~Qrow X Ozpin X Reader SMUT~

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~Oz's pov~

I walked into my house with my raven-haired husband who let out a loud groan, "I just wanna go to bed" he spoke as he tossed Harbinger onto the couch and then shed his cape, I managed to catch the cape before he dirtied up the rest of the front room that our wife worked so hard to keep clean. "You're gonna have to explain to Y/n why your weapon is on the couch knowing that the girls are coming over tomorrow..." I told him as he sighed and grabbed his weapon, we approached our bedroom door, music could be heard from inside, Qrow and I looked at each other and he opened the door, the light was off music was playing from Y/n's scroll as she slept soundlessly on my side of the bed, I slept on the left side, Qrow slept closest to the wall since he fought in his sleep and Y/n slept in between us. Unless we weren't home...apparently. "Welp...guess you're in the middle tonight" Qrow spoke as I looked at him, "the hell I am..." I said as Y/n sighed, "both of you shut the fuck up...I'm trying to sleep. Also, welcome home losers" she spoke as we chuckled, we got ready for bed and Qrow slept in the middle.

~Your pov~

I was awoken by someone moaning, I growled and opened my eyes, "are you two fucking serious?" I asked waking both of them up. Qrow groaned, "what? Whatzgoingon?" he sleepily asked as I sighed, "you guys fuck like jackrabbits! I am trying to sleep. Cease your sex and let me sleep...gods know neither of you are quiet about it..." I spoke as Qrow snorted and groaned, "we aren't having sex Y/n...you're hearing things" he told me as I sighed, "actually...I was having a dream..." Oz spoke as Qrow laughed, "you heard Oz moaning in his sleep" Qrow spoke as I rolled my eyes and then closed them, "how quiet do you think we can actually be? Gods know that she'll be a bitch in the morning if we're too loud and wake her up" I heard Qrow whispered as I grabbed my pillow and hit him with it. I honestly didn't care if he kept it, I heard Oz chuckle, "I don't know..." Oz spoke in a whisper, I then heard them begin to kiss each other, the bed shifted and I slightly slid to where Qrow was laying meaning he was now on top of Oz, "Qrow..." Oz whispered.

"Hmm?" Qrow hummed as I listened to them. This was nothing new, one of us would listen to the other two have sex while we tried to sleep, this only happened when two people were in the mood but the third person wasn't. "Dominate me...right now" Oz whispered as I snorted, "what?" he asked as I rolled over and looked at him, "Oz, I love and respect the shit out of you...but you don't want to be dominated by him...he's really rough...and you're extremely sweet," I told him as he furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm not sweet in bed" he spoke as Qrow looked over at me. "So f I asked you to dominate the shit out of...asked you to tie me up, blindfold me and choke me and all the kinky shit while you are dominating me...you would?" I cocked an eyebrow as he thought for a moment. "Yeah..." he nodded as I smirked, "all right...do it now," I said as they both looked at me in shock, "r-right now?" he asked as I sat up and nodded. "Right now...pin me to the bed...do all the things Qrow does to me..." I told him as Qrow got off Ozpin, Oz then roughly pinned me to the bed and immediately started to kiss my neck as he grinds against me, making me moan. He bit on my sweet spot, "shut up...you're not gonna make any noises...I'm in charge" he growled in my ear as I panted a little.

"Shit...I like this new Oz..." Qrow spoke as he watched, Oz then ripped off the shirt I was wearing, "that was my shirt" Qrow added as Oz looked at him, "come here" he spoke as Qrow crawled over to us, Oz grabbed him by his hair and kissed him roughly. I raised my eyebrows in shock because I've never seen Qrow be a willing submissive partner, they pulled apart, "this is gonna be a problem..." Qrow panted because of the kiss, "we all know I'm the dominant one in the relationship" Qrow spoke as I saw Oz yank on Qrow's hair a little, "not tonight...you understand?" he asked as I could see this was actually turning Qrow on, "yes, sir" Qrow spoke as Oz smirked and Qrow but his lip, Oz then tore my underwear off, "you can give her breasts the attention they need...and remember Y/n...no noises" Oz spoke again as he lowed his face and licked my clit causing me to squirm and whimper silently, Oz held my hips in place as Qrow attached his mouth to one of my nipples, I bit the back of my hand to keep from crying out.

Oz continued to lick my clit as he inserted a finger "ah!" I moaned out as they both stopped, Oz crawled up my body with a dark look in his eyes, I saw Qrow move behind Oz, "what did I say?" Oz spoke as Qrows fingers snaked their way through Oz's hair and he pulled Oz back so his back was against Qrow's chest, "I love you Oz...but I don't take too kindly to being dominated" Qrow growled as Oz groaned, "Y/n, you know what to do" Qrow told me as I nodded, I wiggled my way out from under Oz and walked over to the dresser. This was something Qrow and I had talked about, mainly because we actually wanted to see if Oz had a dominant side since he was always so cool and collective. Qrow pinned Oz to the bed as I grabbed one of Qrow's ties that he wore to formal events, he'd wear his regular outfit with a tie on and that was about it. I tied Oz's hands to the bedpost.

"Damn..." Oz whispered as I smirked and then looked at Qrow who grabbed me by the torn shirt and kissed me roughly, he gripped my ass as I worked on his belt buckle since he wore his black pants and belt to bed. We pulled away as I got the belt off. "Maybe we should've used this..." I whispered as Qrow shook his head, "he'll get free in a moment, I don't want my only and favorite belt to get ruined..." Qrow responded as he removed his pants and boxers, "on your knees kitten" he told me as I smiled and turned around, he slowly entered me, both of us making sure Oz was watching. I moaned out as Qrow gripped my hair and thrust into me a fast pace, he grunted as he whispered my name, there was a loud ripping noise and then Qrow cried out in pleasure as he nearly fell onto me. I looked back and saw that Oz had entered him from behind. He pulled on Qrow's hair, now Qrow was in the position Oz was in whenever Qrow pulled on his hair. "I told you...I'm in fucking charge tonight" he growled as he slowly began to thrust into Qrow which caused Qrows hips to move in rhythm with Oz's.

I moaned out as Qrow groaned, "shit..." he panted, "you both feel amazing..." he spoke, Oz didn't let go of Qrow's hair and Qrow didn't let go of mine. "F-Faster...O-Oz..." Qrow groaned as Oz panted and picked up the pace, I moaned out as Qrow pulled me to his chest and used his free hand to rub my clit, Oz reached forward to message my right breast, he rolled my nipped between his fingers as I cried out, "faster~" I whimpered as Qrow panted, "I'm not in control of t-thrusting..."  Qrow spoke as Oz began to thrust at an inhuman pace, Qrow let go of my hair, Oz let go of Qrow's hair. Oz gripped Qrow's hips as Qrow gripped mine both thrusting into me in away. "F-Fuck, I-I'm gonna cum!" I cried out as a knot began to form in the pit of my stomach. "M-Me too..." Oz panted as Qrow groaned loudly and bit down on my neck. "D-Damn Oz..." he spoke as I gripped onto the bedsheet and screamed out as I came all over Qrow, "s-shit!" Oz spoke as he came in Qrow, not long after, Qrow buried himself deep inside me and released, screaming my name. The three of us lay on the bed in our normal spots. "O-Oz...please, do that every once and a while" I panted as he chuckled. "Seriously...that was extremely hot..." Qrow's voice rang out as Oz laughed, "sure...however, I wasn't okay with being tied up..." Oz panted as Qrow wrapped his arm around me and they both held me as we fell asleep.

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