Chapter 6: Runaway Model

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Hey guys! Just a heads up, the content of this chapter will be graphic, so as such, reader discretion is advised, and I hope you guys still like the chapter. Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy!

I was in the washroom, brushing my teeth while Zoey was fixing her hair, and Anne Maria was brushing hers, and Jo was washing her face in the sink. Anne Maria then said to Zoey, "Yeesh. Nice hair. Looks like princess Leia lost a scissor fight." Zoey responded, "Actually, it's more like Queen Amedahlia." Anne Maria responded, "More like Queen Ami-dork-a." Anne Maria then applied a gigantic amount of hairspray, Zoey, Jo and I all coughing, and Anne Maria then said, "Now THAT is how you do hair." I scoffed, and I grabbed a cup from near the sink, and I filled it up with sink water, and I undid my ponytail and poured the water on my hair, and grabbed a bar of soap and used it to soap my hair as I used sink water to wash my hair, but I then noticed Jo shaving her legs IN PUBLIC. But, I was unfazed as I wrung out my hair to wash my arms and legs, and I put my hair back into a ponytail. I then heard Chris say over the loudspeaker, "It's challenge time! Campers, meet me on the other side of the island." I then ran outside, and sprinted to the other side of the island, where I saw two sets of box seats, and I sat down on the top row of the box seat to the left. I shortly saw my team and the Rats heading over, and I took out my locket and looked inside, and I sniffled, and I then put my locket back under my shirt. I then saw Chris missing a jet pack to land on the stage that the box seats were facing. He for some reason, had white hair, and Chef was wearing a pink, see-through sparkly strapless dress and a sparkly chef hat. Chris then said, "Welcome to your challenge: The weird and wild fashion spectacular!" Anne Maria then said, applying more hairspray, "Fashion! Now you're talking!" Jo responded, "Eh, fahion. Waste of time." Anne Maria responded, "So says the girl in men's prison sweats." Jo responded, "Hey, nobody needs to be reminded that I'm a girl." Lightning responded, "Sorry, who's a girl?" Chris then blew a airhorn, and he then said, "Zip it! You won't be walking the catwalk. No, no, no, no. No amount of fashion can help you people. *chuckles* Here's how it's gonna work: Each team gets a wardrobe of clothes, a makeup kit, and ten minutes to dress and make up a model. Which you'll send down the runway to be judged by myself, Chef, and today's Total Drama classic competitor: Lindsay!" A blonde then sprang from a suitcase, and she then said, "Yay! Don't you just love my special fashion judgey shoes?" Zoey then said, "Wow! We get to dress an actual model!" Chris responded, "Uh-huh. Right after you catch one." Jo responded, "Catch a model? Child's play. They way they eat, they'll pass out after three steps." Chris responded, " Did I say human models?  Don't think so. No, your models are in THERE! " He pointed to the woods, and I slowly turned around, hoping he didn't point to the forest where my secret is, but when I turned around, I saw he pointed to the forest with all the mutants, and I internally breathed a sigh of relief. Chris then said, "They're wild, they're mutated, and like me, despise teenagers. Okay fashionistas, go!" He then blew the airhorn again, and we all ran off, me following my team. But when they started looking for a animal to dress, I decided to secretly go to the scary part of the forest, and I ran, but before I could get there, I bumped into SCOTT. Scott then said, "Heh, you lost, buttercup?" I responded , "Why would you care?" Scott responded, "Or maybe you're looking for something." I saw him heading to the spooky part of the forest, and without even once, I tackled him, and I got out my pocket knife, and I lunged for his face, but I stopped an inch away from his face, the knife inches away from his eyes, and I then sniffled, and I then ran away, until I got to my team, but I hid in a bush. I then tucked my knife's blade back in and put it in my pocket. I then heard Zoey say, "There. What do you guys think? Too much? Too little? Be honest. Unless you hate it." I then said, getting out of the bush, "Alright, lemme see it." Jo then said, " Where have you been?!" I responded, "That's none of your-" When I saw what Zoey dressed the maggot in, I stopped dead in my tracks, my shock tuning out what everybody was saying. It reminded me SO MUCH OF-  Chris then said over the loudspeaker, "One minute. " Jo then said, "It's fine. We're not spending all day on this. Let's get back to Chris." We then ran to the stage, Zoey carrying the maggot, and we got into the stage, and Chris then said, "It's freaky forest fashion time! Maggoteers, show me something fierce. Chef, drop that needle." Upbeat music then played, and Anne Maria then said as the maggot crawled across the runway, "This gorgeous plus-size maggot is showing off a bold, retro fashion like no other. Her swank new hairdo perfectly compliments a dynamite vintage 60's go-go dress." Anne Maria then gagged, and Chris then said, "A little gross, what with the oozing and squirming. I give it an 8.5." I then tapped my foot restlessly, until my team went back behind the stage, and I quickly followed them. I then drifted off, until I felt something GRAB me by the waist, and I saw a GIANT YETI carrying the blonde, and it then used a jet pack to fly both ME and the blonde to a nearby island, and I tried to scream, but a ear-shattering sound came out of my mouth! I then coughed, and I saw the yeti land on top of a construction site with wooden boards, and metal poles, and the yeti let me and the blonde down, and he suddenly broke down in tears, and the blonde went to comfort him, and when I saw how high as were, I suddenly felt nauseous, tuning out what was going on, but I then saw the other competitors! I covered my mouth, and I became dizzy, and I suddenly vomited, black sludge coming out of my mouth, and I saw there was some teeth in the puddle of sludge that weren't mine, and I lost my balance and I passed out!

When I woke up, I saw that SCOTT was carrying me! But he was carrying me on his shoulder, and he then said, "So you're finally awake. I carried you back to camp since you were passed out, and by the looks of it, you were knocked out for hours!" I responded, "Thanks, I guess..." Scott then said, "So, I heard that you've got a secret, and by the looks of it, a pretty big one! Wanna tell me what it is? " I then suddenly twitched, my body parts shaking, almost robotically, and I coughed, and a gear came out of my mouth! The gear was covered in red fluid, and Scott then gently set me down, and he waved "bye" to me, and I waved back, and I picked up the gear, and I put it in my pocket, and I headed into the washroom, and I put my pajamas on over my regular clothes, and I brushed my teeth, and I then headed back to the cabin, and I took my boots off, and I then tucked Enzo and I in, and Zoey then turned the lights off, and I heard the girls snoring, and I then waited, my eyes open. I then heard a female voice whisper, "Did they find out?" I thought, "No, but the connection happened again." The voice responded , "Don't worry. It'll be fine. Soon, they won't bother us anymore...But for now, we shouldn't let them find out." I thought, "Yeah, we should wait." I then fell asleep, exhausted from today.

Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I will try to make more as soon as I can. Other than that, I hope you guys will enjoy the next chapters!

Keep being awesome!


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