~Qrow FLUFF~

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I was outside tending to my garden when my dog began to bark, meaning that something was close, I grabbed my weapon and turned around, I saw a man with a red cape holding his stomach, in his other hand was a weapon, as he got closer I saw that his clothes were bloodied and he had cuts all over his face, he stopped in his tracks and looked at his hand that was holding his stomach, when he removed his hand, I soon realized why he was holding his stomach. He looked up, saw me, took two steps so now he was on my property, and then he collapsed. "shit!" I yelled as I tossed my weapon down and ran up to him. I managed to roll him over onto his back. He winced in pain as he looked at me, "mister! Don't die!" I panted as I looked at him, I looked at his face and then his stomach, he had a large gash that was pouring out blood. 'Damnit' I thought as I grabbed his arm, "Q-Qrow..." he mumbled, "what?" I looked at him in confusion, "m-my name..." he added as I helped him up, I wrapped his arm around my shoulders, I placed my shirt on his stomach, so now I was helping this unknown man to my house while in my bra.

"U-Usually it takes me a week t-to get a w-woman to t-take off her shirt" he groaned as I set him down by my door, I just ignored him as I opened my door. I helped him up again and helped him into my bedroom. I sit him on my bed, "keep pressure on that" I told him as he gave me a thumbs up I ran out of my room and into the bathroom. I grabbed all the pain medications I could plus the first aid kit I keep with me. He wasn't the first person to collapse on my property, I made it a habit of patching up huntsmen and huntresses. I walked back into the bedroom, he groaned as he reached for the flask on his hip. "Here...these will help with the pain," I told him as I gave him some pain meds, he took the pills as he took a swig from the flask. "I'm gonna unbutton your shirt now," I told him as he nodded, "all right..." he spoke as I began to unbutton his shirt, when I got closer to his stomach I slowly unbuttoned his shirt because I didn't want to hurt him.

"Lay down..." I told him, he just shook his head, "it'll be easier if you pass out" I told him as he glared at me, "no...I'll be fine" he groaned again as I sighed, I began to clean the blood around the gash, then I began to clean the wound itself. I made sure to be gentle about it since I knew how much it probably hurt, he just kept drinking, I grabbed my lighter, a needle, and some thread. "I've got to stitch it up..." I told him as he looked at me, "I need to get more drunk..." he mumbled as I lit a candle and then held the needle over the flame, "what's that for?" he grunted as I looked at him, "sterilizing the needle...the last thing you need is for that to get infected" I told him, "knowing my luck, it won't help" he spoke as he took another swig. Once I made sure the needle was cooled down for use, I began to tie the thread to the needle. I looked at him as I sat back down in the chair I was sitting on. "I must warn you..." I started he looked at me with a softness in his eyes, "this won't be pleasant..." I finished as he sighed, "lady...nothing in my life is pleasant...unless you count my nieces" he told me as I chuckled a little.

I began to stitch up his gash, every time the needle pierced his skin he just groaned, once the stitching was done, I grabbed the gauze, I began to wrap it around him. Every time I had to pull it around his back, I had to lean over him, I looked over his shoulder as he placed his forehead against my shoulder which caused me to freeze a little, he inhaled deeply and sighed. "Thank you" he spoke as I continued to wrap him, "yeah..." I whispered as I finished wrapping him up, "what's your name?" he asked as I looked into his blood-red eyes, "Y/n" I told him, "thank you again Y/n" he spoke as he went to get up, I stood up and placed my hand on his firm chest. "You're in no shape to travel...whatever mission you're on can wait until you're healed up..." I told him as he looked at me, our faces inches away, I felt a blush creep up on my face as he stared at me. He let out a sigh, "you're right..." he spoke as he sat back down, "I'll wash your shirt" I told him as he looked at me, he went to remove his shirt but he groaned so I had to lean over him again to get his shirt off. I stared at his chest and saw the countless scars, 'this isn't the first one he's had...' I mentally told myself as I looked at his face. He was too busy drinking to realize I was staring at him.

