Rohan x reader - Cursed (dark)

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(Your POV)

You were heading towards art class, as it was the end of the day. You walk in and see eye to eye with a green haired man, with a unique fashion sense. You get to your seat, and face the front, waiting for class to start...

"Hello class, I will be your new teacher.. Mr. Rohan Kishibe... But please... dare to call me Rohan" he says. You could hear all the girls in the class screaming and fangirling about him, while you didn't really care much.

As the class started, you noticed every girl was obsessed with him and begging to ask questions such as if he's married, has a girlfriend, etc... he would just laugh and answer to them with a gentle smile.

But there was of course, you, who was too busy working on your art piece. You noticed he was glancing at you so every often, it made your stomach turn.

The cold stare he gave to you, was very indifferent to the one he gave to the girls. But his stare was almost as if he was quietly observing you. His charms got everyone, but seemed to shoot straight past you...

While you were drawing a piece, and... after a few times you caught him staring at you.

He walked towards you, and crossed his arms asking you a question. "Y/n, i'm going to need you to come to my house after school to ask questions about your piece! It seems phenomenal!" You nod your head, surprised he liked your drawing and continue to draw as his words were repeating through your mind.

As the bell rings, you pack your things up and go to his house with your piece. Good thing he gave you a note with his address, it seemed he lived pretty far.

You ring the door bell, and see him opening it with a soft smile.

"Y/n, please! Come in. Welcome" he says, as you just smiled and greeted the man.

You walked into the house, and he sat you down onto a couch.

You then freeze when you hear the door lock with a click, and him turning the lights off suddenly.

"R-rohan??! What's going on?" You say nervously, as he pushes you against the couch.

"You must be the art piece, because i'm more in love with you...." he runs his fingers over your face, inspecting your features and your beautiful eyes.

You close your eyes shut, as you hear him rip your painting and looking angry.

"But how...? How do you ignore me, while everyone else loves me. Those annoying girls are head over heels for me, but my charms seem to be useless on you... who are you truly y/n?..." your breathing stops, as you realized what he just said to you, and you avert your glaze away not knowing how to answer.

"I ASKED WHO ARE YOU...." he yells out suddenly, with more anger, causing you to stay more silent. He moves back away from you, and walks around with a sigh.

"You see... I have the ability to make anyone fall for me. I guess you can call it... a protagonist's luck. I've been struck with this power, and ever since... everyone's been in love with me, begging for me, fighting over me." He stops and looks at you.

"Yet, you... you were the first one to prove my power wrong. And for that, I'm indeed curious, and interested in you. It makes me want to know more about you. Having nobody ever feel like his towards me, it does make my heart flutter. Perhaps, I have to make the move on you." He grabs your hands and kisses you rapidly, as your breathes were fast.

He stops realizing his heart actually for once, has beaten faster. This new feeling to him, was shocking.

"Do you hear that...? Is this what love is?" He says happily.

You can hear him whisper into your ears, as you stay frozen. "Nobody's ever actually loved me y/n, it's all just my power of charm" you look down, feeling somewhat bad for the man.

He takes notice of your reaction, and places a finger on your lips. "If you feel bad, would you willingly be my cure...?" He questions, while you shake your head.

"Rohan, I apologize but as you said... I don't find myself loving you... Ever." You spat out fiercly, trying to move the man off you.

"Beautiful..! BEAUTIFUL!!" He yells out in excitement, as he was to full content.

"Do you understand how much those words mean to me?? How good it feels to hear them!!" He shouts out, tears of joy running down as you stare in shock at the crazy man.

Your body starts trembling, as Rohan takes out a white cloth and quickly puts it over your mouth. "Now you see.... I have to take you with me, as this is just the beginning of our love story. Now, we must make you truly fall in love with me for a interesting romance." He chuckles quietly.

You smelt chloroform, and his face goes dark. He smiles to himself, as you felt your world spinning, and everything going black.

You could feel his hands wrapping around you, and carrying you bridle style as he plays with your hair.

"I'll show you what true love is...."




A/N: This was definitely something 🤭🤭

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