~Qrow short story~

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I know! "Sky what are you doing? You normally do Qrow and then Ozpin and then them together with the reader" but this idea had popped into my head not ten minutes ago while I was listening to the RWBY soundtrack~Sky

~Your pov~

I've been friends with Qrow Branwen since we met at Beacon, we dated our final years at Beacon which terrified the both of us since we were both bad luck charms, but we also didn't care because he made me happy and I made him happy.

I walked up to our old friend Ozpin, "there are the two lovebirds" he joked as I snorted and Qrow put his arm around me and chuckled. We were at a party, it was a celebration for finally defeating Salem and bringing back the gods. "I thought you were finished with your mission from the gods" Qrow spoke as we looked at Ozpin, "they allowed me to stay on Remnant...I didn't want to return to the afterlife..." Oz explained to us as Qrow took a swig from his flask. He started when Summer had passed (yeah, Summer was alive until now), our friend Summer had passed away last week from an unknown disease. His drinking was just a lot worse than before. "Aunt Y/n!" Ruby shouted as she ran up to me and I hugged her, I've known her and Yang since they were babies, "you did it Rosebud!" I gave her a high-five as she smiled, "Hey," I spoke as I noticed that sadness had entered her eyes. "How are you doing?" I asked as she sighed, "I miss her, and it's hard some days...but I'm okay." she told me as I smiled and pet her head, "well you know you can come to find me if you ever need to talk" I told her as she smiled, "I know" she spoke as she then ran off to join her friends.

I walked over to the punch bowl where Winter and Ironwood were, "heya guys, what's up?" I asked as I looked at Winter and my father, dads face softened when he looked at me, "we're just talking Y/n, what's up with you?" dad asked as I snorted, "dad no...you're too old to say that" I joked as he let out a hearty laugh, "I'm not old" he spoke as I looked at him, "I'm not", "suuure you're not" I spoke trying not to laugh. "You can't speak to the general that way" Winter spoke as I shot daggers at her, "he's my dad...I can speak to him any way I want...if I wanna cuss him out for some reason, I'll fucking do it...do stand there and tell me that I can't have a relationship with him because he's the general." I growled. She growled as well as she reached for her weapon, I reached for Shadowfang that sat on my lower back, "all right ladies...calm down..." dad spoke as we both let go of our weapons, "Winter, she has a point. I may be the general, but I'm a father first" he told her as she looked at him and nodded. "Of course...excuse me" she bowed a little and then walked off, "so where's Qrow?" he asked as I looked around and couldn't find him.

I let out a sigh, "probably outside drinking..." I whispered as he sighed, "I'm not okay with the two of you being together Y/n" he spoke as I rolled my eyes and got some punch. "He just lost one of his friends last week dad," I told him as he sighed and scratched his chin. "I know" he spoke as I stared into my cup, "you know...Clover is wondering if you'll want to join the Ace Operatives" he told me as I chuckled, "that's only because when he saw me before we defeated Salem, he had a huge crush on me..." I told him as he chuckled. "Yeah, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, he's madly in love with you" he spoke as I looked up and saw Clover was staring at me because he was there as well. "It's probably because we balance each other out..." I spoke as dad nodded, "most likely...Clover's a good man" he said as I sighed and looked at him. "Can you just not with the whole 'Qrow's nothing but a drunk and he's not good for you because his semblance is like yours...and this whole thing could end in disaster...I just don't want to see you get hurt Y/n' and be happy for me please?" I asked as he sighed.

"It's true though, I don't want to see you get hurt..." he spoke as I gave him a kiss on the cheek, "i know pops" I smiled as I walked off to talk with Tai and Ozpin. "Hey, you guys see Qrow anywhere?" I asked them as they looked at me and shook their heads, I then began to search for my boyfriend, the last place I didn't check was the janitor closest. I opened the door and my heart dropped, there was Qrow, pinning Winter to the wall as they made out. They looked at me, "Y/n! Shit!" he moved away from her as I gave him an angry look, "wait, she's your girlfriend?!" Winter didn't know, "ex..." I said walking away, "wait, Y/n..." Qrow followed after me, "why did I ever think, I could be happy?!" I shouted as I looked at him, everyone grew quiet and looked at us, "Y/n, can we talk about this outside please?" he asked, "no! You and she are perfect for each other...you're both assholes" I spoke as I turned to walk away but followed me again. "Y/n, please..." he spoke as I stopped, I turned and slapped him. The slap echoed through the room, "why would I sit here and talk to about why you were making out with Wiess's older sister?!" I shouted again as Wiess looked at me with shock.

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