"You should get some rest," I told him as he looked at me and nodded. I left the room, closed the door behind me and went to the laundry room, I put his shirt in the washing machine, set it to get blood out of whatever was in there, and started the washing machine. I sat at my kitchen table sipping my drink, I wanted to know more about this Qrow so I looked him up on my scroll. 'Qrow Branwen went to Beacon Academy, uses a scythe, uncle to Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose, brother of Raven Branwen, and has killed over a thousand Grimm' I mentally told myself, I placed my scroll on the table and sighed.  I looked at my dog who was laying down, "he's a pretty big deal or something Hoshi" I told my dog as she looked up at me, "killed over a thousand Grimm" I told her as she barked at me, "oh, you wanna meet him? Well, he's resting right now..." I told her as I placed my mug in the sink, after a few hours I made Qrow a sandwich and walked upstairs to my room, Hoshi following behind me. I knocked on the door, "Mr. Branwen? Are you awake?" I asked as he groaned from inside the room, "yeah..." he spoke as I opened the door and walked in, "how'd you know my last name?" he asked me as I handed him the sandwich and the tea I had made for him. "I looked you up on my scroll...I wanted to know more about you..." I told him as I sat down and sipped on the tea I was drinking.

He munched on his sandwich until his eyes landed on my dog who looked at him, "she won't bite you" I told him as he glanced over at me, she then barked at him, "gah!" he jumped, accidentally dropping his sandwich onto the floor which Hoshi happily ate. I gave him a confused look, "s-sorry...I get nervous around certain animals..." he told me as he sipped on his tea, "I know that certain dogs like to chase crows around...but not Hoshi" I joked as he chuckled a little. "Yeah..." he whispered as he stared in his mug, "so is this something you normally do? Just patch up random people who are hurt?" he looked over at me as I nodded, "usually they have minor cuts and bruises...but you were worse than anyone else that had come through," I told him as he stared at me, he placed his mug on the side table but it slid out of his hand on smashed on the floor causing him to growl. "It's okay, it's just a mug...I can always get another" I assured him as he stared at his hands and growled again, "it's not that...it's my semblance" he told me as he sighed, "did you know crows are a symbol for misfortune?" he asked without looking at me. I picked up the large pieces of the broken mug and looked at him. "It seems fitting that my semblance matches my name" he spoke again as I thought for a moment.

"So you're a bad luck charm...you just need to find that thing that balances you out..." I told him as I placed my weapon on my dresser since he was in my bedroom. I then went to leave the room, "what's your semblance?" he asked looking at me as I smiled, "I'm a walking good luck charm" I told him as his lips parted a little and he stared at me, I gave him another smile and then left the room. I threw away the broken mug and started to do the dishes, that night I sat on the couch reading a book when I heard shuffling coming from the stairs, I looked over and saw Qrow walking down the stairs, he kept his hand on his stomach and he was going one step at a time. He reached the bottom and his eyes met mine, he walked over to me and sat on the couch. "What's up?" I asked him as he sighed, "I was thinking..." he began as I looked at him, "you're too pretty..." I joked as he chuckled and then groaned, "sorry" I told him as he shook his head, "it's fine" he spoke as he looked at me.

"Do you believe in fate?" he asked as I thought for a moment, "I believe that everything happens for a reason...like something bad would happen so something good could happen" I explained to him. I could see the wheels turning in his head, "like...how I got hurt and then I found you and you patched me up?" he asked as I nodded, "exactly like that..." I chuckled as he smiled, "who knows, maybe some part of me has some good luck..." he spoke as I yawned, "probably..." I rubbed my eyes as I closed my book, we stayed up for a few hours talking, until I fell asleep with my head on his lap. I woke up the next morning and felt a hand on my hip, the tv was on, I blinked a few times and then sat up, I rubbed my eyes and looked at him, our faces now inches apart as the blush came back. "S-Sorry I fell asleep with my head on your lap..." I whispered as he chuckled, "it's fine...I spent a few hours after you crashed watching you...you looked really peaceful and b-beautiful" he told me as I blushed again and chuckled a little, he placed his forehead against mine as we stared into each other's eyes, 'by the gods just kiss me already' I mentally told him, he smirked and placed a long passionate kiss on my lips, "I could get used to you being here Branwen" I whispered as we parted which caused him to laugh a little, "I agree L/n..." he spoke as we kissed again.

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