Diavolo x reader- Dance with the Devil

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(Your POV)

You breathe in the deep scent of cologne, losing yourself to the tempting smell. As the party was filled with many people, you didn't a pink haired man was approaching you, he kneels slightly and reaches for a hand, to which you accept.

You both dance slowly, staring at each other. He offered you a sip of his wine, and you accepted it as you were thirsty. His dark eyes looked evil, but a small part of it was determined... determined that he, Diavolo, would steal the heart of the woman he was with. As the 2 dance together, the man breaks the silence.
"You look quite delicious today... y/n~".

As you were about to accept the kind compliment the man has given you, you stop for a second, confused about how he knew your name. "Who are you?" You question curiously, regaining yourself.

His eyes shine swiftly into yours, as he flashes a dark smile at your question. He takes a strand of your hair, and twirls it between his hands, stroking it teasingly.

"I'm your worst nightmare, darling..." he says seductively, snapping his fingers as all the lights went out.

You turn around, realizing everyone's gone, as it was just you and him.

"What's going on..?" You ask him quickly, waiting for a reasonable answer to which he stays amused, watching your fear rising slowly.

His heels click slowly, as he approaches your body, and runs a finger through your neck.

As he ran his finger, you felt a small cut piercing through your skin. "It's so delicate, it's as if it can break any second..." he says interested, as he continues to move along his finger.

His nails were sharp, and you could feel the warm liquid of blood slowly oozing out.

"Mmm... mind if I have a taste?" He asks, shocking you so much that you didn't realize he's been licking the blood off.

You try to get some words out, but he sees you struggling leaving an amused smile on his face.

"You're so cute when your scared, y/n... But let me answer your questions.
You know the story of Hades and Persephone? Where Hades was so infatuated with Persephone, he kidnapped her and forced her to stay in the underworld...?" He questions, his dark eyes staring deeply into your innocent ones.

You nod your head slowly, waiting to see where he was going with this. What's that have to do with this? You think to yourself, as he drinks a cup of red wine.

"Well you're my Persephone... and If you're smart enough, dear y/n, you would figure that I'm Hades..." he says sternly.

"H-hades? You're funny and all, but I would really appreciate it if you didn't involve me in this. I'm leaving." You say to the pink haired man hopelessly, as you head towards the door.

He chuckled deeply to himself quietly, as you noticed you couldn't open the door. "Hey! What's going on?" You spat out angrily, pissed that he was playing with you and wasting your time.

"It's rude to leave, when the party just started" the man says, grabbing a chair to sit on, as he was watching you. Mocking your attempts.

"What do you mean?" You started getting dizzy, and almost fell to the floor. Hey, did you do something to my drink? You asked him, as he just sipped his wine, and watched your body struggling to stand.

He walks towards you, and a red liquid was coming out of his mouth. "If you want to live, drink it, or die.." he says, leaning closer to you.

"What if I rather to the second option?" You hit back, as he sighs. "You're so adorable, but don't you know I'm the devil. Do you really wish to die that badly, and risk it for thinking it's a joke?" He questions, with an eyebrow raised.

You face the man, Diavolo. "Fine, whatever" you say. "Just let me out of here!" He leans towards you, and the two of you passionately kiss, as you felt the liquid going deep into your mouth. You wrap your arms around him, and he deepens the kiss, as you felt yourself getting more and more in love with him, but why?

Was this what the drink was doing? You pull back, realizing you were going a bit too far but at the same time you enjoyed it.. you wanted more.

You lean in closer to him, and he smiles darkly.
He caresses your lips, and stops to get a breathe.

"Already wanting more~ y/n? I knew you would be a good girl." He teases, as you felt yourself giving in. You couldn't help but nod. All of a sudden, you wanted this strange man, no.. devil... but why? What's happening.

"Now stay with me forever, in the underworld."



Author's note: In case you didn't get it. The drink he had, makes you fall in love with him. Hehe.

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