Chapter 2: Truth or Laser Shark

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Author's note: Hey guys, if any of you guys are curious if Alison will know any of the contestants' names, she did, because Chris McLean told her all of their names so that she wouldn't mess up his show with her complete ignorance of knowing the contestants (sorry, I couldn't think of much). Also, the contents of this chapter may be scary, so reader discretion is advised. Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy the story!🌹

(Alison's P.O.V)

I had just gotten up, awake because Anne Maria wouldn't quit fixing up her hair, even though there was NOTHING WRONG WITH IT! I stretched, and I took off my pajamas, which had my normal clothes underneath, and I jumped down from my bed, when Anne Maria applied some hairspray, which made me cough like crazy! I then said, "Holy shiitake mushrooms, do you really need this much hairspray?!" Then, Enzo yawned and stretched like a cat, and Zoey looked at me in concern , whilst Anne Maria continued to apply her hairspray. Zoey then said, "A-are you sure you want *cough* it on your bed?" I responded , " "it" has a name, you know! " I walked away from them and to the bottom bunk of the bunk beds, and put my boots on, then I heard a ear-shattering airhorn, which made me sprint outside, incidentally joining my team outside, along with the other contestants, and where I saw Chris on an Atv, and he said,  "Up and at em' my little morning glories! It's time for today's challenge!" Lightning then said, "What? But Lightning hadn't had his DPA!" Everyone then looked at him, confused. Lightning then said, "Daily Protein Allotment. Duh!" Dakota then said, "And I haven't had enough beauty sleep." Sam then said, "Come on, you look- *Dakota takes off her sunglasses, revealing gigantic eye bags* Great suns of Orion!" Did she stay up all night? Cause' she looked like a zombie! Chris then said, "You can catch up on your sleep after the challange. Right this way to the Bay of Dismay!" We all groaned, except me, since I just rolled my eyes. I then saw Dakota take out her phone, and say, "Hey! It's me. We're going to some bay- *Chris uses a magnet tied to a fishing pole to take Dakota's phone away* Hey!" I quickly put my I pod and earphones in my pockets , whilst Chris took Sam's GameGuy away. Chris then said, "Contraband! Now it's mine! Confiscators keepers! Come on! Your humiliation awaits!" We then started walking to "the Bay of Dismay" and I noticed Scott walking right next to me, yawning, and almost putting his arm around me. Ew, I don't want his sweat to come near me! Especially his B.O, which smelled. Like. Boiled cabbage! I quickly grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back, and he whimpered in pain. I then said "Keep. On. Your. Side." Ugh, if only I hadn't left Enzo on the bed cause' he was sleeping...I could have let him sleep in my hair...But as I was thinking to myself, I noticed that we were at the "Bay of Dismay",  and Chris made us get on box seats in the middle of the lake, but from what I've already seen on this island, I'm not surprised. He made us wear these harnesses, which was pinching like crazy!

-Alison's confessional -

"Huh, you thought the restraints and chains would do that, but NOPE. Something that was supposed to keep me safe almost killed me."

Chris then said, "Welcome to the getting to know you trivia game challenge! Is everyone strapped in All nice and snug?" Scott then said , "Too snug. It's cutting into my shoulders." Chris responded , "Yeah, children's size harnesses will do that. *laughs* I'll be asking our players embarrassing personal questions, and I mean MAJORLY humiliating. If the player I'm talking about hits the poorly wired buzzer and owns their humiliation before the time runs out, their team gets a point. First team to five wins part one and a distinct advantage in part two.  But, if no one owns up, this happens!" He then pressed a red button on a remote, causing our box seats to get dunked into the river,  but I held my breath, conserving the little oxygen I had, then I saw a stinkin' TWO LEGGED MUTANT SHARK. It licked its lips, and tried to eat Cameron, but we were pulled up before  could eat him! Once we were above water, we all coughed, and I spat out the water that entered my lungs. Mike then said, "There's some kind of two-legged shark monster down there!" Chris responded , "You mean Fang? Yeah, it turns out toxic waste can mess with stuff underwater, too. Who knew?" Scott then said , "Better then than us." He shot me a wink , and wolf-whisled, and I dragged my finger across my neck and made a slicing sound. Chris then said, "Anywho, if a team gets dunked, their opponents can steal by guessing which dunkee is guilty. Guess right, and you get a point! Guess wrong, and this happens!" Chris then pressed the red button on his remote, which dunked the Rats into the water! I then shouted, "Oh my gosh, is Scott okay?!!" Chris responded, "That is none of your concern." I then turned to Zoey and shook her violently and roughly, and I said, "WHY WON'T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING?!!" The Rats were then lifted up,  and while the Rats were violently coughing, Scott then loudly said, "You were worried about me, weren't 'ya, sweetheart?" Everybody on the Maggots' booth was staring at me, while I just blushed and crossed my arms in frustration.

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