Chapter 11: Eat, Puke and Be Wary

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(Alison's P.O.V)

I woke up early, and I took a walk, but I saw Cameron and Zoey up a tree, and they noticed me, and Zoey beckoned me up, and I came up, 'cause I don't want them to know that I know that their kindness is affecting me. I then climbed to a branch above them and put my earphones in and listened to some Grindcore, I then saw the branch snap, and Cameron fell, but Zoey hung on, and I then saw a snare trap LAUNCH CAMERON INTO THE AIR! Zoey then fell, and Scott caught her bridal style, and I then saw them talking, and Zoey then laughed, and she said something, and Scott then dropped her, and I then slipped and fell, and Scott caught ME bridal style! Scott then said, "Hey, sweetheart ~" I then said, "What will it take to put you in the grave?!" I then jumped out of his arms, and I grabbed a chunk of wood and started whittling, and Scott leaned over my shoulder, and he then said, "So, you like to whittle. So do I~" I then said in a unholy, robotic voice, my eyes rolling back in my head, carving a wooden sculpture of Scott with his decapitated head on a mangled metal endoskeleton "Soon, I'll get to play take apart and put back together! You won't feel a thing..." Scott gulped, and I dragged my finger across my neck, and I made a slicing sound, and I then put my sculpture on the ground, and I saw Scott horrified at the sculpture, and my eyes rolled back into place, and I walked away, and I saw everyone near the outhouse where Chris and Chef were, and I stood in line with everyone else, and Chris then said, "Challenge time! And since you've been abused so flagrantly, today's challenge is a super safe, fun challenge!" Everyone but me cheered, and Chris then said, unknowingly walking toward a snare, "Get ready for bubbles, flowers, and cotton ca-" The snare then launched him into the outhouse, and Scott then said, "My- I mean Cameron's snare threw Chris into the outhouse!" Chef then opened the door, and the outhouse didn't smell as bad as what I've been through. Chef then said, "I need five interns and a fire hose, asap! We'll get you outta there soon!" Chris then said, "Those ungrateful puppets just crossed the line! You know your nasty challenges, Chef? The ones that got the red light? Yeah, the light just turned green!" Chef then closed the door, and he then turned to us and said, punching his open palm, "I'll bring the pain." He then laughed maniacally, and everyone but me was scared.

