Chapter 9: Grand Chef Auto

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(Alison's P.O.V)

I was sleeping soundly, until I heard a loud siren, and I took off my pajamas, which had my regular clothes in them, and I put on my boots and ran outside, and I saw Scott smirk at me. Huh, I thought he would be terrified by now. I then heard Chris say, "Good morning, campers! Today we have a very special treat." Lightning then said, "*Gasp* Fantasy football?" Zoey then said, "*Gasp* Expressos?" I then said, "Ice cream sundaes?" Scott then said, "Helicopter bear hunt?" Chris responded, "Nope. It's merge day! No more team Rat, no more team Maggot!" Chris then jumped off our cabin's roof, and he then said, "From now on, it's every man, woman, and Cameron for himself!"

-Alison's confessional-
"Ugh, finally! I couldn't STAND all that team junk! It really got in the way. I'm just glad that I don't have to actually help someone that isn't important anymore."

Chris then said, "Chef, drop it like it's hot!" I then saw A GIANT BLOCK OF SOLID CONCRETE FALL FROM THE SKY, so I jumped out of the way as it crushed the cabin where my duffel bag was! At least it didn't crush my secret. Zoey  then said, "You crushed our cabin with a block of solid concrete?!" Chris responded, "I had a bunch left over from building a monument to myself. I call it...Mount Chrismore! From now on, you'll all share one tiny, cruddy little cabin." Zoey responded, "But all our stuff was in there!" Chris responded, "Yes! And because I am nice and not heartless, I'll help you get it out. One McLean brand pickaxe...children's size!" Chris then flicked a pickaxe the size of a pencil to Zoey, which poked her in the eye, but she took it out and clutched it with both her hands. Chris then said, "Enjoy! Later, taters!" Chris then climbed onto a nearby helicopter's ladder and flew away, but he bumped into the block of concrete, and I then saw Scott and Cameron talking, and I snarled and after Cameron walked away, I then walked to Scott and whispered, "How are you still alive? Why are you still breathing?" Scott then gulped and said, "You know me! I'm as t-tough as nails!" I responded, "I'm going to tear your eyes right out of your sockets." Scott gulped, and I walked to Chris, where he was standing next to a flat-screen telivision, and I saw everybody walking towards where Chris was, and once everybody got there, Chris then said, "Challange time! Today, it's all about grabbin' em and taggin' em! And to show you how it's done, I give you Total Drama's favorite juvinile delinquent, Duncan!" Chef then wheeled in a juvinile delinquent tied to a dolly with a restraint mask. Chris then said, "Duncan owes me some camera time for skipping out on Total Drama World Tour, so I saved an extra painful challange demo just for him." Duncan then said, "Eat dirt, McLean." Chris responded, "No, that's your job! First up, the smash-and-grab! Hidden somewhere in the mess hall kitchen are seven keys to Chef's prized collection of vintage go-karts. Some drive like well-oiled machines. Others...not so much." Chef then said, "Chris! Don't let these clowns drive my cars! They're gonna smash em!" Chef is half-right, since I never got my driver's lisence. In fact, I've never even BEEN in a car! Chris responded, "Yes, and car crashes equals ratings. Demo time, Duncan! Chef, let this perp out on a day pass." Chef then untied Duncan, and Duncan then said, taking off his mask, "Later, losers!" Duncan then ran away, and Chris then said, "Okay...probally should have seen that coming. I then saw Scott pull Mike in, and I then whispered, "One more thing. Just one more thing and I will SLAUGHTER YOU." Mike then said to Scott, "What's with her?" We then went to outside the mess hall, and we got ready to go, and Chris then said, "Players, commence smashing and or!" I then ran into the mess hall, and I looked in a stove for a key, and I then saw a mutant cockroach in it, but I snarled and it ran away, and I saw a key the stove, and I grabbed it and I then saw everybody heading outside, and I followed them to what looked like a junkyard, and I saw everybody grab a can of spray paint and a gps, and I grabbed a set that was covered in blood, and we then ran inside, and Chris then said, "Say hello to Challange part deux! Extreme Chef auto! You've each been given a can of spray paint and a gps map of the island. Your mission: Race your go-karts around the island and be first to grafitti-tag three landmarks. The rock wall of Mount looming disaster, the spooky tree in the haunted forest, and the tippy-top of a giant totem pole. Oh, and the go-karts? You'll have to steal them. From Chef."

-Alison's Confessional-

"Did he say HAUNTED FOREST?!! Wait, I remember that tree! It's nowhere near my secret, so I have nothing to worry about!....unless Scott snoops around. But if he does, I will TEAR HIS INSIDES OUT." 

Cameron then gulped, and Chris then said, "The first player to completely tag all three landmarks wins immunity. And, they will get to choose who will be eliminated. *Chuckles* Alright, and...go!" I then to where everybody was standing, and Jo then said, "Ooh, Chef's gonna stare us to death! Big deal." Her and Lightning then high-fived, and Chef then said, "Nobody touches my stuff. Nobody!" Chef then snapped his fingers, and laser squirrels then surrounded us, and I gulped, because that was A LOT OF SQUIRRELS. Cameron then said, "Laser squirrels!" Several squirrels curiously surrounded me, and I then flinched and closed my eyes tightly, but the squirrels rubbed up against me! I smiled, and they helped me to my go-kart, and I pet one of the squirrels, and they all got on my car, and I then started the engine, but since I didn't know what to do, I could barely drive! But when I thought I was going to LITERALLY crash and burn, the squirrels helped me drive to the first landmark! I then used my blood red paint to paint a knife on the rock, and I then got in the car, the squirrels helping me steer to the next landmark! I then drove to the tree, and I drew a bloody knife on the tree, and I then got in the car, but I saw Zoey then spray-paint a pink heart onto the tree, and I then said, "Good luck, or whatever." Zoey responded, "Thanks! You too!" The squirrels gave me a look of confusion, and I face-palmed.

