Chapter 7: A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste

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Hey guys! Just a heads up, but some of the content in this chapter and the rest may be graphic, but other than that, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

(Alison's P.O.V)

I was outside the cabin, dressed in my regular clothes, as Jo worked out in the cabin WITH NO CLOTHES ON. I saw some helicopters flying above, and I coughed, and I spat out something covered in black sludge. I then picked my finger to see if I had something inside me, but when I pulled my finger out, I could see that my finger was coated in saliva, and it was perfectly fine. I shook the saliva off, and I headed into the mess hall, and I saw Jo and the others inside, and my stomach growled, and I belched, covering my mouth, and I suddenly saw everyone going into the walk-in freezer, and I shrugged, and I followed them, and I saw a load of meat, and I dove right in and started devouring the meat, tearing off the flesh and shoving it all into my mouth, and I then shoved the bones in my mouth, crunching it as if it was potato chips, and I saw everybody staring at me. I then saw the door close! I then felt the freezer move, and I then saw Chef peering in through a slot! Chef then said, "Challenge time, suckers!" Cameron then said, "This is highly unorthodox!" Zoey then said, "Where are you taking us?" Chef responded , "You'll see." I shook, and I gagged, and Zoey then said, "Are you okay?" I responded, "*Gag* I-I'm f-fine." I then felt the floor moving upwards, and then we were all dumped in front of a cave! I landed on top of Scott, and he smirked, but I gagged, and I coughed, and some black sludge dripped from my jawline, and he dodged it. I then saw Chris on a big screen television, and he then said, "Today's challenge is to find a golden Chris statue in your team color hidden somewhere in this old abandoned mine. First team back wins." Lightning responded, "Sha-done and done! Go team dude!" Jo responded, "Are you sha-blind? I'm not a -" Chef then tossed Jo a backpack, making her fall down. Chris then said as Chef tossed everyone a backpack, "Don't worry. There are enough packs for everyone." When Chef tossed me a backpack, it weighed a ton! Jo then said, "What'd you put in them? Rocks?" Chris responded, "No peeking. Those 50 pound bags are purely for your torment. And my amusement. Enjoy." Cameron then pulled out a chemical badge, and he then said, "Chemical badges? Why do we need to measure our exposure to toxic waste?" Chris responded, "No reason. Except that I rented out the mine to store hazardous material." Everyone but me gasped, and Anne Maria then said, "Woah, woah, woah. Are you demented?" Chris responded, "Relax, it's perfectly safe...for 30 minutes. When your badge turns orange, you have 15 minutes. Red is your 5 minute warning, and if you see a skull and crossbones, we'll dedicate this episode to you. But no way is it gonna come to that. I went Dakota down there for 40 minutes, and she's gonna be fine...ish. Now move it, peeps!" Zoey responded, "Can you at least give us a hint about where to find the statues?" Chris responded, "Funny story, the statues have gone missing. Someone or something down there must have taken them." Brick responded , " it well-lit down there?" Chris responded, "It's a mine, bro. Pitch black all the way. There are flashlights and fireflies inside. First come, first serve. Anywho, time's-a-wastin' and so are your healthy blood cells. So go!" We then ran inside, and I put on my chemical badge and followed my team to an elevator, and Scott closed the elevator gate door, I not hearing what Cameron was saying, until I heard a creaking, and then the elevator fell, and I passed out!

When I regained consciousness, I saw that SCOTT was carrying me bridal-style while in a minecart, and we were going along minecart tracks, and I then heard Mike say, "Alright lads and lassies, keep your eyes open and stick together." Cameron responded, "Easier said than done." I then saw the minecart Scott, Zoey, Anne Maria and I were separated from Mike and Cameron! Mike then said, "Crikey! What did I just say?" I then saw us going to a track that didn't have an end, and Zoey then said, "The track! I'm too young to die!" Anne Maria then said, "And I'm too hot!" I made a lewd hand gesture before we fell into the water, and I went underwater, and I saw my teammates were already above water, and I swam upwards, and I coughed, and I spat out a glob of black sludge, and I suddenly saw something leap towards me and Anne Maria, and it then dragged us underwater, and I passed out AGAIN!