We were set at our own individual cooking station with cookware, spices, and sauces, and Chef then said, "Listen up, dirt bags. I'm gonna push you until you break. Then I'll take the filthy little broken bits, and I'll give em' another good breakin'! No wimps are gonna make it to my finale! Do you understand?! First challenge: The cook-off!" Scott responded, "A cook-off? What's next, a lawn bowl-" Chef then hit Scott with a frying pan, and he then said, "Shut it, or I'll shut it!" The pan then ricocheted back to him, and Chef then said, "Bring in the TD classic competitor!" A tall, bulky teenage boy was wheeled in by a intern, tied up and blindfolded, and Cameron then said, "Hey, It's DJ!" Chef then took the blindfold off DJ, and he then said, "No! Not here! I vowed never to be back here as long as there was breath in my lungs!" Chef then held up a contract to DJ and said, "Your contract disagrees, dough boy! You slime buckets are gonna cook something tasty. And this bag of mush will be the judge. You've got 20 minutes to cook a tasty lunch with whatever you find on the island. I believe in eating locally. Ready?" Cameron responded, "Um, question, what are our options in the way of seasoning?" Chef then said, walking up to Cameron and holding two frying pans, "Get cooking!" Chef then slammed the pans together, startling Cameron and making him run away, and I then found mutant berries growing from a tree, and I picked some, and I found wheat and yeast that were the size of corn stalks, and I harvested some wheat. I could make fruit tarts! I'm not very good in the kitchen, mainly because I've never cooked, but I watched people cook, so I can use that to my advantage! I then brought my ingredients back to my station, and I mashed the wheat and added some water and crushed the yeast and sprinkled it in, and I chopped the fruit. I then kneaded the dough and I put each piece of dough into a cupcake pan, and I put it in the oven. I then added some sugar in the fruit, and a pinch of salt, and I heard the oven go off, and I took the crusts out and put in the fruit. I then saw Scott out poison ivy in Zoey's salad while she wasn't looking! I growled, and I bared my teeth at him, and he winked at me, and Chef then said, "Three, two, one. Spatulas down. Well? Dish it up, cupcakes! Move! Move! Move!" I ran and got in line, behind Cameron, and after he showed what he made, I then presented what I made, which I had put on a plate, and I then said, "I made fruit tarts...with mutant berries." DJ whimpered, and Chef then said, "Next!" After DJ saw what Scott made, he ripped the ropes off and ran away screaming. Chef then said, "Well, looks like we just lost our taste tester. Rule change! You gotta eat all of your own weird grub. You hurl, you lose." Everyone but Cameron and I groaned, and we were then moved to a table. I didn't mind eating mine, because I didn't use what everybody else used. I tuned out what Chef was saying, and I then saw Scott switch out Cameron's quiche for Scott's gross quiche! I was INFURIATED. Chef then said, "Three, two, one." He then blew a airhorn, and I ate my fruit tarts, and I saw everyone but Scott throw up, and I unhinged my jaw, and finished my fruit tarts in one bite, and I saw Scott had finished "his" quiche, and he  said, "Mmm, I loves me some good old fashioned mutant frog quiche!" He then wiped his mouth, and Chef then said, "Challenge is over! Scott and his girlfriend win!" Everyone groaned, and Chef then said, "That's why they don't have to wear one of these tracking collars." Chef tossed the others a tracking collar, which immediately locked into their necks, and Chef then said, "Challenge part two: I give you...Dork hunter!" He pulled out a tracking device, and he then said, "The challenge is simple. You're the dorks, I'm the hunter. You run off into the woods, I hunt you down. First dork to the flagpole wins. Pray that you make it, before the dork hunter blasts you into a whole new dimention of pain!" Chef then got out a BAZOOKA , which DEFIANTLY is illegal. Chef then said, "Rocket propelled spaghetti cannon. Featuring my own special recipe: Chef Hatchet's special extra spicy spaghetti. Dinner is served...In your face!" Chef loaded a can in his bazooka, and he then shot an intern with a projectile of spaghetti, which made a burning noise, which must have hurt! Chef then said, "Heh, spicy. You got 20 minutes to run, hide, and say your prayers. Now move out!" He shot another spaghetti projectile at us, and we then ran, and I then ran into Scott, and he then said, "Where you goin', babycakes?" I then reached into my pocket and I pulled out what I thought was my pocket knife, but I took out a giant metal claw that attached to my right hand, and long, metal  claws grew from my left hand's fingertips, and Scott gulped, and I then whispered, turning my head to him and bearing my claws, "Let's see how many pieces I can cut you into." My claw then opened, and I then clasped my claw around his neck, the spikes getting closer and closer, but I then snapped back to normal, and the claws on my left hand retracted, and I put the claw in my pocket, and I then walked away, and I saw the flagpole, and I touched it, but Cameron, who was holding onto Lightning, bumped into it at the same time! Chef then said, "Cameron and Alison win immunity!" Lightning responded, "What? Then what do I win?" Chef responded, "Dinner." Chef then fired a spaghetti projectile at Lightning, and he then said, "Ah! My head! My beautiful head!"

Later, we were at the bonfire, Scott in a cast, and me sitting away from him, and Chef then said, "Elimination time, dorks! One of you is going home tonight, except for Cameron and Alison, who have immunity." I then tuned out what was going on, until I heard Chef say, "And the final vote goes to.....................Scott!" Scott responded , "What?! You gotta be kidding me!" Chef then threw the Toxic Marshmallow onto Scott's lap, burning his cast, and he was then put in the catapult, and I ran to him to watch him get catapulted, and I then said, "I am SO happy you're gone. Bye-bye." Scott responded, "There's just one more thing I want to do before I go..." Scott then cracked his casted hand, and he grabbed me by the waist and leaned in, and his mouth pressed against mine, and I then quietly, but unknowingly got out the claw from before, and metal claws grew out of the tips of my left hand, and I slashed his arm cast rest and made claw markings on his cast! I then looked at my arms, and I started laughing, and I then threw up black sludge and there was a child's shoe, teeth that weren't mine, and what looked like a femur bone! I then gasped and ran away into the forest, and my hands reverted back to normal, and the claw then decayed and came apart, the claw then melting into black acid-like sludge, that burned through the ground! I then walked into the scary forest, and I walked to the figure, and I then said, "He...showed affection, and...*gag* He was successful...But I think it's kicking in, so soon we can fully complete the process. " The figure whispered, "But I managed to see that he has been...removed. So now we only have three problems to remove. And I managed to put the scooper in a easy to transport box, so we can move it to a new location if needed. Other than that, we just have to make sure no one gets in our way. You should rest. We only have to bear two more days until we can get a place where no one can bother us." I responded, "Ok. I will try to communicate with you as soon as possible." I then waved bye, and I went into the washroom and I  brushed my teeth and I then got into my bed and tucked Enzo and me in, and I then fell asleep.

Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying the series so far, and I will try to make more chapters as soon as I can. Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy the series!

Keep being awesome!


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