-Alison's confessional-

"Why did I say that?! Why?!"

I drove to the last landmark, but I then got a transmission screen on my gps, and I heard Chris say, "listen- up. Three- landmarks- wasn't- tough- enough, so I- added- a fourth." A new dot then popped up on my gps, and Chris then said, "It- a- doozy- a- mountainside- right- in- the- center- of- the- island. Now- get- tagging!- And- don't- spare- the- paint.- McLean out!" Is it just me, or did Chris sound like he was a puppet? I then drove to the third landmark, and I climbed up the pole, and I used my spray paint to paint a knife going into Scott's head, and I then climbed down and drove to the last landmark with the help from the squirrels, and I then climbed up Mount Chrismore, but I then saw Scott with Mike with his shirt off, and he then HIT MIKE OVER THE HEAD WITH A WOODED CLUB. I then lunged to Scott and attacked him, clawing him like a cat, but he quickly pecked me on the mouth, and he ran towards Mount Chrismore, and I covered my mouth, my face red, and I then growled, and I then saw Fang lunge and attack him when he almost tagged Mount Chrismore, and Lightning then lunged and tagged the mountain, and Chris then said, driving up to us, "My face! My beautiful 50-foot concrete face!" Chris then turned to Chef, who was holding a smoothie, "Did you have to stop at the drive-through?!" Chef slurped his smoothie, and Lightning then approached Chris and said, "Chris, I'd like to make MY vote. Jo. Is. Outta here!" Jo then approached us in her go-kart, which was always stopping, then going. Chris then said, "No. No vote for you." Lightning responded, "What?!" Chris responded, "You fell for an obvious prank by Duncan." Duncan then showed up and said, "Sorry bro, that wasn't me." Duncan then got out a remote with a red button, and he pressed the button, making Mount Chrismore's head explode, and Duncan then said, "Now that, *Chuckles* that was me." Duncan and Chef then laughed, and Chris looked disaprovingly at Chef, and I then walked up to him and said, "Do I at least get my vote?" Chris responded, "Sorry, but you were supposed to paint the same tag. You painted three different tags on each landmark, so it looks like you're stuck here with your sharkbait boyfriend!" I growled at Scott, who was being eaten by Fang, and he spray-painted inside Fang's mouth, causing Fang to spit him out. And Chris then said, "But the good news is, you do get to not come to the elimination ceremony tonight, because...of some reason!" I pumped my fist into the air, and I then headed to the washroom, and I then brushed my teeth and went to the cabin, and I saw that Enzo was on one of the bunks, and I headed up to him and tucked him and I in, and I then went to bed. and I then heard a voice say, "...Did he give you trouble again?..." I then thought, "Yeah, but I don't know what to do about him, since he can't be voted off..." The voice responded, "The little problems that followed me here said that they could talk to him...but he would get suspicious...Maybe there's something else that could talk to him..." I then thought, "Did somebody else follow us here?..." The voice responded, "Yes, but he won't hurt you or me...he just wants to make a new friend...and I think he would love to make friends with the boy, so that he won't bother you...and if he does manage to escape...after this is over...he will still find a way to get him...but if he fails...we won't have to worry...he'll be very quiet, as to not disturb anybody..." I responded, "Yeah, that would be nice...thank you..." I fell asleep, Enzo by my side, as I was happy that Scott was about to be "taken care of".

(No one's P.O.V)

Scott was sleeping outside in a nearby woods, when he then woke up, and he then said, "Where am I?!" He then saw a nearby electricial spark, and he then heard a male voice say, "Bon-bon, say hi to our friend!" Scott then gulped and hid in a nearby bush, and the voice then said, "Bon-Bon, say-ay hi to our *distorted* friend..." Scott then peeked out, and he saw a blurry figure with a hand puppet! The figure then said, "I-I know you're over there so-o-omwehere!" The figure then crept around, and it then said, "*Laughs* I know you're over there somewhere." The figure then looked in nearby bushes, and it then turned to face Scott, and the figure then said, "I see you over there in the dark! C-come on out!" The figure then pretended to look for him, and then the figure then said, turning it's head slowly to face Scott, "Hey Bon-Bon, I thi-think that's the birthday boy over th-there. We should go give him a suprise!" Scott then thought to himself, "It's not even my birthday! What am I going to do?! How did this thing get on the island?!" The figure then took a small step towards him, and the figure then said in a singsong voice, "Well hello again~!" Scott then looked down at his sweat, and then he saw the shadowy figure was staring right at him with it's plastic blue eyes, "*Laughs* Oh well, hello again." Scott then ran away and ran towards the cabin, and the figure robotically crept towards him, and he then blocked off the door, and the figure then scraped against the door, and then it knocked, and Scott quietly chattered his teeth in fear, and he then heard robotic footsteps leaving, and he then breathed a sigh of relief, and he then slept near the door, albeit worried that the figure would come back, but he was too tired to stay awake.

Hey guys! Again, sorry if this chapter was scary, I just wanted to make the scenario that Scott would be in as detailed as possible. The video that I posted will tell you what the figure sounded like, but I added some minor tweaks in his dialogue for Scott, but other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I will try to make more chapters as soon as I can!

Keep being awesome!


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