Rohan x reader - Home

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(Your pov)

After finding that I need a peaceful place to live in, I moved into a new house in Morioh. It was certainly a quiet and peaceful atmosphere here.

I go out on my front porch, and made chocolate chip cookies for my Neighbor, who I have yet to seen.

I wear my pink dress, and styled my (h/c) hair today. I ring on the doorbell, and waited for my neighbor to open up.

I wonder how they're like? I thought to myself.

Just then, a tall man with green hair, and a weirdly unique fashion style, opened the door and glared at me.

"H-hi, I'm-" he interrupted me, and took the cookies. He eyed me up and down, and I was feeling self conscious. Almost as if I was being observed deeply.

"Come in.." he said, his face changed completely from menacing... to soft and kind. Maybe I was judging him too harshly. I thought, as I entered the home.

He had nice furniture, and his house was beautiful. He came in with some tea, and started talking about his manga, such as the new one he was working on. "You know, I've never seen you around here, you look very foreign y/n" he says, walking towards me.

"Uhm, thanks" I stutter to myself, thinking whether that is a compliment or not? I noticed he sat closer to the couch beside me, and came closer.

"Your Face..." Rohan breathes out. It's very unique... very drawable. I started getting creeped out, as I felt his large hands outlining my face, touching parts like my nose and my lips.

"Your lips, may I?" He approached closer and started kissing them, I couldn't help but blush. He kissed more deeply, and then sucked a bit. Is this how people in this town flirt??

"Mm, very soft, tastes like strawberry" he got out a sketchbook and started sketching what appears to be me.

He then stroked my hair, feeling the texture by rubbing it between 2 fingers, and nodded in satisfaction, humming along to his drawings.

"You know these are things that Manga artists should know, true artists are very keen and precise. Every. Detail. Matters".

He then comes closer to me, and stares into my eyes. I close my eyes tightly, and felt his tongue lick smearingly across my face. I couldn't help but let out a slight moan. His eyes opened widely, "you're perfect." He says, holding onto my shoulders.

I start getting nervous, "I apologize, I think I should l-leave. W-well it was nice meeting you!! Bye!!" I get up and next thing I heard was him yelling...


I fell unconscious. The world was turning black, and I closed my eyes.

Rohan's POV.

She was everything, not only interesting but she made me feel some type of way. I felt my heart beating faster, this is what protagonists need right, love!

I need to be with her, no matter what. I used my heaven's gate, and look into her details. She had an interesting past, moving from town to town, and having an ex boyfriend who seems to be a stand user. Josuke Higashikata, it seems. That name makes me feel uncomfortable.

I take my pen out and cross the name out, and add something new swiftly.

Must fall in love with Rohan.

I close the booklet, and see her fragile body, so cute. I gave a small kiss on her forehead, and woke her up.

Your POV

I woke up, feeling strange. "What happened to me, Rohan." I breathe out. I notice something weird happening. Rohan looked into my eyes, and for some reason, my heart was fluttering. I felt my cheeks getting red, and he gently moved my hair away from my face.

"It seems you fell and hit your head, are you sure you want to leave y/n? Maybe you should stay?" Rohan says, bringing me closer to him with a protective hug. He slowly strokes my hair and rubs my back.

"Maybe i should stay" I let out. What, what am i saying?? What's wrong with me.

Rohan helps me up, and puts me on the couch. "You know, I love you y/n..." Rohan says, slowly leaning in for a kiss. Why was my heart beating. Why can't I move.

"I love you too..."  I say, returning the kiss.


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