5 JOJO VILLAINS x reader - Share

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(Your POV)

You flutter your eyes open, and wake up on a red couch, grunting in pain from the minor headache you were feeling. As you looked around, your eyes widen when you finally noticed the 5 men staring at you.

It's them again...

You tremble slightly in nervousness, wondering why you were in here, and more importantly, what was going to happen to you.

Your thoughts stopped, as Kars cleared his throat.

"She has finally awoken" Kars says as he crosses his arms, while the men stare intimidatingly down on you.

Their eyes were glued onto you, as if you were a delicious prey, waiting to be eaten. You slightly gulp, and clenched more tightly on the blankets of the bed you were in.

"U-ugh... what is going on" you groan, feeling slightly weak as Funny Valentine climbs onto the bed and sits near you.

"You see y/n... we had to inject something into you to keep you calm, and prevent you from escaping... It seems that the drug I've made is working quite well" Valentine says, as he stares seductively into your eyes.

You scoff at the man and roll your eyes, as he slightly scrunches his eyebrows. He is then pulled back by Kira, whom looked a tad bit annoyed. Perhaps, even jealous.

"We have decided to all share you, y/n..." Dio yells out, as he eyes the other men in a form of agreement, hoping they don't notice his true intentions of how he plans to ultimately have you only to himself.

The other men look away, which made it obvious to you, that they were not going to actually do that. They wanted you for their own. And this was just a made up plan, to get the men to attempt to solve this peacefully.

You knew Dio despised sharing. He was furious of having to share his precious prey with the other men, but he just had to play along for now. He knew you will soon be captured in his hands, once he tricks these fools.

Dio snaps out of his thoughts, and once spoke again.

"So it has been decided that..." he climbs onto the bed and hovers over you, as he bends down and whispers darkly into your ears "whoever wins your heart, gets to be yours truly..." he says, with his breath slightly tickling your ears.

You felt a warm blush creeping onto your face, and you move your face away from Dio. Attempting to hide your reaction.

How cute. Dio thought, his eyes widening in amusement at your reaction.

Dio suddenly gets pushed off of you and slammed into the wall by Kars, who seemed annoyed by his selfish desires. Leaving a poor knocked out Dio, in the corner of the room...

You gulp as you stare at the other men, and you noticed Diavolo being suspiciously quiet. He seemed deep in his thoughts, while the other men were thirsting deeply for your affection.

A pair of hands gently roamed over your face, and caressed the side of your jawline, lifting your chin ever so slightly up. You follow the hands and saw that it belonged to Kars.

You flinch in response, and avert your eyes away as you felt your face quickly heating up.

The purple haired man noticed your little reaction, and smirked arrogantly to himself, holding confidence in gaining your attention.

"G-guys, I think this is too overwhelming!" You yelled out, leaving the 4 men to be unfazed about your comment. (Dio is still knocked out!)

"Love, what do you mean? You can just pick one of us, and voilà~ we will be with you..." Funny Valentine coos, motioning a hand to himself.

Diavolo suddenly spoke up, gathering the attention of all the men in the room. Even Dio! Who woke up and gained consciousness.

"I don't want to share... not with any of you filthy freaks!!" He yelled out in anger, receiving a bunch of annoyed grunts from the other men.

A knock suddenly interrupts the convo, and you finally get off the bed and dash towards the door.

A dark skinned man, with silver hair, bows in-front of you, while holding a tray of black tea. He charmingly brings your hand up to his face, and places a kiss onto your hands.

"Hello M'lady. May I introduce myself as Enrico Pucci. I have come here to serve these gentlemen tea, so if you'd like a glass. Ask, and I shall provide you one." He stated, as you nod in response.

He gave you a wink, as he passes by you, leaving you a bit confused.

He hands the tea to the bickering men, and you decided to just go sit on the bed and wait until the men stop arguing. Once Pucci was done, he left the room and shut the door at once, with a slightly evil smile on his face.

"y/n... I don't care anymore. I will make you mine right here, right now. Even if it's infront of these men." Dio commanded, as he continued to take another sip of the tea.

You jolt back, as Dio launches himself forward and pins you against the bed frame, ready to attack you with small kisses.

Dio smirks in satisfaction, and you knew he was going to go for your lips next!

You closed your eyes, embracing for the impact, but after a few seconds... you felt nothing but a heavy weight against the side of your neck.

You slowly open your eyes and see Dio knocked out on top of you. You pushed his heavy weight off, and stand up to see that the other men were knocked out too.

You walk towards the teacup on the ground, and pick it up, bringing it up to your nose as you take a sniff.

You noticed the smell, and remembered. Sleeping pills, huh?

You leave the men at once, and walked out of the room, internally thanking Pucci for this one.

"I owe you one, Pucci..." you whispered to yourself, thinking about the crazy moment you just went through, and how he saved you by drugging the tea.

Sighing to yourself, you escape the place, and go free. Finally, out of this weird place!



A/N: I'm back now!! I'll be writing some more and JUCIER THINGS NOW, as I finally have time! Also, I might write a Yandere/Dark Levi Ackerman x reader fanfic and will be updating that quickly, when I start it! Thanks for 100k reads, guys!!



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