyes fluttered open as I stared into his. "What's that called?" I whispered as he chuckled, "that's called a kiss, it's a way of expressing how someone feels about another..." he softly said as I studied his face, "I like it...but only if it was you" I whispered as he smiled and kissed me again.

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