When I woke up, I saw that I was WITH ANNE MARIA. I then said, "Great, now I'm stuck with a helmet-haired, fashion-obsessed IDIOT for the next... " I looked at my badge, which was orange, and I then said, "...15 minutes of my life!" I then saw a figure on a throne with GIANT MUTANT HAIRLESS GOPHERS! The GOPHERS then walked towards us, and they surrounded us, and Anne Maria then said, "Stay back! You touch my poof, I'll touch you!" The figure then snapped its fingers, and the gophers backed up, and the future then somersalted to us, and the financial figure revealed itself to be what looked like a teenage boy. Anne Maria then said, "Hey, aren't you that creepy stoaway kid from last season? Zekiel or something?" The guy then sniffed Anne Maria and me, and he raised his eyebrow, and Anne Maria then said, "Ew!" I gagged, and I swallowed, and he then ran and got several things for us, giving Anne Maria what looked like a autograph of what looked like him when he was human, and giving me a bouquet of flowers, but the flowers were singed and wilted, and the bouquet was burnt, and he gave us several other things, each of us having our own separate pile of stuff, and Anne Maria then said, "Would you stop already? I don't want any of this junk!" The gophers then squealed , and Anne Maria responded, "Not that I don't appreciate it, though."  He then ran up to us, holding a silver suitcase, but it was dusty and covered in ash, and Anne Maria then said,Is that the prize money from last season? I responded, "Wait, it's filled with money?!" The mutated teenager nodded, and he opened the suitcase, but there was just dust and remnants of dollar bills. Anne Maria then said, "Wow, thanks." He then ran, and he came back with a GIANT DIAMOND! Anne Maria then said, holding up the diamond, "Woo-hoo! Woo! Yeah baby, now that's more like it! Bada-bling!" I then said in a soft, yet nightmarish voice, "Please give me that." Anne Maria responded, "No way!" I then tuned out what was going on, until I heard Chris say, "If you can hear this, congrats! You're not dead yet! Wherever you are, immediately discard your bombs- I mean backpacks, and run!" I opened my backpack, and I saw that it had a BOMB in it! I then said, "What the ****?!" I took off my backpack, and I then saw Scott throw our statue away! I then grabbed him by the shirt, and I then said, "Go get it. NOW. " I then saw Mike, Zoey and Cameron being attacked by a mutant hairless gopher, but I froze to my spot, and Scott noticed me, and he then picked me up bridal-style, and he went into a minecart, but I then saw that everyone was in the minecarts, and I saw Brick pushing us, and he then quickly got in, and we went downwards, and I held onto Scott, and I closed my eyes tightly, as I held onto him for dear life, and we then got flung into the air, and we landed outside, and I heard Chris say, "And the Maggots win! Again!" Everyone on my team but me cheered, and I then tuned out what was going on until Chef SPRAYED IS WITH A HOSE. When Chef stopped spraying us, I headed back, and I went into the washroom, and I cried myself off, and I put my pajamas on and I brushed my teeth, and I headed into the cabin, and I yawned, and I headed into bed, and then the lights turned off, and I heard everyone snoring, and I pet Enzo before I quietly put my boots on and snuck out, and I headed into the woods where my secret was, and I approached the figure from before, and the figure then whispered, "I'm glad you're here. I made something for you." The figure then handed me a bowl of ice cream, and I smiled, and the figure handed me a spoon, and I ate the ice cream, and I gave the bowl and spoon back to the figure, and the figure and I hugged, and I then whispered, "I don't know what I would do without you..." The figure responded, " Don't worry...Soon No one will bother us again.... " After we hugged, the figure then said, "You should go back to bed..." I responded , "Okay. Thank you for the ice cream." The figure nodded, and I headed back, and I quietly took off my boots and I went to bed, tired from what happened today, but anxious for what tomorrow would bring.

Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I will try to make more chapters as soon as I can. Other than that, I hope you guys are enjoying the series!

Keep being awesome!


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